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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. I entirely agree. I regard interaction with gasheads as "bants" but for a minority of City fans and Rovers fans it is deadly serious. I don't see why; Rovers are quite literally in a different league and given the absence of wealth of their owners their next move is back into Division 4. I have known several, well four, Rovers' fans in real life and they all accept that they are the second team in Bristol. They even take pride in their second class status. Absolute weapons like Henbury Gas are entirely unrepresntative of their fanbase.
  2. Laugh, for the sheer joy of life, for the long sunny days of summer, for the bursting of nature in the hedgerows, for the absolute beauty of nature bestowed upon us.
  3. There was an "official" statment from the CSF, three posts down on this page though I struggle to read it, saying that it wasn't any of their members. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/14519/graffiti?page=5
  4. That they have dedicated police liaison officers and that it makes the news which means the police feel obliged to be seen to do something. The crime is worse if a private house has been graffitied because an individual has been targeted whereas this isn't actually targeting anybody except a limited company.
  5. The other Rover's fans have now outed that absolute weapon for the fantasist that he is. Not only do we think him a knobcheese but they do as well; an embarrassment of a fan with his invented stories and his rose tinted spectacles of sustainability under the AQs. I don't agree with everyone who posts here but I can't think of anyone who even comes close to Henbury in terms of stupidity, lies, and outright invention.
  6. Here it is. Not a good thing to do. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/bristol-rovers-warn-against-revenge-2933546
  7. The 1883 accounts are up on companies House but I'm at work so can't yet read. Associated companies are Wiztek and Dwane Developments UK. I recall Wiztek had a large unusual transaction going through its books.
  8. Admit it though: you'll miss them when they're gone.
  9. 11 June Though it's really odd to hold it after the accounts have been signed and filled. Getting approval at the AGM may just be a formality but it does show respect to minority shareholders.
  10. Yep. Minimum wagers in their twenties turning out their target half dozen stories a day for clicks. That's why there are so many "Twitter outrage" stories; you can do those in half an hour without leaving your desk. Local journalism was killed by a combination of Johnstone Press and the internet. It isn't coming back.
  11. It would have cost him a lot more not to do so as then the accounts are redrawn on a "break up" basis and look at lot worse. Any potential buyer reading accounts on a break up basis is going to be cutting several million off their offer. Plus everybody trading with them will want to be paid up front. Not giving that guarantee would probably have seen them being wound up; it had to be given and evidenced to the auditors how the forecast loss would be funded. That last may have been the real reason for the delay: obtaining guaranteed additional debt of £3m to cover next season and satisfying the auditors that it will be provided to the club.
  12. Possibly their mail coach was attacked by a lioness. It does happen and that would certainly explain why they haven't yet appeared.
  13. That's what I thought. Sometimes the actual pdf takes a day or so to appear but the record of their having been filed happens almost straight away as they're uploaded directly by the filer. They're claiming they were electronically filed last Thursday evening? Maybe Grant Thornton forgot to put a shilling in the meter.
  14. Notices for compulsory strike off now filed for all six companies. Oops. 04 Jun 2019 First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off This document is being processed and will be available in 5 days. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04501223/filing-history https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/officers/0LDRyv0FHc5F1nh-l2JZbHm77O8/appointments Whilst the active companies aren't going to be struck off, though they may let the dormant ones with no assets go, this will be absolutely hammering their credit rating. Accounts not filed, active proposal to strike off. This is flashing big red danger signs to any suppliers which is going to mean cash up front for services and so more loan drawdowns. This is really no way to run a football club.
  15. No, but it was funnier when there was this mass delusion about sustainability and trusting the AQs.
  16. It's getting slightly depressing reading their board. All the clever kids have wised up to the absolute shambles thast is the current ownership and the absolute weapon that is Henbury Gas.
  17. Are you suggesting Bert that the London office is the secret hub of some latter day Iran-Contra dark dealings and that Graham Coughlan is the Colonel Oliver North of the whole affair; hiding his razor sharp brain behind a faux idiot frontage and illicit international arms dealings behind the Stefan Payne transfer shenanigans? Does this mean that "nice man" Wael is actually a cold and calculating George Smiley type ringmaster of a network of spies? And that Stuart Sinclair is a beardie homeless? I think we should be told.
