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Posts posted by Leveller

  1. 3 hours ago, Baba Yaga said:

    I think travelling from North to South quite a few times a year would be a real pain, you can imagine the whole route being slow single track roads/country lanes, scenery of only green hills and sheep for hours at a time, pissing down with rain 6 days a week, getting lost and taking wrong turnings amongst places that have stupid names with lots of l's, taking several hours to make an 100 mile journey where the home team has a handful of supporters. You can definitely see why they prefer to play in England.

    I can see you know Mid Wales really well! I did that drive recently and the one thing that struck me was that the cliche about omnipresent sheep was well founded in reality.

  2. 8 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

    I might have the season wrong. It could have been the season before or the one after. That manager, and I use the word loosely, had these very long periods of minimal points gathering almost every season.


    Yeah, don’t let any actual facts intrude on your irrational hatred.

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, robinforlife2 said:

    A part of me would like to see Steve Lansdown step up and buy Yeovil. The same part of me which would like to see him sell us to someone with ambition. 

    Perhaps its time for Johnny Depp to step in and save his local team!

  4. 1 hour ago, robinforlife2 said:

    It's all well and good, but had they come over and bought us, pumped loads into the community and got us to the Premier League, we would be lapping it up big time, and if you say you wouldn't have, they I think you and I both know you're lying. Fair play to them I say. 

    This. They haven’t tried to buy a glamour club, they’ve revived a good traditional club in a rather depressed city, and revitalised the whole area in the process. I accept it’s hard on Notts County etc, but frankly every league has richer and poorer clubs, which is something that will never change.

    I think it’s a positive story all round.

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  5. 21 hours ago, Percy Pig said:

    Sharples is a really funny bloke who has used a really random platform for good. 

    FM has saved me from many moments of utter desperation over the years, I'm in my 30's and have achieved a near lifelong ambition of working on the game as well as commiting many hours to playing it. 

    People will mock the game and that's fair, gaming is a phenomenon many of an older generation can't resonate with, but for me it's been a source of escape when the black dog finds its way back to my shoulder. 

    I think there are a lot of young men who have utilised the escapism of the FM universe. 


    A black dog on your shoulder? Try a parrot.

    Seriously though, I’m finding this an intriguing read as I’ve never played a football computer game in my life. Amazed how much people invest in it. And I’d never seen the word regen before!

  6. 16 hours ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

    No apologies needed, it was not aimed at you, but the way these threads always seem to develop

    Just because we discuss whether letting a player go was the right decision, it doesn’t mean the club is being attacked.

    Personally I would have kept Towler and let Burns go, but that’s only based on limited views of both. Clearly the club coaches see much more.

  7. 2 hours ago, Percy Pig said:

    This will be framed by many as a bad thing, a mistake etc. But to me this is good news. 

    We've taken a smaller fee with a substantial sell on for a player who, imo, would never have realised his potential here at this level. If he continues to progress, puts together a significantly good season for Pompey next year then we will be in line for a significantly bigger fee than we otherwise might have got.

    Sometimes a change in environment and a bit of adversity is the making of a player/person. He'll have built so much resilience through the move/rejection here. Now he can play with a chip on his shoulder, determined to prove his worth. It did Tom Brady well after all. 


    Good for him. Hope he does it. 

    But if he had stayed, he would clearly be a good selection for us right now.

    And I see Wes Burns is in the same list of players  of increased value.

  8. 5 hours ago, robinforlife2 said:

    He's like the Neil Warnock of the forum. You feel a certain urge to have a dig at the Rovers Bus Driver, but deep down, he is a character who many actually like and enjoy reading his comments. 

    Robbored is not all bad but simply posts too much, often with nothing to say beyond Stating the Bleeding Obvious  as if it was the wisdom of the ancients.

    By the way, is it meant to be Robbo Red or Rob Bored? I’ve never been sure.

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    • Haha 3
  9. On 18/04/2023 at 11:02, 1960maaan said:

    I use Wallet, because I've had to with Gig tickets and shows, Trainline keep my tickets and Rail Cards. I've had to download "Dice" as I'm going to a Damned signing at Rough Trade. Just what I want, another place for tickets on my Phone :disapointed2se:

    My phone locked it's self a while back, I lost everything since the previous back up. That's another reason I'f prefer a "real" ticket.

    I’m 67 and have used an iPhone for years. I can and do use Apple wallet occasionally, but still always carry cash and real plastic cards.

    Like you it’s not a question of competence with technology - it’s distrust of the technology and the possibility of running out of charge. Ironically it’s surfing football sites for too long that is one reason my battery runs down. I never rely solely on my phone for  - eg - train tickets, in case my phone dies.

    • Like 6
  10. On 21/04/2023 at 22:00, southvillekiddy said:

    Okay, maybe you are right but that miss has become one of the biggest if not the biggest horse chestnut trotted out by some City fans who seem to be not very bright about football. There are many, many very talented footballers who have missed even easier sitters than that one.

    Has Lee's miss been truly massively significant in the history of our Club? Some seem to think so because they keep on repeatedly telling us about it. 

    I say again did you see Miller's brilliant headed goal from a corner at Grimsby Town that meant we had won 10 on the trot and went top of the League. I'd say that was something about a hundred times more worth remembering.

    Horse chestnut?


    Sorry. But you mean “old chestnut”.  Which is a cliched joke or story. I had to look up its origins. Apparently in a nineteenth century play one chap keeps retelling the same old joke, which involves a cork tree. Another character says that the joke always used to be about a chestnut tree. Hence “that old chestnut.”

    Yes, I do have a lot of spare time today!

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    Why do suppose that proper managers don’t throw players under the bus?

    Firstly it can be seen as an attempt to deflect the blame from the manager in question. Secondly it humiliates and embarrasses said players and  can have a negative effect on future performances.

    If a player deserves a bollocking then it’s done in the dressing room or the managers office - not in public.

    So what exactly was NP doing when he publicly identified a couple of his substitutes as having failed to perform yesterday?? They're clearly identifiable even if he doesn't use their names, so he's bollocking them in public.

    And your recent snide references to Lee Johnson are pretty ironic as you were largely supportive of him before he was sacked. You just love a bandwagon.

    • Like 2
  12. 20 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    You’ve misunderstood Dave - Nige is way too experienced and professional to throw any player under the bus. He’s been in the football industry all his adult life, was a decent CB and captain in his playing days.Therefore he understands the mindset of professional footballers and that’s reflected in his management style.

    Tbf - I can only think of one former City manager who threw players under the bus - certainly an attempt to deflect his own inadequacies………….:disapointed2se:


    You, and others, are being hypocritical on this issue. It doesn't matter to me whether or not you approve of managers criticising players in public, but at least be consistent. Other managers are being scorned for scapegoating players or "throwing them under the bus" but apparently Saint Nige is immune from criticism.

    Personally I don't mind if managers are frank about players in public, but please at least judge them all by the same standards and refrain from this playground favouritism.

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