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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Ah, the infamous Frenchay orange banner. @Bristol Rob Remember this one? First outing of the KLF.
  2. I must get my eyes tested. There are, like, loads of empty seats in that away end.
  3. Coincidence? The article in the Post about horse punching also contains a link to an article about favourite dog names? Darrell has no doubt been browsing that link Edit - oh, and a Sainsbury's advert. Ha ha, well played Post
  4. That 2nd half was as crazy a game of football I've witnessed in a long time. Whilst we battled well, make no mistake, we got lucky tonight. Outplayed thoroughly in the 1st half. 2nd half was pure madness. Every time we made a mistake in the middle or in their half they attacked so quickly and piled crosses in. We rode out luck massively at times. Was actually stunning when we took the lead. I was actually laughing more than screaming when we scored. It was that unbelievable that we went ahead. What surprised me the most was at 3-3 I'm thinking "hold on. A point here is great", and then I see Korey of all people bursting forward and vacating the midfield at every opportunity. We wanted the 3 points even though we rode our luck so much. Crazy half of football. Whilst outplayed and terribly fortunate, we did actually deserve the point through our tenacity, energy and desire.
  5. This line up. Whilst I don't think Vyner is anywhere near championship 1st team level, he is in our squad as the back-up right back, so if Pisano is injured then he's next man up. I'd rather this than moving others to unfamiliar positions. However, I'm not happy with dropping Pack. Our most consistent performer for 2 years now. And if you watch each of the 90 mins back again on BCTV you'll see what an absolute shift he's already put in this season. Smith has been quite frankly awful this season. If LJ wants Brownhill central its Smith who should be dropped.
  6. Not wishing to praise them at all, but Tom Nicholls will be a bloody decent signing for them. Must admit, I'm surprised.
  7. You were saying? Only joking, Glad the change has worked (and I'm no fan of LJ by the way, but he made a bloody brave call here).
  8. Can't agree with that. Tomlin had an absolute shocker and needed to be taken off. The Tammy change can be questioned, but to bring a new strikeforce on and go 2 up top should not be questioned, as it is what pretty much everyone wanted.
  9. Yes. Despite a few nay-sayers earlier in the thread, I feel this is the best team we could put out today. A change to 4-4-2, Golbourne back in at LB, a central midfield who can both control and pass as well as hustle, and 2 skillful wingers. Hopefully these changes bring about a better style and shape.
  10. Fair do's Jim. Intrigued now to know more detail on your experiences. From what I understood he was a very down to earth bloke (this from many I know at Cheltenham). Be interesting to hear your side of the story and what you've witnessed.
  11. Ha ha. Having read your match summary comments, I thought you wrote well, but then you say something like this. Pack has an ego? And a colossal one at that?? Really???? I'd beg to differ.
  12. Thanks citywest. Samo, as said mate, I couldn't quite believe how many poor comments there were. In fact, I tried to 'multi-quote' them but it exceeded the allowable limit, hence I had to copy/paste them instead!! As I think we all agree, it was a poor showing from pretty much the whole team aside from Flint & Burns. No one should be singled out from it.
