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Everything posted by Leveller

  1. Whenever I try that, Norton comes up with "Malicious redirection 63". Appears dodgy.
  2. Many accounts of “general rock n roll behaviour” involve teenage groupies though. Most, even.
  3. Personally, I would just like our red to be more red - ie scarlet rather than crimson, if I’ve got my names right.
  4. I’ve found the village he lives in, I think. About ten miles from me. Shall I pop over and offer him a lift to Ashton Gate?
  5. Doing a bit of Googling, I’ve found various references to Rabbit being a Somerset based musician. Don’t know where, but he could be an actual celebrity fan, despite being born in Texas. Played with Free, Bob Marley and many others.
  6. The whole collecting bug is odd really. I mean, if they just published a book with the photos of all the World Cup players already in it, how many people would buy it? Or pay more than a tenner?
  7. Huddersfield feel similar to us - like to attack, can’t defend. 2-2 or 3-3 then!
  8. I expect this is heresy, but they could do with selling their ground for housing and building a new one like the rugby club.
  9. They seem to have settled a bit after the early defeats - actually a similar trajectory to City’s.
  10. Come on. I doubt there’s anybody out there who supports boxing but wants to prevent heading in football. There’s been a campaign against boxing for a long time. The risks in rugby and football have been recognised more recently. Fans don’t want these sports to change radically, but the conundrum is that we - well most of us- now realise that the players are sometimes suffering life shortening cumulative injuries. It’s not an easy subject.
  11. I'd be interested to know what other peole's stats are like, as I've never compared with anyone else. My "guess distribution" is:- 1 - 0 2 - 3 3 - 60 4 - 84 5 - 41 6 - 7 Fails - 4 That's over 199 attempts.
  12. Cheaper than a mens non league game (eg £12 at Taunton in National League South).
  13. Leveller


    Living in mid Somerset, I can rarely get the City commentary on FM (Radio Somerset tend to default to Yeovil) or DAB, as my DAB radio won’t pick up Radio Bristol. However, Freeview TV is a good fallback - I assume the radio stations it picks up depends on your TV mast, and we’re aimed at Wells/Mendip.
  14. Quite a few predicting a draw and a handful an away win. They have a similar record to ours, so some optimism is unsurprising.
  15. Apart from the stadium/support side, I suppose the teams have similar potential and of course Stoke’s owners are loaded and genuine local supporters. And if home life is important that is a lot better than a long distance commute.
  16. If football utterly dominates your life, you probably have a problem. I have a season ticket, live about 40 miles from AG and attend most home games. However, I have a wife who doesn't like football and I actually get on with her, so sometimes bow to her other priorities! She loses me for many hours for home games and I don't think I'd get away with doubling that to go to away games. Also I have other commitments despite being retired. As an amdram type, it's difficult to argue that you can miss a performance after months of rehearsal because you need to be at a match!
  17. Sky Sports now tweeting that Alex Neil has been given permission to speak to Stoke. His Sunderland press conference this morning was postponed as he was "in a meeting".
  18. Various Stoke fans saying Alex Neil and Chris Wilder are on the shortlist and have actually been interviewed.
  19. And his mirror image, Ivan Sproule. Blaze down the right wing like Billy Whizz … and end up in the crowd with the ball.
  20. Nowhere near Tinnion as a player overall, surely?
  21. I can’t get it online. In Somerset, channel 719 on Freeview tv works.
  22. Down here on the Levels, surrounded by rhynes, willows and herons, I can rarely get Radio Bristol commentary on the DAB/FM radio (Radio Somerset defaults to Yeovil Town), but I can get it on Freeview TV.
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