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Everything posted by bcfcredandwhite

  1. Sorry but this is Bristol City we are talking about. I think the last time we were 3 up at half time was against nearly-relegated Sunderland back in 2018 - and we ended up drawing that game 3-3. We don't do goals.
  2. I had a good night out at the Knight's Templar last night - a bit silly on a school night and I'm paying for it now, but enjoyable nonetheless.
  3. I feel similar to this. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the worst EVER, but it's pretty close. To think - a few seasons ago we were all frustrated and upset because we slipped out of the top 6 playing boring football. Ah well, it looks like Nigel might achieve in his first full season what LJ failed to do in all his 5 year tenure - take us out of the Championship!!!!! ?
  4. Possibly - by letting Fammy and Paterson leave without replacing them!
  5. Fair enough. what are the real figures then?
  6. A lot has been made of the money spent/wasted by Ashton and LJ but look at the wage earners: https://salarysport.com/football/sky-bet-championship/bristol-city/ Palmer is overpaid - which we all know (Ashton got him in against LJs wishes apparently) No - the big surprise is who is at number 5. Poor old Nige inherited when money was tight - that makes number 5 even more ‘interesting’ - particularly considering his age compared to the others
  7. I got Amazon Prime during lockdown - and Netflix. I must remember to cancel Netflix……….
  8. If I were the manager they’d all be clean shaven and wear skin-tight kit. sorted.
  9. Technically both incidents should have resulted in penalties. The reason I felt that the handball incident was a weaker call than the Massengo incident was that the handball was clearly accidental. It hit his hand and put the ball out of play, but it was unintentional. Massengo’s foul however was 100% intentional - he had no intention of playing the ball - it was a deliberate foul in the box. Like I said, technically they should BOTH have been penalties because even accidental handballs are penalised now, but I felt it was a lesser offence because the intention was not there.
  10. I think our biggest stroke of luck last night was the penalty NOT given for the Massengo 'incident'. IMHO it was a much stronger call than our own handball shout earlier.
  11. I used to know Jerry who ran that pub back around the mid 1980s - his mate Steve used to run the Elm Tree in Bishopsworth for a while too (not at the same time). They were both good friends of mine - we used to play darts together in the Dundry Inn before they became pub landlords. I always quite liked the Black Cat.
  12. I must get around to doing something with the open packet of chopped chorizo that's been in my fridge for a week. What do you think? I could fry it up with some garlic and green beans and service it in a scrambled egg dish? It would make a nice Revuelto tapas dish don't you think? I MUST do something with it because otherwise it will go off - and I HATE wasting food - particularly meat - it's really worrying me........
  13. 3 whole pages discussing the departure of a Manchester United manager? Each to their own I suppose - it's a free forum ? ? #antiplastic
  14. ... and Swindon too. Around £16 return. Why someone would choose to drive and park, not be able to have a beer, then have all the hassle getting back our of Bristol, for more than double the price?
  15. Why don't you get the train? The Taunton train goes through Parson Street station.
  16. They seem to raise their games against the historically 'better' sides - they've given Germany a few tough runouts over time. Well played to them.
  17. This thread has been replicated on another forum. These are my thoughts: This is really difficult because for me there is only one stand-out winner and that is Alan Dicks. The others have had successes too but limited to a specific level and within different budgets. I’m also restricted to choosing from living memory!!! I suppose mine would be: Best: 1.Alan Dicks - legend the rest (in no particular order): 2. Terry Cooper - for keeping us in the league all those years ago 3. Gary Johnson - successive promotions and 90 minutes from realising the dream 4. Lee Johnson - for giving us that memorable cup run, plus the longest period in the second tier since the great AD - despite having his best and most influential players sold from under him time and again. 5. Pemberton - for instantly stopping the disastrous plummet under Cotts before LJ took over. Worst: (crikey there are so many to choose from!!) 1. Benny 2. Tinnion 3. Coppell 4. SOD 5. McInnes
  18. How big is the project? It always seems HUGE where BS3 is concerned. For years and years we have seen our quest for premiership football described as a 'project' yet we have failed to taste the top flight for 40 years. It shouldn't be any harder for us than any other championship side (with the exception of the newly-relegated sides with their parachute money). Why should it be any harder for us than, say, Brentford, Swansea or Cardiff - all of whom have tasted the Premiership recently whilst we have still been huffing and puffing? The answer is of course that it's NOT harder. We are just masters of underachievement whereas those clubs invested their funds more wisely. It sometimes feels as if there is a curse on our club holding us back. We have what fans of many other clubs would LOVE to have; a £billionaire owner, shiny new premiership-ready stadium and facilities, Brand new training setup, HUGE catchment area, attractive vibrant location to tempt players to live locally - it's all there - just not on the pitch. SL needs to take a look at the setups that are employed at other clubs which have actually ACHIEVED the dream and apply them at Ashton Gate. The principle of football success is stupidly simple; you score more goals than the opposition. I can understand that in an environment where 24 teams are all fighting for just 3 places it isn't a 'given' that we would crack it, but I think it's incredible that despite SLs £millions that he has invested over however many years he's owned our club, we still haven't managed to achieve that elusive target. SL has been in charge since 2002 - nearly 20 years, and in that time all we've managed to achieve are a few Mickey Mouse cups and a couple of promotions from Div 3 to Div 2 (and relegations the other way too!!). This can't simply be blamed on LJ or Ashton - it goes back far further than their presence and has now outlived their tenancies at BS3. The buck has to stop with Steve Lansdown and how he has set up the club for failure. I am NOT calling for SL to go - of course not. I really appreciate the fact that he has invested so much of his money with us. All I'm asking for is that he re-evaluates the setup, looks at some other similar sized clubs which have achieved premiership football, analyse their successes (their management and their scouting setups in particular) and try and apply them to our club. I really thought he was doing just this when we appointed Nigel Pearson, but things have just stumbled and hiccupped along worse than under LJ - summer recruitment was poor, with us releasing first-team players like Diedhiou and Paterson* but not replacing them (no change there then) and now, with Nige off sick we, find ourselves fighting relegation without our manager in the dugout, with the 'leftovers' of the previous regime. * Just to be clear; I am not saying we shouldn't have let them go - their contracts were up - I'm saying that they should have been REPLACED.
  19. Overrated? Look at his achievements at this level. he must be the most successful championship-level manager ever in the history of the game. Ok you don’t like him - but overrated he is not.
  20. Well he can TALK a good game that’s for sure.
  21. Of course but since then we’ve shed some ‘dead wood’ and added NPs ‘improvements’.
  22. Why? When this group achieved successive top half finishes under LJ?
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