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Everything posted by RedM

  1. Fair point. I guess the only way you are going to lose lettering on an O'Neills shirt is if you rip a hole in it as its printed directly onto the material, which in my opinion is what makes it look cheap/fake.
  2. Your idea about quality is different to mine. I think this is poor
  3. I'm not a brand snob at all, I will wear primark if I like it enough and it doesn't look cheap ?. But regarding football shirts I always go into the club shop at away grounds. I couldn't go into Swansea's shop due to security this time but one of the nicest shirts, training gear etc was theirs over the past few years. Looks nice, feels, nice and reasonably priced. Made by Joma. Is that a brand good enough to be snobby about, I don't know? I think O'Neills have the potential to get it right, it is their business afterall. I really feel though that their hands have been tied by the club, possibly under pressure to produce something as cheaply as possible and too many corners have been cut.
  4. They used Bristol South pool whilst they were here too, so at least had a swim ? Yes, Animal Magic was filmed here, loved Jonny Morris and Dotty the Lemur. Saw lots of Only Fools filmed here too. Once went into Broadwalk Shopping Centre in the middle of July and it was full of Xmas trees etc, Del and Rodney spent hours filming a scene going up and down on the escalators. Blink and you missed in the episode! A couple of times I've seen both the back and the front of my house on Casualty too. One time I walked around the corner into my road, Police tape everywhere, I thought it was a crime scene until I saw the lights and cameras! Trollied, the Supermarket comedy with Jason Watkins ( who has filmed so much here in Bristol) and Chantel Cresswell who I think is /was Flints current partner.
  5. Exactly this. The Atyeo was built and we had to go in there, no one liked it. I would guess most of us who experienced the 'proper' Eastend have drifted away to other stands. I find it a bit 'rose tinted glasses' that people are hankering back misty eyed to what the Atyeo was in their minds. The Atyeo was never the Eastend as far as I'm concerned, fully understand it's now the next generation or so.
  6. I agree. it looks and feels cheap, nothing like any of the kits we have had previously. We had embroidered badges, embossed sponsors logos, holographic bits sewn into the kit, etc. These kits are easy to copy by the Chinese knock off factories, as they look like chinese knock offs to start with!
  7. It's the best out of a bad bunch. Like people have said there is no consistancy across the shirts (except for the keepers). We have stripes, splat robin and now melons, and of course totally different training wear. Nothing ties it together which looks a mess. I did hear though that there was plenty of stock, so it must be very popular at least to have sold out so quickly.
  8. At least that was an option, not a jump straight to adult prices. But I guess at 18 you are classed as an adult for most things in life and are assumed to be working, even if a student you can work part time. But yes our pricing catagories have no bearing on away matches You think there would be some agreement across the clubs to make it more uniform. But it is swings and roundabouts, next time you might gain. ?
  9. Exactly this. His effort and attitude are exemplary. His delight when he scored and again when he came over the thank the fans after the game was worth the ticket price alone. He's one of our own, Sam Bell and long may it continue. He does seem to flourish with certain players around him though, Nakhi being one of them. For the record Micky was one of my most favourite players too, back in the day. How proud must he be.
  10. Currently sat in the services in the sun waiting for the Police escort.
  11. I noticed this too, and I think he had a right go at Wells too with a few explitives thrown in, he wasn't happy. I don't think it's lack of effort overall, we are just well short of quality. We miss the driving spark of Conway, and maybe the guidance of Weimann for example, but they are not available and we have to make do with what we have. We have experience out there but the experienced players are failing to impact and affect the game like they should be able to. James. King, Naismith, Cornick, Wells,O'leary etc have masses of games between them, so how is it that Yeboah and to a lesser extent Bell are the only ones who look like unlocking games like this. Oxford aside we are still in single figures for shots on target combined aren't we. Now that's a stat that concerns me. but I am also equally concerned that Pearson can't seem to get more out of this squad, his squad, too.
