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Posts posted by Henry

  1. 12 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Firstly I don’t believe they’ve sacked Nige without a manager lined up to be put in place immediately.  This feels different to the last two sackings.

    Therefore this has been in plan for a while.  Sound out options, narrow down, line them up and wait to sack with some kind of “pre-contract” done to make sure nobody else poaches before you can sack the current incumbent.

    Get Ipswich and Cardiff out of the way, then act.

    I fully expect a new manager in situ before Saturday.

    If it isn’t announced until later this week, it’s purely because they are trying to make it look like a really quick search this week.



    Out of interest, who would you go for?

  2. 1 minute ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Brian Tinnion is going to be kingmaker - 100%

    Of course it'll ultimately be signed off by the Lansdowns - but they're putting their faith in Tinnion this time.

    This will, to all intent and purposes, be a Tinnion appointment. 

    ‘Trust me on Tinnion’ repeat then.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, phantom said:

    100% not true 

    In fact at the end of last week (before the Pearson announcement) we are further away than we have been in a long time 

    Sadly don't have the exact Bristol Sport IP addresses, but without helping them in the future it's probably wise not to use their own names in their email addresses 

    Of course the other tell tale sign they can't debate on anything historic about the club 

    In the past they tend to drift away in a day or two 

    Looking back now it's been apparent for a long time the drive has dipped, sadly it was handed on a plate for JL to take on but it soon became apparent he was far from suitable or experienced enough 

    Unbelievable that one person who was banned that was discussed already on this thread actually set up ANOTHER account this afternoon.... and guess what.... They're banned AGAIN!!

    Oh, please do name and shame them!

    I promise I’ll never give you any aggro again!!

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Lrrr said:

    Younger on the grass head coach to me sounds like Beale, Parker or Lampard type coaches. A couple of names to throw out there even would be Brian Barry-Murphy who coaches Manchester City's Elite development squad or Eric Ramsay the Man Utd coach, could be similar to McKenna stepping out and having a go as a head coach. 

    I hope it’s not Beale. Half a good season at QPR then terrible at Rangers.

  5. Just now, View from the Dolman said:

    No, he isn't and wasn't. 

    The loans physio was Nick Fulton. 

    Fair enough. I thought Pearson mocking that role may have pissed some people off, including Tinnion. Don’t forget Tinnion was loans manager and was a big fan of the loan strategy 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Who actually expected promotion this season? 
    I don’t know a single fan who was expecting promotion. 

    Add in the rumour (from very reliable sources) that we’ve been talking to other managers for a few weeks. Well, a few weeks ago we were in the top 6/7. So why sound out new managers when the current one was achieving the so-say target. 

    This has been coming since the Alexander farce of an interview and subsequent exit. 
    Something has been in the water for a good few weeks now. 

    No CEO, No Manager, No First Team Coach, No Head of Medical, Absent Chairman, Disinterested Owner. 

    Behind the scenes, this club is currently a total shambles. 

    I’d also add the recruitment team to the list of shambolic departments. Through all of SL’s recent failures, there’s been one constant - the recruitment set up. 
    Unless that changes, we’ll forever be going round and round. 
    The only period of success in recent years came when we had a proper experienced Head Scout / Head of Recruitment (Keith Burt - appointed by SOD and partnered well with Cotts). 
    Those 2 managers, whilst one failed and one succeeded, were both similar to Pearson in that they would take no shit from the owner and his boy. 

    Do you know any names of the managers they were speaking with?

  7. 1 hour ago, Cowshed said:

    No. I do sleep ins. My sleep in is not part of my working shift, I am asleep. I technically can be called (emergencies) to work, and I am receiving a payment, but the payment received reflects I am not working.

    You may be interested in looking at the legal Mencap sleep in case. Sleep ins = Available to work, not working, hence employers normally pay sleep in rates below legal hourly payments because the employee is not on shift.

    I know the situation very well thank you.

    we’re going to have to agree to disagree. Like others have said, this isn’t what the thread is about. 

    1 hour ago, Cowshed said:

    No. I do sleep ins. My sleep in is not part of my working shift, I am asleep. I technically can be called (emergencies) to work, and I am receiving a payment, but the payment received reflects I am not working.

    You may be interested in looking at the legal Mencap sleep in case. Sleep ins = Available to work, not working, hence employers normally pay sleep in rates below legal hourly payments because the employee is not on shift.

    I know the situation very well thank you.

    we’re going to have to agree to disagree. Like others have said, this isn’t what the thread is about. 

    39 minutes ago, Dollymarie said:

    Only on OTIB could a thread about fans support turn into a row about how many hours someone is allowed to work. . . 

    Not sure Id call it a row…

  8. 34 minutes ago, Cowshed said:

    That is incorrect. I have worked for the NHS and work in social care for decades. Nobody should be working a 23 hour shift. You have legal entitlements to rest. 

    Its dangerous for the individuals in question to work that long, for the people they care for and support, and for the services themselves. 

    You don’t heard of the practice of working shifts and a sleep in? Or a doctor sleeping at a hospital and being on call?

  9. 5 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    Who or what on earth is Dog?

    Am I right in thinking that the OP is suggesting that Bristol Sport are creating accounts purely to try and post positive things about the Lansdowns? OTIB has it's very own conspiracy theory!

    I fully realise that on this forum SL is now the devil incarnate and Nige is almost reaching godlike status, but this forum consists of less than 10% of the fanbase, and the vocal people here probably less than 2-3%.

    I don't think I have ever heard any City fan I speak to that isn't a user of this forum complain about the Lansdowns in a really serious manner and it certainly has not got worse recently. I will admit it's not a huge sample and very anecdotal, but it really doesn't feel to me like there is a groudswell of opinion against the current owners.

    I havew to admit that SL is certainly not perfect, his managerial appointments are hit and miss and have certainly been headscratching at times, but I do not believe that he doesn't have the best interests of the club at heart. Having said that, he has the best interests of sport in Bristol as a whole at heart (fewers aside), and I see how the two can be perceived as not always being compatible,

    People talk about the nest egg comment, it seems to me that it is a fairly sensible policy to have, and fully in keeping with the stated policy of making the club as sustainable as possible.

    I will agree that the whole Bristol Sport model is very 'corporate' and has taken away the feeling of it being 100% 'our' club, this is an opinion I voiced fairly regularly on here when Bristol Sport was first mooted as a concept but I was pretty much ignored then. I have now come to accept that it is a necessary evil in order for us to compete at the level we are now at. And just think how much less personal it will become should we suddenly be owned by a large multinational corporation or another country's wealth fund!

    For most fans, we are regularly competing at a higher level than at any time in our supporting lives, so it seems to me that even ignoring the ground and HPC SL would leave with a positive legacy should he disappear any time soon. The fact that people are unhappy with not being top 6 in the Championship should say everything, when most of our history has been spent bobbing around at the bottom of this division or top half of the one below.

    Should it be that Nigel Pearson is the one to go, then so far as I can see he has done a decent job without being amazing - managers such as that come and go over the years and he wouldn't be the first person to depart a job because he doesn't get on with the boss.


    Wait until you hear how opinion and exit polls are done…

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