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Kingswood Robin

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Posts posted by Kingswood Robin

  1. 37 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

    Good choice of tunes too. Can’t knock a bit of twist and shout…

    Couldn't agree more. First time I've been to the ground for a while and I really enjoyed the music. Was all a bit boring and the same every week.

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  2. 1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

    Here’s another fact, in the last 23 games of last season we earned just 15 points.

    We have earned 27 points from the 23 league games we have played since, that is a lot more than “minimal improvement” to me.

    That's the bit that concerns me still a little. When Big Ben strikes on 1st January we seem to fall apart and are capable of going 9/10 games and barely picking up a point. If we can reach the dizzy heights of 4 wins across the first 2 months of the year I'll feel a bit more comfortable !

  3. 2 hours ago, View from the Dolman said:

    An audit to measure against what? You mention this "audit" process before but it's never entirely clear what you're looking for - maybe I'm unaware of the Ivorguy 7971 certification?

    I'm not sure who would audit us either, but I think there is a case for some kind of non-executive director to say "stop, what are you doing?".

    I also think the accountability point is a good one, the best run organisations live by it.  

  4. 1 hour ago, IAmNick said:

    From that twitter thread linked:

    Average 1st team wage is 16k? Can that really be true?! I know average isn't always the best measure as it can be heavily skewed, but as far as I know we don't have any 40k+'ers who would do that.

    Looking at that squad, and who there has some value that's unbelievable.

    That certainly caught my eye. Look at the weekly wage from 2017 to 2021 and think of the quality of football on show in that period, unbelievable is the right word. The cost per shot on target chart must look horrific.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Okay, a few reasons to be slightly optimistic.

    The academy are starting to produce players who look fairly comfortable playing in the Championship and whilst there is no way we wouldn't have to listen to offers for them if someone comes calling, they have been developed by the club and will be on reasonably low wages.

    The players who are here just for the coin are easily identified and should they get close to 1st team action, they'll be under no illusion that their effort is going to be under scrutiny, so they might choose to run that extra yard to avoid grief.

    As supporters we have to accept that we are skint and we won't be spending money any time soon.

    Who is responsible for these numbers? Anyone who feels obliged to wear a suit on a match day has to take some of the blame, and the further up the food chain you go, the more accountable they are.

    I just hope that fans rally and let SL know how much him and his generosity is appreciated.

    True enough, but I'd like to hear what the plan is to get out of this mess. I think most of us, regardless of wealth would look at this and say "this has to stop, we need to do something different".  I know some of this is due to factors beyond anyones control, but he must be fuming about this. Be honest with supporters and say what's changing and why. A bit of honesty goes a long way.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    The best bit is that we'll still get at least half a dozen threads over the next month or so whining that we aren't spending any money.

    I know some people think there's a magic money tree (wish I could find one) and that we should spend, spend, spend. The biggest complaint I've seen for many years now is not that we aren't spending, it's that we're not spending wisely. As long as there's room for improvement, I think it's a fair point. 

  7. Always remember that Bath game. My dad won £1000 on the City Society draw at halftime. Everyone had a four digit number and it was limited to 2000 members I think.  Each week they'd call out the numbers one at a time. You were lucky to be still in the draw after one number and usually knocked out by the second.  It got pretty interesting after getting three matching numbers. I'll never forget my dads face when they called out the fourth number and he'd won. He'd just been made redundant too. We picked up the big cheque on the pitch at halftime in the replay.

    He's passed on now, but football can create these sorts of memories that stay with you forever.   

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Elruliri said:

    I seen it earlier and it said it was taken in 1980, my instant thought was 1987.

    1987 is about right. We played in the "Today League" as you can just make out on the boards by the touchline.

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

    They get relegated to the third tier, get promoted again, give us a wave as the go sailing past us on their way back to the PL !

    And they are about to be liquidated, hope they savoured that "wave".

    Time will tell which one of us is right, but I'm pretty sure it's me !

    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

    Southampton level for me.

    Established mid/lower Prem team and odd decent Cup run.

    Worst of all worlds would be "doing a Derby" going up for a season, getting hammered every week, relegated, struggle, parachute payments run out, continue to chase the dream and .............. well you know the rest.

    They get relegated to the third tier, get promoted again, give us a wave as the go sailing past us on their way back to the PL !

    Agree on a Southampton level, or what Coventry maintained for many years.

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  11. 16 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

    Ashton Gate is owned by Ashton Gate Limited, which is owned by Bristol City Holdings Limited, the company that also owns Bristol City Football Club Limited. Bristol City Holdings Limited is then owned by Pula Sport. The Rugby Club is separate from the football element, and certainly doesn't own Ashton Gate stadium. As others have said, when you talk about selling the "Club", there needs to be some accuracy regarding what exactly is being talked about. As I understand it the entity that files accounts for P&S purposes, and so is likely the one registered as a member of the EFL, is Bristol City Holdings Limited. If that entity was sold as a share sale, then the stadium would go with it as it is owned by a subsidiary.



    "Limited" is quite appropriate for a good part of that family tree at the moment.

  12. 2 hours ago, TonyTonyTony said:

    What do you expect to hear from him? You could pretty much script the words he would say. Keep the faith, we trust in Nigel, transition season, Covid finances, no parachute payments etc etc


    That may be the case. As he is so remote these days, I would like to hear his thoughts, his reactions to unscripted questions and get a feel for his general tone/demeanour.

  13. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    As Kid says, quite easy for Pula to just sell the “club” (BC Holdings)



    It is good to see this. I can well understand given how in your face Bristol Sport is, that people think Bristol Sport is where the Pula bubble is. Also the name Bristol Sport does imply more than just basketball ownership.

  14. I started watching in 1983, so I think the answer is Tom Ritchie (Ritchie, John Shaw and Terry Cooper were the oldies back then). That got me thinking about any player I saw play against us that might have had an earlier debut for City and came up with Ray Cashley. There may have been other ex city players we played against in the early 80s that debuted for City before Ray Cashley, not sure. The absolute earliest league debut for someone that also played for City I imagine is Terry Cooper in the early 60s. I think Tommy Hutchinson played against us in the 80s and he must go back fair time.

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