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Posts posted by RedRock

  1. 4 minutes ago, petehinton said:


    Not quite sure The Saggies have got a full understanding of this planning malarkey.

    Valid grounds in support of an application doesn’t include ‘give us a break for god sake’.

    Does the Sag Official in charge of this project live in Oxford by any chance?


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  2. 2 minutes ago, BS13 Robin said:

    But the concrete foundations need time to cure dont they?unless they will be on cut up scaffold planks!

    Ah, but have they not put in the foundations, which has triggered the ‘commencement of development’ claims. According to some Sags they have done this work, but others claim they haven’t, refuting such scurrilous suggestions made by their ‘enemies’. 

    The truth is out there, somewhere ??


    • Like 1
  3. Our badge is ‘ok’, not great, just pretty mediocre. 

    The thinking behind Splat baffles me. The Suspension Bridge is our secondary image. We already have a Robin in our official badge, so don’t need a repeat.

    Splat needs to sod off, together with our second rate kit manufacturer and our lamentably designed range of leisure wear.

    • Like 6
  4. 16 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    The next Planning Committee is 9 August, and I'd suggest it's unlikely they'll meet the deadlines (which will be before that date) to be heard at that Committee.

    The next one is 6 September, so they may well not have planning permission until that date, at the earliest ???

    Strongly suspect that the Committee agenda will be prepared 10-14 days before the meeting date. I would have thought that the applicant will be submitting additional detail in support of the proposal that will also need time to be evaluated by officers.

    As stated back in Spring, it was patently obvious - particularly looking at the ‘quality’ of the submission - that this structure would not have the necessary permissions by the start of the season. 

    I suspect this SAGa should keep us all entertained for at least another couple of months. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, beaverface said:

    I've used the Bris P&R and the bus to Ashton Gate is a dream, really easy.

    However, the journey back I've found the complete opposite. By the time I've got out the back row of the South Stand, the buses are either jam packed, gone, or stuck in the traffic trying to get away from the ground, and then I'm waiting around for a loooong time! 

    I still don’t understand why they don’t use the stop on the cricket pitch side of the road. Far less traffic congestion and safe pedestrian underpass access from the Ground.

    Probably the bloke that manages the specials bus stops is the same one that controls use of LA P&R. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Bas's perfect hattrick said:

    The budget office whiteboard with wonky blue and white quarters is my favourite. Or the grotty stains on the floor. 


    The whiteboard just about sums them up.

    Tinpot they are not.

    They’re worse. Far worse.

  7. 35 minutes ago, BS3City said:

    Glad to see my objection is still there.?

    You’re not the dog walker who goes on about more horse punching and the now homeless tits scaring the newts away? 

    Got to go some to beat the planning application for a ‘thatched roof’ on one of the classic, balconied Georgian terraced houses in Clifton in giving planning staff a laugh, but good effort.

  8. To save the ‘design team’ trouble… here’s a compromise that could be quick and look smart.

    Use our home shirt design template with the standard badge. Substitute the red with white, and the white stripes with your blue. If you must, put splat on the back as a small motif below the collar - although the outline of the Suspension Bridge would be better (how many Robins does one need on a shirt?). 

    Exercise some quality control on the shirt materials, fit and finish.

    There we go. That’ll be £100,000 please.

  9. Anyone else thinking that they may be delaying the release of the away kit until after the start of the Season to take the heat off a controversial - blue element, splat motif (although think we’ll keep standard badge) and poor quality shirt? 

    A couple of decent performances and then, maybe, they’re hoping it’ll slip through relatively unnoticed in the ‘noise’ of being Premier League bound. 

  10. You’d think for a multi-million turnover business that someone would have noticed this sock/shirt mismatch and if the suppliers couldn’t fix it in 24 hours then they’d bugger off down JDSports and just get a couple of dozen white socks. 

    This has been going on since Luton away hasn’t it? That’s months ago.

    That kit is truly below Sunday League standard. Shockingly bad for a professional Club.

    • Like 3
  11. We are miles off being remotely competitive at the moment imo. This ain’t ‘fun’ football any more, this is serious, real business. Super fit, sharpness with strength as well as football talent and skills - we need players with it all. 

    This Season could be a total embarrassment if we don’t sign a minimum of 6 quality players with top league experience.  

    We need a good vibe around the Club, particularly as the Women have now been fully integrated into use of our facilities. If the women are getting beat 8, 9, 10-0 every match and are on nil points for the majority of the Season that won’t be helpful. 

