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Everything posted by WhistleHappy

  1. And 300 of them are only going cos they overheard someone mention that Gary Johnson was planning on showing his arse in a Burton shop window... Weirdo's!
  2. ....more likely to be another Mr Blobby type.
  3. He has... them tents can get very warm sometimes...
  4. With all his recent problems and a sacking looking imminent I'm surprised Jose M hasn't spotted an opportunity at The Mem yet. It's surely just a matter of time before the miserable sod puts his hat in the ring to join all the other miserable sods in Horfield. Wages shouldn't be a problem for the mega rich Wally, he has to stump up the readies soon, if he doesn't stand up and erm, 'make a stand' it'll be tine to pack up the tent pegs and ride off into the sunset on a camel...leaving a mess resembling a post Glastonbury Festival camp site behind him... Expect Jose M to sign soon and take Bristol Rovers up where they belong, a huge club with massive potential. All they lack right now is a 'special' one to take 'em there.
  5. Spot The Darrell competition... Beginning of the End? .... Darrell Clarke and the Stadium of Doom Opening of the Darkside … the final meltdown. #NTTDS
  6. Anyone else reminded of the Indiana Jones N a z i face melt scene by the above picture? What Happens Next??? Does a complete melt down await Darrell and the Gas? #darrellclarkeandthememofdoom
  7. Imagine what it must feel like to get official confirmation that your local council can't even stand you!
  8. Psychiatric departments in the Bristol area have been inundated with Gasheads lately seeking help for stress related issues.... feelings of inadequacy was widespread. In each case the diagnosis was the same, they were two tents.
  9. ….every chance of hearing "Let Us Pray'' (if they have ANY sense at all) though.
  10. …..if their selling up, sold as seen, - let buyer be Ware. (soz, couldn't resist)
  11. What about their new porn bar? Is that licensed?
  12. Very retro …… home from home for THEM !
  13. So who pays the hosting clubs policing bill then? imagine how much that would cost for Gas away games, as well as police and stewarding the costs of standby emergency vets when the horse punchers are in town must be horrendous.
  14. Was INTENTional, forgot to capitalise ... Well spotted Pillred
  15. Only if they are lucky enough to find a vacant porta-loo !
  16. These things take time, no doubt they'll get around to canvas public opinion eventually... They must be feeling sick at this news ironic really that they don't even have a vomitory to barf into.. (sorry @Dollymarie, )
  17. ….whatever liasing went on, it clearly wasn't in-tent's enough! (hard to imagine two lesser competent organisations than B C Council and BRFC -bring the two of 'em together and hey presto the perfect recipe for disaster!)
  18. ** in that case it sounds perfect for the Gas, they only need something vaguely sporting, and a 00.1% share of the plot would be ample big enough for they're purposes. The lack of braincells they'd bring to the area may be a problem though, UWE wouldn't want the general level of IQ in and around their academy to fall too far as it might affect their own ambitions of developing an academic status of super campus proportions.. Other than that, it'll be just the job for the needs of the Gas.
  19. They say if you wanna get ahead get a hat... The Gas could certainly do with some Ed Ware before they plunge into obscurity.
  20. Like ... Clough & Taylor … Cannon & Ball .. Abbott & Costello .. Laurel & Hardy .. Chuckle & Chuckle .. Eric & Ernie .. Lennon/McCartney .. Simon/Garfunkel .. Egg & Chips .. Marks & Spencer .. Ashton, Gardner & Dyke … Anthony & Tony Rougier .. Emerson, Lake & Palmer .. and of course among many others, the ultimate, great, unforgettable partnership that was Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick & Titch. Can't beat the magic of a great partnership... ?
  21. I'm sure that even if James Dyson considered the prospect for ten seconds he would concede that the task of cleaning up the mess that is BRFC would be beyond his considerable capabilities and expertise. They need dyno-rod not a ******* vacuum cleaner.
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