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Everything posted by RedM

  1. RedM


    Women. Thought he left in controversial circumstances, or was that England women? I take no notice of the women’s game but vaguely recall this.
  2. RedM


    Which city? It’s not us.
  3. RedM


    Why do I get the feeling that people are building up for a fall
  4. RedM


    Amazing how different even similar companies can be, for the record in her case it was good old British Rail. She had been very conscious as an employee, worked through enormous pain rather than take time off when waiting for her op.
  5. RedM


    IF, and it’s a big IF that anything is going to be announced that is the most likely thing I am expecting. I cannot imagine our club sacking a manager that is away ill if he still is.* *As a side note my sister had a big stomach operation and was recovering in hospital when her company, a big national company, visited her at at her bedside made her redundant. That was over 20 yearsxago so I guess employment law might give some protection now, it was way harsh at the time though.
  6. What gets me is that we had, in most of those games, the opportunity to kill the game off before being punched in injury time. We can’t seem to see out games. I guess though there is hope that if one day we find ourselves 1-0 down and a man short before HT we got to believe we can go on and win the game too.
  7. And guess who scored, Super Matty Taylor!
  8. I think people were critical about the appointment of Holden not because of Holden himself but they felt it would be more a continuation of the LJ situation which had gone stale. I too thought we needed an experienced head to take us forward, but Pearson like his players doesn’t seem overly motivated to me. Maybe his hands are tied too tightly but something doesn’t seem right or comfortable to me. Unfortunately he has missed several games through illness which must be unhelpful and unsettling to both him and the team. Going forward the club needs to clarify if possible if this is likely to reoccur and do the best thing for him and the club. Football is a results driven business and has the harshness that attracts, we can’t carry any passengers unfortunately. And judging by the fans reactions yesterday they aren’t going to take much more either.
  9. It was a bit tongue in cheek, but sometimes they are a bit out of touch in the real world I think. They are prized possessions sold for their services and paid more in a week than my yearly salary. Maybe a bit of reality might focus them a bit.
  10. I would cut it back to basics for the players. No more away day hotel stays in the Radisson blu or other such hotels. They should leave early and travel to most games (under 200 miles) on the day. No more having their meals provided at the HPC, get them to bring their own sandwiches. No more flucking Sleep Pods either!
  11. Coventry weren't oozing with talent or quality but certainly better gelled as a team and worked hard for eachother. Their manager looked like he got more out of a bunch of average players than we did with our Internationals and relatively expensive players. Granted we had young players out there, but I guess so did Coventry.
  12. I can appreciate that, but surely he manages the coaches. He decides the game plan etc. The coaches have to drill the players ready for what the manager wants. Ultimately it the manager who gets the praise or the flack, so the buck stops with him and not his team
  13. For the number there we weren't that noisy on the whole, but there was not that much to insipre us. It only got really toxic after we let in their last goal which was pretty much the final whistle, thats when fans let rip
  14. I would say some came and clapped but looked sheepish, but many went straight down the tunnel without coming over. Weimann, Wells, Cod Bentley for sure came over. Weimann held up his hands to appologise. Backinson for example ran straight off.
  15. Just guessing, but I don't imagine Pearson to go easy on the training so it surprises me his team are lazy and unorganised. Is it the opposite, does he flog them in training and this is their response? I guess it also depends on how they can be motivated. money, pride or desire to forward their career. Many players it seems don't tick any of those boxes.
  16. It was inevitable, we were all just waiting for them to score again. They looked hungry and positive. We looked clueless, sloppy and lazy. Toxic at the end from a lot of unhappy fans of ALL ages venting their feelings. This performance was inexcusable.
  17. Last Monday morning, on my day off, I was awakened by 10 mins of fireworks in the distance but loud enough to disturb my sleep...at 5am!
  18. The law is very strict about the sale of fireworks and how they are stored etc, especially to not sell to underage people. Shops face a huge fine so it won’t be worth risking for them. I guess if adults are stupid enough to buy them for kids to chuck around that’s another thing, but the vast majority of outlets would surely sell responsibly
  19. A Managers job is hard enough physically and mentally for a fit healthy person, it will take a toll on anyone less than 100% If it is Covid, just from my experience it can totally wipe you out . I never felt anything like the sheer fatigue and pain I had, and I’ve given birth twice with very little pain relief! I had Covid just over a year ago and even now if I over do it a bit I feel drained and like I am about to get a bad cold or something. I recognise I need to rest and maybe Nigel does too, not that it’s always possible of course.
  20. RedM


    I think people need to be motivated to do well in their jobs once they have been there and done it before, and I’m including Pearson and players in this, what is the motivation? They are motivated by money, which shouldn’t be too much of an issue by now I would think? Pride, personal pride to do well or pride in the team. If they don’t see the need to prove themselves or be motivated to do so it’s not going to translate onto the pitch. A feel for the club. How many are here just because it’s a contract, nearing the end of their careers and no feeling for the club.
  21. I haven’t watched it, but could he be meaning young not by age but by the fact they haven’t been together long, some of them? No excuse tho, they still sometimes look like they don’t know eachother at all.
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