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Everything posted by bcfcredandwhite

  1. I thought the great man played up to the age of 80 and was still regularly playing in Malta at the time he was sadly killed in a motor accident???? not googled it so might be wrong………
  2. IMHO Palmer's greatest weakness was his wages. His salary put him (understandably) under scrutiny whenever he touched the ball - or conversely whenever he didn't get selected. However, I don't blame him for that - I bet there aren't many of us on this forum who would turn down his salary. Not the worst actual PLAYER on the pitch we've had at the Gate either - not by a long stretch, but one of the highest paid, so therefore that makes him one of the worst by way of value for money - again, his salary making him feel to many of us fans that he was worse than he actually was. I wish him well - he has some good skills and tricks - it will be interesting to see if Coventry manage to 'unlock' him (as long as it's not against us of course). Lots of Bristol housewives will be disappointed he's gone!!!!
  3. Good luck to him. I did enjoy his fantastic goal against Cardiff at Ashton Gate VERY much!! Shame he never really got going and his injury didn't help. Glad to get him off our books, but nonetheless wish him well ?
  4. I can only speak for myself personally - I'd be in favour and it would NOT change my attendance habits. Although, as I said on another thread, I haven't visited Ashton Gate for a while (Fulham - last game before lockdown) due to multiple factors. Under 'normal' conditions I buy membership and go to about half a dozen home games and 2 away games each season and those are planned outings for me. This would not change if I could watch the games on TV - in fact I'd end up subscribing to the games that I wouldn't normally see, so City's income from ME would increase. I'm not convinced that being able to watch a game live on TV would deter loads of fans from attending Ashton Gate who would normally go - unless they were already 'wobbling' anyway. You can't beat watching a live match in the stadium - like watching a band live compared to watching their music video. Perhaps, having easy access to a live TV stream might be the 'bait' to persuade some current armchair fans who currently have to rely on Sky Sports News to follow their team, to get down to BS3 occasionally? Besides, all those TV fans would be paying - and perhaps some of the new TV subscription revenue could be used to subsidise the cost of a stadium ticket? IMHO anything that gets Bristol City 'out there' into people's homes is a good thing.
  5. Personally I'm pleased with the recruitment so far. Very encouraging. However, talk of playoffs is a bit premature IMHO - other clubs still have business to do in the transfer market and some of them already have a few Prem players plus £millions to hoover up emerging talent. I certainly feel more comfortable than I did this time LAST season though. There - I've jinxed it ?
  6. Wow - that match seems to have been the last time (to-date) for quite a number of us!
  7. Fulham draw last game before the COVID ban. not been since - obviously firstly because we weren’t allowed but since then it’s been a combination of being abroad, spending the weekends doing up the house, money and also until recently I have just not been enthralled by the football. I’ll definitely be making the effort this coming season though - I’m feeling much more positive.
  8. I visited China in 2017. When I was in Shanghai, our guide showed us the view of the city from the top floor of the Shanghai tower and proudly told us ‘You British value your democracy where everyone has a say. Modern Shanghai was built in the 1980s - we just did it. In your country, your politicians would still be squabbling over whether or not to grant planning permission.’ Although I don’t want a Chinese-style regime here in the UK he has a point.
  9. We've been favourites for relegation ever since we made it into this league. For some reason the bookies don't rate us - that's fine. Under the radar and dismissed by everyone is good - as long as prospective new signings aren't fooled into believing it of course.
  10. Not a ‘rule’ per say, but I wondered if in knockout games like playoffs, the teams should take the penalty shootouts BEFORE the game. it might make the open play more interesting - particularly the Extra Time period? just thought I’d put it out there…….
  11. Hanoi in Vietnam is pretty crazy - so much to that the immigration authorities issue a leaflet to tourists with instructions on how to cross the roads!!!
  12. My ‘solution’ is a ‘last chance’ one when all other avenues have failed. I absolutely hate violence of any sort - just as I hate war, but sometimes when diplomacy has failed it’s sadly necessary.
  13. This is an interesting thread and there are some extraordinary views being aired. I could write pages and pages on this from when I retrained as a teacher in 2003-4 after losing my IT manager job. Needless to say I did not stay in teaching and I'm now back in IT management where I belong, but my brief flutter with teaching opened my eyes to how much social behaviour of both children AND adults have changed since my own school days in the late 1970s - early 1980s. I agree with this 'evidence', but it doesn't tell the whole story. In the playground as a kid being bullied, if you give the bully a slap, they will STILL be a bully, but they won't bully YOU anymore. The slap hasn't 'fixed' their behaviour, so the 'evidence' holds true, but its resolved YOUR situation, whereas a detention or 100 lines - or even a letter home to parents would NOT have fixed.
  14. Invalidate the result and award it to SU
  15. I’ve never really liked Forest. Living on the back of Clough’s legacy and self-entitled imho. They are also no longer a ‘bogey’ team for us of late so I’m not afraid of them. I will be supporting Huddersfield - but having said that if NF do get promoted it will be fun to watch them get dicked every week on MOTD. either way, as has been said already; at leat it won’t be a PP team going straight back up.
  16. Because it involves the sexual exploitation of people deemed unable to give their consent. you could by the same token argue that the desire to rape and murder is ok if you don’t actually do it. NO. MAP is wrong in every way. Gay involves consenting adults both making their own deliberate choice. MAP shouldn’t even be in the same thread.
  17. Good to read the overwhelmingly positive reaction to this on here. Someone's sexuality should be nothing to do with their ability to play football (or do any job for that matter) As for the 'Stonewall penalty' comment; I found it mildly amusing tbh - and I'm sure that Jake would also be able to smile at it. Being gay doesn't automatically mean that you have no sense of humour. I totally agree that the only sad thing about this is its newsworthiness - but we've come a long way to-date and people like Jake can only help push things along towards a day when someone's sexuality really doesn't raise any eyebrows any more. Sadly, knowing football fans in general, I suspect that there will be a tiny number of moronic idiots at some grounds who will see fit to use it to chant some stuff, but if that happens I'm sure that they get dealt with quickly and severely by their own supporters and clubs.
  18. I agree. I bet he’s ashamed of his hair every time he walks back to the centre spot after scoring ?
  19. I want Swindon to win Another West Country side in L1
  20. I turned down the offer of a ticket because I thought a genuine Swindon fan should take it rather than a day tripper. good luck tomorrow and next week
  21. I remember being asked to calm down when watching it and celebrating in my Swindon local because I was a lone (loud) voice amongst all the other regulars who saw fit to be Palace fans for a couple of hours for some strange reason….
  22. Wycombe for me - went there a lot when my son was at Uni there and got quite fond of the place easier to get to than Sunderland Also I didn’t like the way Sunderland sacked LJ and I’d love to see them spend another season in L1 plus I still haven’t forgotten their fans taking the piss out of us when we got relegated under Benny all those years ago and they went up to the Prem the same season ?
  23. Burnley because we might have a chance of beating them as they implode. Everton and Leeds would go straight back up. my opinion anyway…..
  24. I don't know how these things work - can't Steve just raise the rent for Ashton Gate and the other training facilities that the Bears and the Flyers pay to a few more £million (and then subsidise them accordingly)?
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