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Everything posted by WhistleHappy

  1. You are right mate, its an early kickoff at 2pm, so its gonna be closer than some people think kick-offs only two hours away now!
  2. Initially thought this was an over the top nonsence suggestion, but had a look at wiki and think you may well be correct. Their record away attendance was this years away game at a little non-league outfit just up the road from us at about five and a half thousand... COYR's ...today we are officially a big club... ..... 5 - 1 ...expect class and fitness will show through after a plucky enthusiastic start from the visitors.... So 5 - 1 is a respectful prediction ...have a good day Telford but not surprises eh? .
  3. Any Reds there tonight... GET YER COD LOTS 'ere - http://www.thomsonlocal.com/Fish-Chip-Shops/in/Peterborough/
  4. Don't think you'll be the only Elliott watch-er to have clocked that, lots of us will 'second' that, let's not get too wound-up, it won't tock too long before he's back, thank God he's one of h-ours. We'll be ticking along nicely again in no time. Hope we welcome him back with a big hand when he's next available for a 90minute stint at the Gate.
  5. Its Black Friday ......... should we wear the old BLACK KIT tonight? ....... We're away, on TV, so not too many travelling City Purple & Limers in the crowd, (& whispers... the unbeaten run is no more) & there's a fair bit of white in the Posh kit.
  6. That really doesn't look much like a 'tunnel of love' does it? .... :laugh:
  7. After the huge experiences,successes & achievements of his father Terry if Mini-Cooper isn't thoroughly embarrassed at his own celebrations after beating a ten man league one team at home, not to mention his prancing players then something is seriously flawed in Swindons collective mentality. OK take a breath, shake head and sigh, phew ... we have so much more class than that lot! (do their chippies sell Cod Lots btw? )
  8. You're the one who predicted we'd concede when we were under the cosh.. You're the one who conceded defeat of our unbeaten run with quarter of a hour left.. You might have been right, we might've been thinking alike .. You're the bore who voiced it .. You bore off!
  9. Christ you're a bundle of joy.... Bet you're over the moon you previous post that we'll concede has come to pass.
  10. Maybe cos its been all Swindon for a while... Sound excited by our heroic defending too. Oh bollocks... Spoke too soon... Right come on you reds - let's see how we are at coming from behind - we ain't used to this scenario.. COYR's !
  11. oh no they wont oh yes we do oh yes we would oh no it isnt oh no we dont oh no theyre not OH YES IT HAS!!!
  12. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kZTBDnj0Cgc Regroup at halftime.. Calm it down and come out second half to win this one.. Swindon's magic roundabout mob are preparing to concede defeat already - according to this news item just in..
  13. F ..... uck me, Panto seasons started early this year... Oh no its not..
  14. Speechless, wtf is going on today? Welcome to the sleepy West Country from hustling bustling London , we hope you enjoy your stay Todd!
  15. Some people have strange HABIT'S why anyone would write 'draw' over their wotnot is beyond me but a NUN ? ... hmm, heard it all now.
  16. ... That's it... I'm fed up with my life... I'm off to buy a lottery ticket! ... (I'm not at all envious, honest )
  17. ...yeah, beware of the Magic Roundabout Crew if they show up, don't mess with Florence, Dougal or their main man Zebedee. (best way to deal with them is to call - Time For Bed ... Worth a try, might work good luck! ) 3 - 1 to the City! - COYPL's !
  18. ...don't forget to buy supper on the way home, if you don't fancy a Cot Lot, get yourself some fried chicken from a nearby KGB. Have a good day m8, hope 'player' behaves for you.. (
  19. Just a guess, but managers probably don't like it too much when their players go to the winning opposition and ask for autographs... ...what?, ...... what? ...... Well it is possible innit? .. (PS: if anyone knows what LJ was really vexed about - I like littered would be interested to hear too )
  20. Its, not been mentioned but after his Oldham team put up a good show against us and lost an impressive unbeaten run today, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lee Johnson hasn't been KNOCKED SIDEWAYS at the Gate this afternoon!
  21. Used to have a link to Happy Days Are Here Again on my signature.. its gone now and so's my PC, now using tablet. But good old tune & very apt for us this season!
  22. so does that bleed in' hedgehog of yours by the sounds of it.. Why's he worried about going on the radio with an odd snort 'n snuffle - Cotts ain't bovvered!
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