  13. Ayling yes. Pack no way, been caught in possession too often and looks slow off the mark. This was after 36 mins, when Pack had been caught in posession ONCE! Not too often, ONCE. Freeman not impressed with Pack's pass there Pack has been incredibly frustrating 1st half. Poor decision making and his passing has been way off. Overhit 1 cross-field pass up to this point, and played 2 through balls out of play, in attempting to force forward play. By this stage Korey had given the ball away numerous time too, but no comment on him. Look closer to home Pack not good enough for league one let alone championship Written off already. I'm sorry but Pack is well out of his depth here. Written off already Was thinking the same Written off already Pack booked Deary me What a great reaction to someone getting booked. It'll happen to all of our players this season, hope they all get a "deary me". Pack was booked for 'taking one for the team', bringing down a man who was going to run through. Good booking in my opinion. It's gonna be a long old season for Pack Written off already Marlon pack,just letting his man run.shocking This was the comment on the 2nd goal. Where Pack tracked back with the man from the edge of the Sheff box, all the way to half way inside our own half. Initially the break was 3 on 3, but Pack correctly didn't dive in, and held the man from running all the way through on goal. The fact the cross wasn't stopped, and then Fielding went awol is not the fault of the midfielder who tracked 50+ yards and jockeyed his man well. As you said SuperBob, you're judging him on previous, which is fine. I think a lot of people would say he looked more than just "ok" in L1, so I do think your mind is already made up. Only one game but Pack has looked particularly off the pace to me today out of everyone but no one is pulling up trees by any stretch. Exactly. One game, where you admit that no one looked good, yet Pack is the one singled out. Packs lack of pace nearly leads to a third... You mean the one when Korey lost it on the half way line, Pack chased the man back, Flint came flying out and overshot his challenge, leaving Pack the only man left, who was beaten for pace by a lad from Portugal who's arrived in this league with one main attribute - pace. I think Joao would've beaten anyone to that ball bar Burns. I think we will struggle with Pack in midfield this season. Written off already Pack looked niggly and got caught in possession too many times, he also misplaced too many passes but he was probably my only major criticism. Got caught in possession 3 times I think. Less than Korey, Fredericks, Freeman, Wilbs. Mis-placed a couple of passes in the 1st half, but much better radar in the 2nd. Smith, Williams, Bryan to name a few mis-placed just as many if not more passes, yet he was your only major criticism? A lot to think about, though what happened to our midfield? Number of times we had possession in defence but had no options. The midfield saw plenty of ball (how else could they have so say mis-placed sooo many passes. The fact the CB's chose to hit diagonals too often was not the fault of the midfield, it's a tactic we adopted plenty last season. Anyone else with me in thinking the transfer priorities should be a box to box midfielder (replacing Pack). As for the midfielder I'm not sure if Pack is championship quality, think we need someone to go forward more. Written off already. This guy wants his shiedling midfielder to go forward more! I think we need more of a defensive midfielder to replace Pack to be honest. Written off already. Midfield was always going to be a problem, even in some game last season, our midfield didn't dominate or control Written off already, and clearly a shot at Pack, not Korey - cuz no one critiscises Korey, even when he's had a stinker today! Pack is my main worry for this season. His performance against Swindon last season should have rang all the alarm bells. Against anyone with pace he is toast. His solution is dodgy freekicks on the edge of our box. We desperately need a good, pacy central midfielder. Written off already. How many free kicks on the edge of the box were given away today? I remember Freeman giving one. Pack imho was the weak link last season and he's had a stinker today. Its early days yet and he did finish the season on a high, improving greatly, I'm not fighting him off yet bit on todays performance he looked way out of his depth Everyone had a stinker today. All bar Flint looked out of their depth today. I like Pack but he does make a lot of bad choices in dangerous areas, his radar was a bit off today and gave it away too much. As said before, gave it away 3 or 4 times in the first half, but was much more accurate 2nd half. Others gave the ball away many more times, but aren't receiving critique. End of the day pack was awful which left smith so exposed,if pack can't pass 10 yards without giving it away then we are in trouble Gave it away about 4 times. 2 cross-field diagonals, and a couple of attempted incisive passes. Don't think it was a case of not being able to pass it 10 yards. Korey's passing was worse than Pack's today, but no antagonism levelled his way? I appreciate SuperBob that a couple of posters have given their rationale and are perfectly entitled to their opinion, but I don't think I'm being naive at all mate. Read the 20 or so quoted posts above and tell me that some people aren't going over the top a bit, based on 1 performance where he was nowhere near our worst player. Thanks for the opinion you perfectly entitled to. But do you seriously think Korey played crap because Pack played crap? Korey was poor in his own right, as were many others. Again, read the previous posts and tell me there isn't an element of boo boy mentality in them. What's tiresome is the entirely predictable backlash that Pack receives from some fans whenever he plays. Many are still judging him on half a dozen games at the start of Sod's reign. Pack has more than proven himself over last season, just like Flint, Williams & Fielding, who also had pretty slow starts under Sod, but they've all been forgiven it seems. Mr Pack just can't shake it off with some fans, despite being one of our most consistent performers in the last 20-25 games last season. Samo. I'm not calling everyone a boo boy, but just look at how many people have written him off after 1 game, a game in which he was nowhere near our worst player, and in which none of our team covered themselves in glory. I use the term boo boy quite deliberately, because believe me, I can see it only being a matter of time (and a few defeats), before fans at the ground will start getting vocal. Some of that will have stemmed from the untruths spoken on here about his performances. Once it starts, it won't stop, and will spiral into jeers at the ground. I think today was a poor day all round for all of our players. Fielding, Williams, Fredericks, Ayling, Smith, Freeman, Wilbraham & Kodjia could ALL have fair criticism levelled at them today after their performances, yet the only player getting singled out is Pack. That's why I use the term boo boy, because there are a number of posters who are singling Pack out for special treatment, and that's not right. I'm not saying Pack is the answer, and I would happily upgrade him and a few others in the team for much better players, but the way some people are writing, is that he's the worst player in the squad by a mile, and he's far from it.
