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Posts posted by RedRock

  1. Well, good luck to the guy. For me though, he hasn’t that magic ingredient, just a competent presenter - of which there are many. Fear, with the recent panel changes, it will just become yet another scores/results show lacking any personality. 

    The show was mastered by Stelling who made it ‘his own’ show, ably assisted in the past by the established panel. Someone like Danny Baker - sharp, comic value, non-prem team supporter, strong character -  was needed to set the programme apart from the field. 

  2. 37 minutes ago, Ghost Rider said:

    I didn’t know Ade, but that picture of him and his family has completely floored me. 

    Life can be so cruel. 

    Yep, lost my Dad when I was 27 which was hard enough, all strength to the family during what must be a deeply traumatic and troubling time.  

    Rest easy my fellow red, a long-standing Member on here and one that will be greatly missed. 

    • Like 2
  3. A true local hero.

    Like many on here Chris was the player that I always tried to emulate when I put my boots on for local kickabouts and, in supporting from the East End, someone who I was always in awe of as ‘one of our own’. Probably our first ‘superstar’ that actually made it on to the national stage. 

    Rest easy Chris and thanks for the memories. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, bartolona said:

    Has the  Her game too lot mentioned the gas player since he was found guilty?

    Thought they said they were going to issue a statement post court hearing. 

    If they have sound principles, can’t think how they could say anything other than ‘terminating support’ for the Club. However, ‘sound principles’ and the Sags are not common bedfellows. 

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  5. I think he’s wearing a scarf on top of that shirt.

    Either that, or having been so sh*te at scoring headers from corners, we’ve worked on a new routine where we hide our heads below that collar only for them to pop out above the collar when the ball is crossed in.

    Now waiting for the new ‘terrapin’ logo to replace ‘splat’ in recognition of this new tactic.

  6. 7 hours ago, pillred said:

    I agree, it's ok saying sell and use the money to rebuild, history shows that in the past that's not something we have ever really gotten right, as a supporter of over 55 years standing groundhog day is beginning to grow a little tiresome, and like you I would like the club to hold their nerve, yes I know it will be hard to resist the offers and the player can feel they are being held back, but at 19 is 6 months if we are not looking likely to advance really that long?

    All Clubs, aside from the top four Premier League are ‘selling Clubs’. Our massive failure has been not to reinvest the money wisely in player recruitment, whether that be quality and/or timing.

    We will continue to fail until such time we have a proper, fit-for-purpose scouting network imo. 

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  7. I’ve only had a quick glance at the BCC site and, what I assume to be, the relevant application.

    Struth, with the (big) caveat that if what I have seen is the ‘full’ submission and if I was engaged to oppose that development the application could be literally torn apart even before considering the merits or otherwise of the proposal.

    I can see the Planning Department asking for loads more information before they can even start considering it. They may also be asking for ‘clarification’ of certain responses on the form, assuming the objectors claims about the presence of trees on site is correct.

    ‘Back of fag packet, but it didn’t even manage that’ quote springs to mind from an old Inquiry. 

    Of course, the Sags will claim the delays are all BCCs fault.

  8. 2 hours ago, Monkeh said:

    Rovers could already be on serious trouble with this,

    Its illegal to fell or cut down trees during nesting season, without the express permission from heritage England, just ask the former tory leader of Plymouth Council,

    If rovers have done this without any permission, then expect planning permission to be halted or turned down

    https://www.tabtrees.co.uk/faq/will-the-presence-of-birds-or-bats-make-any-difference-to-my-tree-work/#:~:text=Can you cut down a,the nesting season is over.

    Erm…. not quite right, as much as I would love it to be in this case.

    The onus is on the owner/tree surgeon to satisfy themselves that there are no nesting birds or the presence of a bat roost before commencement of tree (or hedge) operations. As you can imagine, this legal ‘obligation’ is easy to flout by disreputable owners/tree surgeons who will claim they did check and found no evidence.

    Of course, if there is evidence presented by others that birds were nesting at the time of the works or a bat roost existed, the key test would be the quality/robustness of that evidence in a court of law. The bar would be set high, not just ‘say so’.

    With major developments, or in instances where there are likely to be nesting birds it is regarded as good practice not to undertake works between Feb-Sept/Oct. If, for whatever reason, that is unavoidable many reputable owners/tree surgeons will employ specialist ecologists to undertake surveys to provide evidence prior to works.

    Monty Don


    • Like 2
  9. That list excludes the all important 2019 ‘stadium’ improvement of fixing a fibreglass porch canopy over a (single) door entrance to one of the Club rooms. They actually published a photograph of this monumental achievement.

    Give Wally some credit FFS. Tinpot they are not. 

    • Like 1
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  10. 20 minutes ago, Agard Days Night said:

    Interesting points. 

    Do you think players (new or veteran) care at all what colour, make, or design the training kit is? 

    Just a work uniform, no?

    At a superficial level, yes a work uniform.

    However, elite sport is about small percentages.

