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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. That's what I initially thought it was but the number of shares is so small it seems pointless. Potentially it could be swapped for existing debt or preference shares rather than sold for cash.
  2. Oh I see, like giving Sid Vicious a bass guitar and then taping up the terminals so that his inability to play bass didn't spoil the songs. Yes, that has legs.
  3. The only discreet way to do this would be to sell some of their own shares and they don't seem to want to do that. Could be. Though 1.2% won't get him a seat on the Board.
  4. The big unknown is the pricing. They are 10p nominal but could be sold for, say, £1.10 which would mean the club gets £110k which is split £10k Share Capital and £100k Share Premium Account. I think they're trying to bring someone on Board as Tony Fernandez did at QPR where he brought in the Mittal family with an initial small share and since then they have gone on to own it (I think, few years ago now). They are also not going to be generally available; even if you wanted them you couldn't buy them. They will be offered to a specific person. I think that they already have someone lined up and now all they have to do is stop them seeing the state of the Mem before they write out the cheque.
  5. It's to make a share issue without having to make that share issue available to all shareholders, as you woud normally via a rights issue, rather than at a specific price.
  6. That would be it. Some ego stroke to Bill Gates or similar. 'It's baffling; maybe only the thick 'eads post upon gaschat with the smart kids realising that they are having a multiple years' mare and just turning up for games expecting nothing but an afternoon out.
  7. It's got to be somebody specifc; you don't go through that amount of corporate faff (I know, I've done it) on the offchance. I however have no idea who it is.
  8. Well Victor Meldrew's first TV acting role was in Dr Finaly's Casebook so stranger things have happened. The filing has now been published and is the right to allot £10,000 nominal within the next 15 months. Shares are 10p so this is 100,000 shares or 1.2% of the increased share capital. Rather than the AQs increasing their equity investment this looks like tempting a new investor onto the Board. I'm surprised the EP hasn't picked up on this; I'm not hugely surprised that gaschat hasn't as they let Henbury Gas post.
  9. The new manager at Plymouth has just come from Bury so the player will be happier with a manager he knows.
  10. I don't think they understand it; they all seem to rely upon Swiss Gas to look at the accounts as he was the only one who didn't only use his calculator in school to spell out BIG BOOBS when you turned it upside down. It's an absolute sea change IMO but best leave them to their childish meanderings about ex-players and Da Shit.
  11. Yes, exactly that. It sounds like bad news for existing shareholders but it isn't. Since Steve started doing the same with City my shareholding has maybe halved but as the value of the club has more than doubled I haven't lost out. This is a real surprise to me that the AQs are going down this road having previously said that they "couldn't" for some spurious reason.
  12. Well I must say that I wasn't expecting this. Maybe @bert tann can shed some light. This is a necessary step so that the owners can put in more equity without having to go down the full rights issue route; Steve Lansdown regularly does this as it allows money to go in that isn't caught by FFP rules. It is also money that you can't just hoik out by selling the ground, unlike the Dwane Sports loan. I don't know if I really should be posting positive news for the fewers on this thread but that's certainly what it is; I suppose it provides a bit of balance to the thread. (I was actually lookng to see if their Filton company had been struck off yet as that was due to happen today). This is the 1883 company - the one in which people own the shares; equivalent to our BCFC Holdings. 01 Jul 2019 Resolutions Resolution of removal of pre-emption rights Resolution of allotment of securities This document is being processed and will be available in 5 days. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04501223/filing-history
  13. I thought you were joking but it appears that standards have fallen so far at what was once a quality and professional publication. In another headline they refer to a criminal "braking" another man's face with a hammer. Other than a willingness to work for minimum wage what exactly are the criteria upon which they select their journalistic staff? As clearly the ability to use the English language correctly and having professional standards are not amongst them. 'A prized prat' - Bristol Rovers fans react after Stefan Payne's latest insult
  14. I am proud to say that I am a fully paid up member of SPAS. The very best of British luck to you in your career Stefan, especially having trousered two years' wages for a very limited amount of work in one season.
  15. As they were asking for suggestions I would suggest this as their run-on music
  16. Very good. I was just about to search for him when I got it.
  17. On reading that I was immediately reminded of Cheif Superintendent James Murphy who led the hunt for Shergar.
  18. I had the impression at the time that it was done purely so that the owners could say that they have made improvements to the ground if they were accused of not doing anything. No other explanation makes much sense.
  19. It certainly represents a new degree of secrecy. Maybe they'll start wearing masks so nobody knows who is playing for them.
  20. It would be nice for them to finish on a high before the inevitable administration and relegation.
  21. There's always going to be a Rovers even if the AQs end up liquidating it and selling the ground to a hotel group; no club of any size has just gone for good. You'll just find yourself playing elsewhere, maybe Twerton again. Just this last month Gateshead has been replaced by Gateshead Soul. Mind, your going bust and being replaced by a new club may finally shut up the tiresome 82ers rubbish from your more monobrowed colleagues.
  22. The more intelligent ones can see that they're in the endgame now and are just hoping that there's a club left to support in three years' time. I don't get the impression that Wael would lie; more that he doesn't understand accountancy. There was that previous statement about how they couldn't put money into the club other than as a secured loan because they only owned 92% of the club. Whisper it but the "lovely man" may be thick as two short planks.
  23. Tomorrow, the eleventh. I get the strong impression that the natives are getting restless so there may be some interesting tales. Maybe the purpose of the £250k London office will finally be revealed.
  24. A very good point. This adjustment also applies to a couple of other sports: Golf - women's tees are closer to the hole. This sensibly recognises that women can't hit the ball as far but their game, as a result, is as interesting to watch as the men's. Tennis - I think there's a case for making men's courts bigger as these days it's just a serving competition. The court however is the ideal size for the women's game and as a result, IMHO, women's tennis is better to watch.
  25. Sponsored by: Bristol Rovers' London Office "You wanna buy a football club - you come see us"
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