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Everything posted by WhistleHappy

  1. Should be down there, damned hangover... We need some serious Points & HUMS now ffs.... 2-1 .. 2-2 .. 3-2 .... Ohh COYRS.... You naughty naughty boys!
  2. Blimey football ain't THAT EXCITING is it?..... Or are you still thinking about Havana's stamp collecting days?
  3. The providers are all very clever in the use of one in particular magical advertised phrase - UP TO! Yeah we know what they're ... up to ...alright - bleeding liars!
  4. So 0-0 then & a clean sheet which many people seemed to think was the one thing that wouldn't happen tonight... (Shame we had a goal ruled out though despite Orient deserving of their point - source? OTIB match day thread...) .... Points better than nothing, decent haul so far even if performances possibly haven't merited the tally so far. COYRs things can only get better.
  5. Blimey Dean Windlass just turned up.... Looks even more like a sperm-whale than ever now.. fat git.
  6. Yep, you're right.... Its all about giant squid now and bio luminescence.. Just as we predicted.
  7. Sod getting the radio, I'm watching an interesting program about dragon fly vision.... Quite incredible, and it appears more exciting than tonights game unfortunately..... COYRs give the match going supporters something to cheer!!! Anyway back to this nature program on telly, all about light.. Amazing
  8. Just got back in myself too, same impression as you m8, was gonna dig radio out from other room but don't feel like bothering now tbh. I'll have me cuppa tea first and maybe try to catch the last ten mins or so on radio. Meantime watch bit of shite on telly and keep an eye on OTIB. Come On You F'ing Reds!!!
  9. Pretty good Saturday, marred a bit though when BBC Final Score suggested Pulis for Manager of the Year just now... still COYR's ... hang on to those points!!
  10. ..not worth a thread of its own so I'll tag it on here.. Bloody Coventry come back from 2-nil down against Port Vale with two late goals & salvage a 2-2 draw, a point that see's them leapfrog us to claim 15th spot in the table..... bugger!
  11. ...& who's faults that? maybe you should use first class stamps on yer Valentines cards in future!
  12. Oh fiddlesticks what must you lot fink ov I ? ... fought>> ffs, what a donut, I fault I wrote thought. Should have thunked or finked about it before posting.
  13. Fair play, cant fought the effort vast recent improvement, sounded like the players wanted it as much as the fans! deserved the win second half - hard luck, but at least we we're up for it.. You Reds!!
  14. ...sounds like a frantic cup game! ... come on 5mins to get them points!!
  15. ...not sure if I'm pleased I was running late today or not, certainly wont miss the bus ride home though.
  16. While in a card dishing mood, Im sure a birthday card (and present/gift of a goal) would be appeciated by Sammy please Mr Potboiler!!
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