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Roger Red Hat

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Posts posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. 24 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    So, big question for businesses:

    - do I carry on in a very difficult economy and have a loan to try to service afterwards in a difficult economy (vicious circle!!), making profit margins smaller 

    - bail out now

    This will be a huge decision, and terms of loan not yet known, but ‘attractive’ rates.  It’s a step in the right direction, £330bn sounds great....but it ain’t free money to keep the economy going.

    Thats my knee jerk reaction. 

    Happy to be educated.

    Hi Dave, I'd suggest following Richard Murphy's twitter or blog. He's currently tweeting about Sunak's useless announcements. Educational and informative.


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  2. 3 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    I can see the Tories (reluctantly) having to adopt some of the fiscal policies championed by Labour and the Greens.

    A period of time with a universal basic income? A suspension of repayments or even temporary nationalisation of some services.

    All of which will cost money, but even Boris must realise that the sick can't pay for housing, bills and food on SSP.


  3. 1 hour ago, BTRFTG said:

    If, as it appears, many of those infected are asymptomatic what's the point in testing? You'd otherwise end up constantly testing the whole of the population to see as and when they became infected or reinfected. No point in that. 

    They're testing those in hospital or at high risk who may have related symptoms, likely been exposed or might become super spreaders and that's about it, because that's a sensible approach.


  4. 2 hours ago, Southend Blue said:

    Game's been called off, probably just as well as we'd only see another defeat they've already beaten us once this season.   Some have booked tickets with Great Western to have made the trip over there but are hoping for reimbursement.     Not sure if Coronavirus if a viable reason to offer a refund right now but hopefully given the circumstances and growing concern of subject matter those who have paid will be entitled to refunds.

    Wouldn't have gone personally it's hardly a short journey and besides watching Town at the moment is hardly an enjoyable experience.    I wonder to what extent the remaining games will be effected not just here but in Europe and possibly Euro 2020, will they be cancelled ?    All hypothetical but the virus thing seems to be getting out of hand and sport's being disrupted to such extent you wonder what potential impact it will have on the months ahead.  

    Hopefully you didn't miss the sarcasm in my post.

  5. 1 hour ago, City oz said:

      I do take the virus seriously but please roger head hat your story is better than a story on play school 50 years ago. What credible info is there that 70 flights from a quarantined area of Italy landed in the uk and the passengers were not screened. If you have this info please share it for clarification. 

    I suggest you remove your head from your bottom.


    I also suggest you research the results of the tory imposed austerity on the UK population, particularly Duncan Smiths pet policy of UC. The information is widely available and confirms that the tories are a callous bunch of bastards.

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  6. 20 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    So Henbury was the only 'witness' to a serious assault at Ashton Gate where a venerable supporter was attacked, but recovered well enough to become a gashead, and now he himself is the victim of a brutal assault where the perpetrator is in fact a SOUTH BRISTOL teacher working with venerable young people.

    Coincidence, theme, pattern....?

    1. accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
      "a venerable statesman"


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