  18. It worked once even if Higgs had to scour the world to find a fool to buy it as, and this is the real kicker so hats off to Nick here, a COMMERCIAL PROPOSITION ? Now the AQs find themselves in the position of having to find a greater fool and quick. Maybe they hope that with a swanky London offive Hans Rausling or Bernie Eccleston will get really drunk one day, wander in thinking it's a bar, and sign on the dotted line.
  19. Isn't that the same for pretty much any non-Premiership club? They aren't businesses in the normal sense where the owner makes money from them; the owner instead loses money. You have to have made your money beforehand and then buy a club as a labour of love or ego trip. Rovers, and City, owners have never been in it for the money. They have all wanted their respective hometown club to survive and do well. This is the first time that either club has ever been owned by somebody who wasn't previously a supporter of the club. And doesn't it show.
  20. The debt to Dwane Sport is quoted at £13.2m at 30 June 2018 which will be c. £16m now. That is increasingly looking like the purchase price for the club. Does £16m look like a reasonable purchase price for a Division 3 club with its own ground worth maybe £12m and decent crowds for the division? I'd say yes it does as it's £4m for a Div 3 club and £12m for an asset. However every year of this profligate ownership puts £3m on that price given that the owners want their money back. So £19m 2020, £22m 2021, £25m 2022 pricing the club (as opposed to the ground) at £7m, £10m and £13m respectively. It looks increasingly a less realistic sale price as time goes on and if I were the AQs I would be desperate for a sale to take place this year whilst they stand a reasonable chance of recouping their debt and whatever they paid. Taking the stadium out of the equation someone may pay the current £5m for the club (£4m debt + £1m premium) but nobody is going to pay £14m. The window for a possible sale looks like the next year as after that the £3m a year that they're losing will stand zero chance of being recouped; they're just burning it at that point.
  21. Ditto: wow if we can take that at face value, need to see them to check. Their underlying loss, prior to the non-cash UWE write-offs, was about £1.6m the last couple of years so I was expecting similar and then some player sale profits to bring it down to £1.2m / £1.3m. Maybe it's the first year of the London office and lots of legal / marketing costs. If it is correct and can be taken at face value then there is no reason to expect the current year, which ends in a month, to be any different. It may be an over-used word but that's thoroughly unsustainable.
  22. Just to keep a track on those (disappointingly small) late filing fees: Five cos. end March deadline, now over one month late: 5 x £375 = £1,875 One co. end Feb deadline, over two months late: £375 Total £2,250. If they don't file until after the AGM in June then it ticks up to £750 for the Feb year end so £2,625. If it drags into July then £4,500. That's not huge but it is eight adult season tickets that they've just thrown away there at £2,625. It's lucky for them that they have money to burn. 4. Late filing penalty fees The penalty only applies to company accounts. The level of the penalty depends on how late the accounts reach Companies House and is shown in the following table. Length of period (measured from the date the accounts are due) Private company penalty Public company penalty Not more than 1 month £150 £750 More than 1 month but not more than 3 months £375 £1,500 More than 3 months but not more than 6 months £750 £3,000 More than 6 months £1,500 £7,500 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/late-filing-penalties/late-filing-penalties
  23. There's something else at the root of this. And I don't know what it is. Their loss for the year should actually be lower than previous years as they had player sales (Matty to us and somebody to Ipswich); they were ticking along at about £1.6m ignoring UWE write-offs so maybe £1.2m, £1.3m. Their best, or rather least worst, results for several years. The loan facility had another £5m added to it which IIRC left them covered for about three years' trading losses from now. There is no reason for their 17/18 accounts to look bad, they should look (relatively) good. Whatever else has been going on may not be revealed if it's fallen through so it could be that at their 11 June AGM they sign off on a reasonable set of accounts and that's that. No explanation required for the two month delay or some guff trotted out (the audit partner left his homework on the bus). I'm not expecting any big reveal or bad news in their accounts. I think anyone who is will be disappointed.
  24. Rod wasn't a Rovers fan; quoting from a Rovers forum:
  25. About £1.6m like the last couple of years before write-offs of the UWE costs. I can't see that the numbers will be a surprise; there's got to be something else that has caused the delay. It could be ongoing sale negotiations that have either been successful or have fallen through hence the announcement of the AGM date. Filing those accounts will also mean that they can register new players so the drama is delayed a while yet. On a side note The Sun had a story today about how Will Smith's career had collapsed. I was hoping for "that" picture but no.
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