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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. Or as my cut-price Italy purchased knock-off tape titled it: "Fesh" Fruit for Rotting Vegetables. I liked it a lot until somebody pointed out that, with the exception of California Uber Alles all the tracks sounded absolutely identical. The next time I listened to it I had to agree that he was spot on; which spoilt it somewhat.
  2. And dealing with a lot of vegetables. Brexit (Bristol Rovers Exit) day on Friday for the Al Qs anyway.
  3. Gas guzzler is the forum for the clever gashead and I find it worth a read. Gaschat however is a bit, um, monobrow.
  4. There are. However, and without wishing to divert the thread, if that was the primary legal basis then Nick Higgs' "watertight" contract to sell the Memorial Ground to Sainsbury's would have gone through. It didn't because contracts are usually determined in law by their written terms.
  5. It's often a percentage rather than a straight win / lose. I haven't studied it but from the information provided in this thread my guess would be that the contract is deemed to have been 80% complete at the time of his death with no reason to think it wouldn't proceed. So that would give Nantes £12m rather than £15m and make it worth Cardiff challenging. I don't see a moral dimension here with Nantes vs Cardiff as long as Sala's family don't lose out by it. If I was buying a house, price agreed, deposit paid, both parties happy, and it fell down the night before I was due to exchange then I wouldn't exchange. Contracts are not binding until they actually come into effect.
  6. Indeed. It is a contract, it has gone wrong, it goes to court. I don't see why Nantes gets a free pass here whilst Cardiff is the recipient of the mud slinging. For all the claims that he was Cardiff's player he wasn't until all the contract conditions precedent (as noted above by @29AR) had been met. If Emad Moteb, subsequent to his being photographed in the ground wearing a City shirt on "signing", had died in an accident on his way back to Egypt should we have paid out? For the younger posters he didn't become our player because he played in a game in Egypt that he had been told not to play so the contract was ripped up.
  7. That should have been taken out by the indiviudal footballer rather than the club as it doesn't benefit the club. Or short answer: I don't know, not my line!
  8. They didn't used to do so because the likelihood of being out with injury was so high that the premium was sent high accordingly; so clubs "self insure" meaning they don't insure. I'm not aware of that having changed. Way back I was working for a company that amongst other things insured against pop concerts not happening. The offered premium for Guns and Roses, owing to Axl Rose being such a spoilt brat he kept throwing gigs, was one third of the ticket sales equating to missing one concert in three. As that was typical.
  9. It's charged against the ground so the choice to the new buyer would be to take on the club with a ground and debt or to just buy the club and rent the ground until the Al Qs decide to sell it. It seems unlikely that someone would be buying now tbh, people want to acquire clubs at the absolute lowest value so string out the negotiations until the club is in, or is about to go into, administration and then buy it cheaply. The rationale fed to the fans for this brinkmanship is usually the less money they put into the purchase the more money there is to invest into the club. There doesn't tend to be much correlation between the two however.
  10. Swindon signs up all the ex cons; he'll be training with them soon.
  11. So BREXIT (Bristol Rovers EXIT) is actually going to happen on March 29th after all? Somebody tell Theresa before she resigns!
  12. I was wondering upthread what had happened to their AGM and it seems I'm not alone as it was March 19th last year and still hasn't been announced. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/14110/agm The required date for filing accounts at Companies' House is nine months after the end of the relevant accounting period so for their 30 June 2018 accounts that's 31 March 2019 or rather this Friday as that's the last working day. This level of delay is unusual and suggests material uncertainty in the accounts meaning that they're going to the wire. Two possible reasons come to my mind: New owners are imminent so they are being held back as this would be a material post balance sheet event so would need to go in the notes. Or the usual guarantee of financial support for the next year may not have been forthcoming meaning that the accounts can't be drawn up on the "going concern" basis. Or they could just be trying to generate interest in a dull set of accounts by holding them back until the last minute; and they've succeeded with that one anyway.
  13. It has happened again once so there is another club that didn't qualify for the league cup; I can't track it down but IIRC Wimbledon was one of the teams. Another claim to uniqueness falls.
  14. That was back in the days when they had Gary Penrice as a strikers' coach and he produced a million pound striker year in year out. Then they sacked him to save a few quid. A club run by halfwits.
  15. With their £250k a year London operation and advertising campaigns Rovers are certainly going for it in the swanky PR stakes. Meanwhile the relegation threatened team plays in a ground that would embarrass a medium sized school whilst the training ground develops nothing other than weeds. I'm not one hundred percent convinced that the owners have their priorities right.
  16. Required to be filed at Companies' House 31 March; they are usually presented at an AGM prior to that so I guess about now if you look at the gas forums.
  17. Is "concrete" today's special word? Or is Wael giving us an insight into what Dwane Developments or Wiztek have planned for the ground so the word is muchly on his mind. Wiztek https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10664221/filing-history Dwane Developments https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/11253528/filing-history Rovers, accounts to end June 2018 due by the end of March. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04501223/filing-history
  18. Good point. I don't believe that any Div 3 club could beat a full strength Chelsea u23s, for example, so I think the big clubs are deliberately fielding weakened sides in the later stages so that you don't get the nightmare outcome you suggest. It does look like it's paving the way for premiership reserve teams getting into the lower leagues. Currently I think there's a Level 10 top limit. In the South West Peninsula League, level 10, there is a Plymouth Argyle u23 team who are always in the top two which is unsurprising given their professional back up and full time players being up against part timers getting changed in a hut. The Freight Rover ingress of such teams looks to be part of an attempt to start creeping that level 10 upwards into the conference and ultimately the league.
  19. Yes. A boycott of this competition is the correct response since the attempts to wreck it came in.
  20. That is absolutely superb. One to read through slowly as it's a lengthy succession of tweets.
  21. I genuinely hadn't realised that the reason the Gas Hit Squad is so called is because they keep turning up at other grounds to be hit. Every day is a school day.
  22. https://thebristolcable.org/2018/06/up-banjo-island-down-the-lamb-pub-cadbury-heath/
  23. This is something about which they do worry and is discussed on their forum. The days when Rovers had a serious chance of a higher league position than us are long gone; they don't even have a realistic chance of playing in the same division. Add in our cup runs and the embarrassing state of their ground then any Bristol kid who wants to start watching football is going to need a very strong line in self-deprecating humour if they're going to select Rovers over City as their team to watch. This has been the case for ten years, maybe fifteen or twenty. With no prospect of anything changing given the refusal of the Rovers' owners to spend anything other than the bare minimum to field a team and stop the ground falling down.
  24. Are the Rovers' fans all being locked out?
  25. I think he must getting confused with Pelynt FC who also play at The New Camp in Barcelona. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcelona%2C_Cornwall
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