    Negative perhaps, but realistic. 

  12. A real quality player, just so quick, smooth and slinky in his movement. A ‘natural’ finisher, who instinctively knew where to be in and around the box. A true diamond of the game.

    Rest easy ‘young man’ as Cloughie would say.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, glynriley said:


    Excellent objection letter here, posted by topper gAss…


    Yes. It looks like they’ve thoroughly assessed the application, whereas I just had a cursory glance.

    Couldn’t believe that if they were increasing capacity, by more than a couple of hundred, that there was no traffic assessment and/or a mitigation plan. This is basic stuff. That, in part, is why I’m surprised it was even validated and is being progressed.

    If the local residents are to be believed and trees existed on the site and were felled, surprised the objector didn’t pitch in on that tbh.


  14. 1 hour ago, SBB said:

    At this point I couldn’t care less what colour our away and third kits are… blue or otherwise.
    I just want them to fit properly and not look like Nige dumps a big kit bag in the middle of the changing room and hands out the shirts while naming the starting team. 

    Ahhh… that brings back memories of primary schooldays. Mr Jackson and a cardboard box of neatly folded cotton shirts. After each position 1-11 was called, a name was read out and each lad went to the desk at the front of the class and was given the shirt. Magical.

    Actually, our school was ground breaking. It wasn’t just lads. We had two girls, including Jane Rogers the younger sister of David, who were regularly selected and were pretty good too. Unfortunately, the FA took a dim view of this and banned us from every league and cup competition, so we only played ‘friendlies’. Sure this was the reason I never got to play for England.

    • Like 5
  15. 26 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    From their forum;

    "Could be absolute b*llocks but…

    Someone on one of the Facebook groups reckons a member of staff at the club informed them PP has been granted whilst at the club shop earlier."

    I'd go for the first sentence personally..

    The Council/decision would be in judicial review territory if they have! Pretty sure we’re still in the statutory consultation period. Personally, would have thought it would be highly improbable that a decision would be made within 8 weeks - which I think in this case is sometime late in August.

    Frankly, having been involved in planning for 40 odd years, I can’t understand what the hell Rovers are doing with their submission and frankly  - all be it from the briefest of glances - how it got validated. It was patently obvious to anyone ITK that the ‘stand’ would not be remotely ready for the start of the season if due process was followed. I’m not even sure pp will be granted tbh. 


    • Like 1
  16. Frankly, since Beryl departed, the Club’s commercial side has been a shambles. 

    That’s starting pre The Lansdown’s. Admittedly, it’s not improved, indeed probably got worse under their tenure. That decline accelerated by Hummel letting us down big time.

    The Club needs to engage with fans in this aspect of its business affairs more than any other.  

    Beryl had her finger on the pulse. She knew what the fans wanted and delivered. That’s because she regularly talked to, and - critically - listened to people on the terraces and in ‘her’ shop. That was her ‘market research’, not some insular team of professionals locked in some remote ivory tower. She was a success, the products sold well and there was a real buzz about the commercial side.

    The Club needs a massive reset in this area. Will it happen? Not so sure. 


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  17. Well, good luck to the guy. For me though, he hasn’t that magic ingredient, just a competent presenter - of which there are many. Fear, with the recent panel changes, it will just become yet another scores/results show lacking any personality. 

    The show was mastered by Stelling who made it ‘his own’ show, ably assisted in the past by the established panel. Someone like Danny Baker - sharp, comic value, non-prem team supporter, strong character -  was needed to set the programme apart from the field. 

  18. 37 minutes ago, Ghost Rider said:

    I didn’t know Ade, but that picture of him and his family has completely floored me. 

    Life can be so cruel. 

    Yep, lost my Dad when I was 27 which was hard enough, all strength to the family during what must be a deeply traumatic and troubling time.  

    Rest easy my fellow red, a long-standing Member on here and one that will be greatly missed. 

    • Like 2
  19. A true local hero.

    Like many on here Chris was the player that I always tried to emulate when I put my boots on for local kickabouts and, in supporting from the East End, someone who I was always in awe of as ‘one of our own’. Probably our first ‘superstar’ that actually made it on to the national stage. 

    Rest easy Chris and thanks for the memories. 

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, bartolona said:

    Has the  Her game too lot mentioned the gas player since he was found guilty?

    Thought they said they were going to issue a statement post court hearing. 

    If they have sound principles, can’t think how they could say anything other than ‘terminating support’ for the Club. However, ‘sound principles’ and the Sags are not common bedfellows. 

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