  12. Ah, thank you, I understand now. I guess an option would be to ask how many tickets the away club want, which i believe is done anyway. Then if the uptake is smaller, and let's face it we roughly can guess based on a few factors, then we can open part of the Atyeo on a game by game unrestricted basis. First come first served, no ticket swops, if you got a ticket for a more expensive part of the ground then tough. Trouble is it would only probably be possible for the 'unattractive' fixtures anyway
  13. Don't what? I don't understand what you are saying.
  14. From a financial point of view, who can afford to turn down money? If 3,000 away fans want to visit AG then we got to smile and grab their money. If we were selling out and turning our own fans away then it would be a different matter, so rarely does that happen. Until then take the money.
  15. A dodgy decision by the Ref has added a few decibels at times too. Nothing like a bit of injustice to get us going?
  16. Maybe the noise doesn't travel as well as you think it does. I was in the Lansdown yesterday, right on the half way line instead of my usual Dolman seat, didn't hear much at all from the singers
  17. What player songs have we actually got left, or have yesterday as an option? Let's go through them: Max O'Leary, only usually sang when he has done a great save etc, not sung. Regarding defenders, only Zak Vyner has a song, not sung. Other than that I guess it could have been ' Anis Mehmeti runs down the wing' or 'Sam Bell, one of our own' being the only options? Wells was a sub who has a song but as he took 20 mins to touch the ball that wasn't an option ? So who have I missed with a song? No Weimann, no Conway and the most sung song of them all, I give you Alex Scott.
  18. I believe it is classed as as sport. TV etc treat it as such, what is it then? I was merely pointing out that men and women can compete side by side in competitions and have equal chance at prize money and titles.
  19. I agree. It's fantastic that schoolgirls can get involved in a teamsport in the way boys have always been able to. Many, many years ago there was absolutely no scope for a girl to play football regularly. At school, all the afterschool clubs etc were for boys only. Anything that can get kids up doing physical exercise can only be a good thing, and if they can also be helped within that team to overcome issues with eating disorders etc and mental health issues then all the better. Yes people want to spend their time watching some sports, fair enough, but I also think some sports are better participation wise rather than spectator wise.
  20. I don't think the public are that interested either, but the media have jumped on the 'support our girls' bandwagon, I guess because they want to be seen as doing the same as they would for the men or that would be wrong too. It's also 'safer' for the media to do so too, it's more family friendly and doesn't have the hooligan element we have often seen blight the men's game. If they win today though we are never going to hear the end of it, if they achieve what the men have failed to do. Fair play if they do, but it won't affect my life, i still wouldn't be tempted to go to a match. During the men's euros/world cup people at work were swopping shifts in order to watch, I even offered today to work for anyone who wanted to watch and had no takers.
  21. Well if people want women to be paid the same for domestic football ( I don't) then how about the fans paying the same ticket price for a women's game as we do for the men's? There, that might shut a few people up
  22. I sat in the Lansdown yesterday (I'm usually in the Dolman) and it was a very obvious drain of fans leaving. Especially after the second goal, you could very visibly see the fans pouring out and the stadium emptying. I don't think the Lansdown's were in attendance, but some of the other directors etc certainly were, as were the 'big' heads of department employees. It must have been so noticeable for them, as well as Pearson and his players and staff. I said as it was happening that the players are going to get booed at the end, but there will be no one here to boo. To make it clear i cannot defend the team, the selection or the way we seem to have failed to do any preparation regarding Birmingham. Everyone leaving early left a clear message that this wasn't acceptable, and to be honest if i thought it would make one bit of difference to our season ahead I wish that i had got to my feet and walked too. And like many I have never felt the need to do that before.
  23. That's my belief too. It's a huge gamble whatever we do, but I really think we cannot afford to be playing catch up all season, which is my fear we we just cross our fingers. At least right now the window is open and we can in effect do something. Okay there are no guarantees we can bring in success, but I would we more upset if we didn't at least take the opportunity to try to.
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