    What you wear has a bearing on psychological ‘well being’. Do you feel good in your kit in the context of quality, design and, indeed, branding? Does it help your attachment to a ‘club’, strengthen your bond, give you an identity to be proud to be associated with? 

    On all counts, we seem to be failing.

    Frankly, if I was forced to wear a low grade O’Neil ‘splat’ kit, I’d feel a tadge embarrassed and, yes, I do believe that would reflect in performance - not greatly, but ‘small percentages’ - and slightly more than the grass being 0.1 mm too long. 

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Monkeh said:

    That normally ends one way, with the new installation having to be torn down

    Yes. Councillors, generally, take a pretty dim view of premature erections. 

    The question is, have the Council good grounds for a refusal ? If they have, and they receive objections from local residents - impact on residential amenity, traffic and parking issues immediately spring to mind - that could well make life very difficult for our gassy friends. 

    I thought from the outset that they were taking a massive risk. That said, if the height and massing of the stand has no greater impact on local residents that the old stand and there is no increase in capacity … I suspect they’ll get it. 


  12. 36 minutes ago, Ghost Rider said:

    I’m the same as you! I don’t actually mind the blue, just means we don’t care about the fewers, but the execution is just poor. 

    Nice colour and logo, but ‘Sky Blue’ and ‘City’ translate as Man City (or Coventry City) to anyone interested in football.

    I strongly suspect that blue will appear in our away kit, but even with that tenuous link we aren’t remotely likely to be perceived by anyone as being ‘Bristol’ City in that training kit - with the possible exception of 1 or 2 programme collectors. 

    Can only assume whoever designed this is a non-football person. That begs the question what the **** are our Club thinking when signing it off or even commissioning them in the first place. Surely, by now, our CEO has got his hands on the wheel and can see what a shambles our branding, clothing and retail ‘offer’ has become. 
    The Club might come out with a social media video explaining the colour rationale. May be they’ve had a colour consultant in who decided as Man City are a great team that our players, by wearing the same colour, will themselves turn into world beaters.

    Frankly, I just see it as yet another wasted commercial opportunity, and another weakening of the Club identity.  In the big scheme of things training kit design is relative trivia, but part of a worrying wider pattern of decision-making.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Never to the dark side said:

    For those hell bent on going by train

    Spliting tickets at Salisbury will cost £47:00p group save tickets are available meaning three go for the price of two

    These services are normally of a two car/three car units variety and there is no buffet car/food outlet on these services

    so stock up on yer cheap bottles of coke/crips/chockey bars before you board.

    A gurt big Tescos has opened up on the site of the Fratton car park,so stock up for the return trip 

    If you reserve seats in advance,we might up with a "football special" as it might tumble the GWR computer to think there are a lot of travellers heading in the Portsmouth direction to bring us back from Portsmouth

    Who recalls the football special we had for the FA Cup game?

    the departure times from BTM are XX:21 past the hour

    for those who might not have been to portsmouth(fratton) before, at the top of the footbridge turn left as there are no ticket gates

    onto Goldsmith Avenue and walk up to the ground

    The return is at 17:31pm from Fratton


    This season away games are whole or parts of the journey on GWR trains








    and Southampton

    you could include coventry if youwanna travel via didcot/oxford

    so a request to apply for a smart card(free of charge) from GWR and your GWR rail journeys can be loaded onto the card as opposed to buying tangerine tickets

    ... my mate Brunel suggested we add Plymuff to that list. 

  14. Could there be some reverse logic going on here by the Club? Could we all be part of some clever marketing ploy?

    Could ‘Splat’, as he is now affectionately called, have been designed so badly and given such prominence on, well, just about everything that it becomes like legendary? A sort of ‘must have’ because it’s just so naff, bordering on insane? 

    In years to come the Pearson Harley Davidson ‘Splat’ Biker T Shirt could be worth a mint. Get your orders in and clear the shelves (then we can get some proper gear in). 

  15. Just now, elhombrecito said:

    I really don't have a problem with us having a blue training kit (in fact I think we should use the colour more often to reiterate how irrelevant the 15ers have become).

    However, putting a badge on the front that simply states 'City', with no other way to identify it as a Bristol City top, when there is another, much more famous, club who are also known as City, and play in that colour, is just plain idiocy. 

    I'd never buy it as people would just assume I was a Manchester City fan.

    100% it’s just so strikingly obvious the link to Man City I find it difficult that anyone with football nouse would actually sign that off.

    But there we go. Another mistake to join that MASSIVE splattered Robin, pee-coloured third shirt et al.

    The original resigned badge was ok and some of the Hummel stuff was both of good design and quality. We seem to have taken a big step backwards for whatever reason. 




    • Like 3
  16. Have a video of the Forest away game on video recorded from the Central TV coverage after I got home from the match.

    Problem is I’d have to search through 1,000s of porn videos to find the right one.

    Give me a few weeks and send an envelope, preferably, with your address written in braille.

    • Haha 4
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