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Everything posted by RedM

  1. But he *must* be good as we signed him from Chelsea. Fans took to him and instantly gave him a song, he can do no wrong. But yes look a bit deeper and he really hasn’t clicked here, under several managers now. Wasn’t he patchy during his loan at Swansea too, not holding down a place there either? He isn’t the sole reason we aren’t performing but I do believe your subs should be game changing, make an impression, or impact as they say in rugby. He only occasionally does that. Massive improvement needed.
  2. I had actually written my reply above before I read this. Uncanny or are you just predictable?
  3. How can you possibly say that. Time and time again people have posted information, yes information not rumour that went on to be proven fact. I expect also that many people out of respect for their sources don’t post everything they hear, I certainly don’t. But then again I don’t expect you to take what I say as fact, after all I don’t publish it on the OS.
  4. Yes it’s really a strange one. Couldn’t fault the effort and yes Baker I thought generally had a good game overall. I don’t meant this unfairly but I heard regarding injuries he has some kind of mental block in the past. Often he would take a knock and in his head he would immediately believe he couldn’t continue. This seems to have improved since to resigned for us as he seems to be completing more matches now. Just a hunch but maybe he had another mental block and made that rash challenge as the pressure of the lack of a home win got to him? I can’t really explain what I mean but some players cope with pressure better than others. I’m not saying he should have been subbed, far from it, but the subs we did make didn’t appear to take the pressure off our mentally or physically tiring players. We have no impact subs, to quote rugby.
  5. I’m surprised he hasn’t been able to get more out of the players, or is that really all some of them can give? Shoots of green seeing the youngsters come through and Massengo pre injury played better under him than previously. At any other club the manager will be under pressure, but that’s not our way rightly or wrongly.
  6. I think the answer to our striking problems is a player we don’t have. A Diedhiou type player would have given the defence some protection and given them something to worry about. We don’t have too many players who give the opposition any concern. It’s too easy to come here and dominate. That has to be addressed.
  7. I must have lowered my expectations, I didn't think we have been *that* bad.
  8. I am trying to change our luck. I always try to put a photo on the match day thread from away games, and we have done pretty well away. So today have a photo on me and see if that does the trick! ?
  9. For past two games he has been doing fitness test type warm up with one of the physios away from the rest of the squad, so I guess so. Lots of running and quite intense so he can't be that bad. Not that I'm a physio mind you!
  10. RedM


    I agree. If you can’t outplay the opposition then don’t make it easy for them. Bournemouth won’t have an easier game than yesterday and that is embarrassing on our part, and unacceptable. Will be interesting to see who is picked on a Tuesday. I am expecting CoD to keep his place on the pure fact that we have nobody else. Either that or he will be suffering from that knock he took and ruled out.
  11. RedM


    At the time I assumed he didn’t recover from the knock he had before HT. As you said we wasted a sub. O’Dowda is passionate about the club, I’ve sat near him when he has been in with the fans at away matches. But he can’t seem to channel that drive on the pitch, he either hasn’t got the talent or the desire. He at 26 is a senior pro, but still seems like one of the youngsters who needs better players around him to help him. He should be one of the ones our less experienced players learn from.
  12. Yes he did. Walked straight off after treatment down the tunnel. 75 mins on the clock, so we played 18 minutes with 10 men, and probably not our worse spell in the match either.
  13. I agree. It’s almost like we were beaten from the start, we really never looked up for it. That surprised me as we have tended to raise our game against bigger/better opposition. Lots of comments from people around me saying they were bored too, very little to cheer about today. But as you say parachute payments are a huge factor. Add into this on the whole stable and decent management over the past few years and an owner not worried about financial penalties if he bends the rules and no wonder we are finding it difficult to compete. The playing field isn’t level.
  14. I mins applause on 7th min for him as battling hodgekins lymphoma (?) Downsey just said
  15. I can’t. Told in confidence. Not the two mentioned above though.
  16. Or who has Covid, hoping what I’m hearing is wrong.
  17. Proof that money can’t buy taste. But I guess if he likes it that’s okay by me, he should be able to wear whatever makes him happy.
  18. Don’t like. Dont like the green badge. Don’t like the white Mansion Bet. Don’t like the pin stripes. Is it me or is purple and lime a bit overdone now?
  19. Who, the Manager or the Ref? I’ve read the post @phantom provided and neither of them come out blameless, but neither warrants being sacked. Just my opinion though.
  20. We were top pretty much all season and ultimately camecaway with nothing, title wise. I think the plan must be this year to fly under the radar and nick a playoff spot at the last moment and win the bloody Premiership. ? We certainly looked weaker by losing Max, Ben and Siale. But it must have been a huge blow mentally for the players to lose Semi a couple of weeks ago, they must be looking at eachother and wondering what is possible. Don’t underestimate the late loss of Luatua last evening either, he is vital.
  21. Make me laugh, but the poor bloke(?), at least they can find humour in this too. Sympathy bids maybe?
  22. I thought he had a good game and was guiding the youngsters at times, but as he is now a senior pro I guess he should be. Lots of passion from him at the final whistle, nice to see him enjoying the win like we did.
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