  14. Yep. Fair do's. His short 5 yard passing was fine, but pretty much everything he attempted as a forward-attacking pass was terrible. He lost the ball very easily a few times and 1 where he gifted Lopez what should've been a goal. He wasn't as tenacious as usual and was sloppy in possession, I thought. By contrast, Pack found his range of passing much better in the 2nd half and was involved in penetrating the opposition with a number of forward or cross-field passes. Sadly though, because he got tackled once he'll be everyone's boo boy.
  15. Alex. I pretty much agree with all of that apart from you saying Smith looked good? He was probably our poorest performer today with the exception of Williams. Genuinely intrigued, but can you tell me what you saw in Korey's performance that I didn't?
  16. Wow! I knew Pack was going to become a scapegoat for most people this season, in fact most had written him off before a ball was kicked, but my god, what a ridiculous overreaction to him today. Didn't think he'd be singled out quite this quickly. All of the team were poor today if compared with the performances we know they are capable of. No one came out with any credit besides maybe (just) Flint. Pack got tackled in his own half once in the first half and once in the second. He took a booking for the team rather than letting a man run free (just the same as Fredericks did, but he's not copped any flack for that), he made a couple of poor passes in the first half but spread the ball well in the second including a few passes threaded through to the strikers / wingbacks. In comparison Korey Smith did pretty much f-all all game, apart from giving the ball away numerous times more than Pack did, including one where he gifted the ball to Lopez on the edge of the box which should have been a goal. If you watched that game not having seen any of our team play before, you'd say Smith was our weakest midfielder. I'm not saying he is, nor slagging him off, but he was much worse than Pack today, yet the scapegoat goes to Pack. For what it's worth, I thought Fielding obviously made a cock-up, Bryan (whilst on) and Fredericks were completely ineffective wingbacks, Smith was terrible, Freeman disappeared second half, and the front 2, Wilb & Kodge were absolutely dire. Williams was horrible defensively and had a mare against Wallace & Hunt, and Ayling got caught out a number of times down his side too, and susceptible to a ball over the top once or twice as well. Pack, for me, was probably better than all bar Flint today. He made a couple of bad forward passes, and got tackled twice. Bloody hell. I can sense young Marlon being in a very long season with most of you lot. Ludicrous opinions (that's my opinion). On first showing, our new signings will need some time to bed in. Kodjia looked very poor I have to say, and Fred looked scared. I'm willing to give them both time to settle in a new team and challenging league, but seems most of you lot have written off Pack on the back of a bad team performance in which he was nowhere near our worst midfielder, let alone worst player.
  17. Part-time football. Full-time laughing stock.
  18. It's the "professional sports environment" that gets me?
  19. This article states that the sags are suing sainsburys. I thought it was sainsburys who brought this to court?
  20. Personally I'm not a big fan of Murphy. Would he be a likely signing? Very possibly. But he's not for me.
  21. Wow. They've finally managed to create a relatively decent sticker. We've been punting great quality out for years now whilst they've only managed a few pieces of utter garbage in response. Good to see they're trying to catch up, though of course we're streets ahead. Forever in our shadow.
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