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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. Technically yes but they are unable to register new players if they haven't submitted their financial information, viz audited accounts, to the EFL. He's right in that the EFL doesn't apply this sanction for non-filing at Companies House but I would regard that as a technicality.
  2. I remember it but I can't find it. Found this though I guess they must have not liked the site as they are playing back at their old ground again. http://www.southwestbusiness.co.uk/news/09062014073325-bristol-rovers-move-to-new-ground-delayed-after-visit-from-secretary-of-state/
  3. His tenure at the club is beginning to remind me of the celebrity era at Exeter. He's using his family's ownership of the football club to mix with celebrities. David Blaine, Michael Jackson and Uri Geller wonder what the hell they're doing at a rainy St James' Park. A very nice man and Will Smith.
  4. So that everyone can share in the authentic Rovers' "locked out" experience.
  5. My mistake! It did come up in a Rovers search.
  6. They may have just acquired their training ground in time for next season: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/travellers-weston-super-mare-locking-2837533
  7. No, you're right of course. There's a rumour going around that they will be naming the new royal baby after a really nice man. Wael Wales does indeed have a certain ring to it.
  8. The picture however shouldn't be "pretty grim"; the headline loss will be lower than last year (no UWE write down, player sales made) and there will be considerable headroom left in the £15m credit facility from Dwane Sports. I can't see what financial reason there would be not to publish them other than some huge prior year error which seems unlikely. Which then leaves non-financial reasons: Are they in dispute with their accountant or auditor? That even the dormant company accounts haven't been published, so incurring a fine, hints at this. The accounts would take less than an hour to put together. Is there a material post balance sheet event that they wish to keep secret? This seems likeliest IMO; the auditors would want it noted that sale (of club, of ground) negotiations were underway but the AQs would want to keep that quiet until all the contracts were signed. On top of this it really is treating the minority shareholders - supporters who bought shares to help fund the club - very shabbily indeed.
  9. I don't think so; they are already registered as Rovers' players so no new registration would be required.
  10. This may already have been picked up: until Rovers file their accounts they can't register any players. That's not currently a problem but give it a couple of months and it will be. 16.6 Is the section dealing with filing financial information, 16.7 the penalties for failing to comply: 16.7 The powers referred to in Regulation 16.6 are: 16.7.1 to require the Club to provide such further information as The League shall determine and for such period as it shall determine; and 16.7.2 subject the Club to a registration embargo such that it shall not be permitted to register any Player with that Club without the prior written consent of The League until such time as the breach identified by Regulation 16.6 has been rectified in its entirety to The League’s satisfaction. https://www.efl.com/-more/governance/efl-rules--regulations/section-4---clubs/
  11. I think he means the individuals tbh. Human propellor: A man who shows that wearing casual footwear is no hindrance to running from a horse: Go on I'll have the lot of you: Oh, maybe not then; bonus pirate watching the take down: And finally: gullibility writ large. Amazing indeed.
  12. It's the good old riches to rags story!
  13. That''s why I interpreted the video as a journey. Extracts from wiki. So the team starts as partly a Rovers team, goes independent, and then becomes a City team. The video is showing the path back for a new team from Ashton Gate to the Memorial Ground via several Bristol landmarks, some Rovers related and some not. As I said I think it's very good. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_City_W.F.C.
  14. That's excellent IMO; if I can say that about a gas vid. Most of those football videos are so po faced and predictable but that one made me smile several times (AG, and not only IKEA but the Pick Up Area ) and I liked the concept of a journey that runs through the video. Top work. Let's poach whoever does their videos.
  15. Excellent work there Gert. Unless of course you've just copied the real itinerary.
  16. I also forgot the half time performance by the Al Qadi choir, led by Steve Hamer, of These Things Take Time. Heartwarming.
  17. I hope they've arranged the full gas experience for the lad: 10am Drinks 11am Boob cricket 12pm More drinks 1pm Horse punching 2pm More drinks 2.45pm Go to the Mem, he asks "Is the ground behind this training pitch?" Told that this actually is the ground. 3pm Start singing songs about Da Shit for a couple of hours; pausing at appropriate moments to boo the Rovers' players 5pm Leave ground disappointed; get mugged by pikeys 6pm More drinks
  18. Good spot. That had a one month earlier year end so set your calendars for May 24th to see the main company struck off. As you say it is very poor forum; it's the sort of thing that contractors with shell companies let happen when they've drawn out their money. Not professional football clubs.
  19. They've lost the last four but it's so tight that four or five points lifts you from relegation to midtable; and vice versa.
  20. It seems highly unlikely; late filing of accounts for private companies is not a big deal legally. It is however the sort of poor business practice that creates negative effects in other ways. Credit rating agencies will now have a warning flag against them and that warning will step up once the lateness goes beyond a month on 1 May. This will make companies reluctant to supply services on credit which will damage their cashflow and cause problems that didn't need to happen. It also shows a Robert Maxwell type high handed view of minority shareholders and the supporters. What is particularly odd is that there is absolutely no reason to suppose that there is any unexpected bad news to be revealed. The credit facility was extended to £15m which should comfortably cover their losses for both the season gone, the current season, and the next season. When the accounts are finally filed they are likely to be a huge non-event with no surprises. All rather odd.
  21. Miserable gits; not one of them smiling whilst enjoying a beer in the sunshine before a game. The one above the guy in the pale blue hoodie is either doing his best "I'm hard me" look or is trying not to do what that West Brom fan did on Tuesday.
  22. Maybe that's what it's for: showing a beam back of City away games during Rovers home matches to increase the gate by bringing in City fans who want to watch the screen.
  23. Piss Up in a Brewery Update Bristol Rovers are disappointed to announce that there has been a further delay to the planned piss up in a brewery, meaning it will not be happening after tomorrow’s game. As previously stated the club purchased several thousand pint glasses in July last year from Pissup Solutions, a leading corporate entertainment agency that specialises in piss ups in breweries, with the aim of having the piss up next to the Brunel sponsored South Stand by the end of 2018. Although the glasses were delivered on time in October, due to the size of many supporters a special bespoke seating structure was required to meet health and safety regulations at the stadium. Unfortunately, the unique nature of this structure led to various complications with Pissup Solutions’ sub-contractor, resulting in subsequent delays with installation. Work started this week, ahead of the new proposed piss up date of this weekend. However, the contractors have experienced further unforeseen issues on site which has delayed installation slightly. The team has been working tirelessly to fix the problems encountered but unfortunately the seating will not be installed and operational in time for tomorrow’s game which is hugely disappointing. Work will continue next week and completed as soon as it possible. We apologise for the further inconvenience and would like to thank all supporters and piss up sponsor Brunel Professions for their continued patience. https://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/2019/april/12.4.19-pissup-statement/
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