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Everything posted by Harry

  1. There needs to be a law preventing ugly people from taking selfies.
  2. I find this the most depressing post on this thread. It's incredibly sad that we have supporters traveling thousands of miles to make a visit to Ashton Gate, who are suddenly informed that the game is rescheduled and their whole purpose of visiting is shattered. Riggers, you may not get anywhere with it, but if I were you I'd ring the club and demand to speak to the Chairman and demand some form of compensation for your Scandinavian friends. Perhaps if they're also going to Stevenage, the club may offer them free tickets at the very least (scant consolation though).
  3. Dave is a PAID EMPLOYEE of the football club, whose role is to act as FANS LIAISON OFFICER. If he were in the role voluntarily, I would be fine with him popping up and answering our questions in his own time, but as a paid and employed member of the club who should be acting in the best interest of the fans, I find it wholly illogical that he isn't on this thread some 8 hours after it was started. Surely this issue is one which is urgently in need of a fans liaison officer - otherwise, what purpose does his role serve?
  4. Harry

    Baldock Today

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion MC Risk (even Timothy & Robbo), and it's fine for us all to debate those opinions, it's the dragging up of threads from yesteryear claiming an all to egotistical "Look, look at me, I was right, you're a dumbass" posts that are beginning to get on my wick! As for the Cotterill thing, I made my feelings known on the 'I'm a Winner' thread and made a pact with myself not to comment on him for the rest of this season. I'm sticking by that. As for Baldock, yes, he should rightly be congratulated for his 18 goals this season and his overall workrate. However, I still maintain that we wouldn't have been struggling at the bottom for so long had he finished some (not all - some), of his gilt-edged chances he was presented with from August through to January. He acknowledged this himself, as did his Manager - so it's all rather futile people coming on here and lauding themselves, when in actual fact the critique was justified. Also - Kid In The Riot has still been very active on here recently - perhaps, like me, he just can't be bothered typing the same stuff about SC over and again. I think the whole forum is aware of his views - there's no need for him to play it out every game.
  5. Harry

    Baldock Today

    Not sure what you mean Chivs. Some people were rightly questioning Baldock in early January after he'd fluffed numerous gilt-edged chances. Those criticisms, lets not forget, also came from his Manager and from himself. Someone dragging up a thread from 8 weeks ago, to prove themselves right and vilify other people's valid opinions, is just egotistical, self-indulgent bull. I enjoy reading this site for it's frank and open views and it's the first place I come to for general BCFC news. However, the multitude of "See, I'm right, you're an idiot" posts is becoming incredibly tedious. Why can't people get back to having a proper debate without resorting to vilifying anyone who doesn't agree with you.
  6. Harry

    Baldock Today

    A lot of self-indulgent w..kers on here too!
  7. Not quite. 18 league goals. I've no doubt he'll reach 20, but at the moment, it's 18.
  8. Exactly what I was thinking, ha ha!! It was only a matter of time. He's a fool.
  9. It wasn't my quote fella. I was only stating that the 2 managers have a perception on here. One had the perception of not motivating players, the other has the perception of being a much better motivator.
  10. And those thousands would be quite wrong.
  11. Fair enough Glyn. To be honest, I never wanted to post anything about Cotterill at all, but my anger has gotten the better of me this last couple of weeks. I make a promise now, in front you Glyn, and all other otib'ers, that I am not going to talk about Cotterill again. I've made my position pretty clear on him and I'll rest at that. As far as comments on SC are concerned, I'll see you all at the end of the season.
  12. Noggers - the one thing I agreed with him on was the interview immediately after his first game v Tamworth. He said that Marv was put into a deeper role because everyone knows he hasn't got the legs to be a box to box midfielder any more. The very next game (and in all subsequent games) he lets Marv do his box to box, every blade of grass performances. Ummmm, but, but Steve....you told us quite clearly and categorically he couldn't do that any more?! In short, the selection of Marv in that position v Tamworth was his easy option to drop Pack, whom he'd not rated when previously managing him, so he didn't even want to look at him. Pack clearly made him think differently in training and forced his place back.
  13. To be perfectly honest, this is the only thing which is keeping me interested in football these days! I've lost complete touch with the Premier League over the last couple of seasons and actually hate watching it now. Keeping my eye on the lower leagues and youngsters is my passion now.
  14. Sorry Robbo, forgot to answer this bit in my last post. How do we get out of it? Well, for starters, drop El Abd. Play 2 of Osborne, Flint & Williams as 2 CB's. Play Cunningham at LB. If he doesn't like Moloney (clearly not), then go out and loan a genuine RB. Drop Barnett and put Baldock back up top. START with 2 wingers in home matches. How's that for starters?
  15. Yep, we were always 'in' games with P'boro being the only exception. That was the ONLY game we lost by a margin of more than 1 goal. We are now being beaten convincingly and are very much 'out' of games. I'm not trying to over-egg it Robbo, it's what I genuinely believe. As Italian Dave's post pointed out, in all bar the P'boro game, we could have got something with a bit more luck, concentration, composure etc. In recent games under SC, we are nowhere near.
  16. Yep - this is exactly the words he will use to get the fans 'onside'. I see through this, it's false, but it will certainly afford him more time with a lot of fans because he's planted the seeds and they think he really cares about them. The only 'long term strategy' in his locker. Tell the fans how proud you are of them and they'll give you a few more games before calling you a useless ____!
  17. Why did large amounts of people find it necessary to criticise every word of Sod's? Oh I get it - its ok to criticise a dour, sniffing Midlander, but we can't speak out against an arrogant Westcountryman. That's football bud. Manager interviews are the only thing which allows us to make an informed decision as to their personality. From what I've seen, I don't like his.
  18. You're absolutely right Noggers, I don't like him. Have I made that too obvious. However, you're wrong with your 3rd sentence, I am justifiably criticising his words, as he takes no responsibility when the team loses, but praises himself to the hilt when they win. I don't like that trait in people.
  19. It's a great interview if you are the type of fan who is blinded by bluster. Oooh, Steve's so angry, he must've really battered the players in the dressing room. For those who don't have the wool so easily pulled over their eyes, it's yet another interview of a man failing to take ownership and responsibility. Perhaps he'd like to explain using his astute tactical brain why our players are suddenly putting in performances which lack desire, motivation & professionalism. Perhaps they either don't like or don't understand your methods? Zero responsibility taken at any time, it's either the pitch, the wind, the tiredness or the players not doing what they're told. Oh, when we win though, it was his excellent substitutions, or motivational half time chats that were the catalyst. Bluff and Bluster.
  20. Great Post fella. I'd also add that during our barren spell under Sod, I hardly heard (if at all) any criticism toward the 'attitude' of the players. There were many comments as to their ability but never was their attitude or professionalism brought into question. What we've seen since mid-January are more and more people questioning the players' professionalism, attitude, desire etc. So yes, whilst results weren't great up until mid-October, the performances were generally ok and we were always 'in' games. Now, we are getting a host of poor performances and are being resoundingly beaten in games, and the players no longer seeming to be motivated. Sod was supposedly NOT a big motivator according to a lot of people, whilst SC is paraded as this huge motivator. Seems the players recently aren't as motivated and 'up' for it as they were earlier in the season. That doesn't bode well.
  21. Indeed Nick. Let's hope he sticks with my man Pack as well eh. Cotterill has dropped him a few times but hopefully the following stats will put an end to that : Pack Under Cotterill : Games NOT Started : Played 3, Lost 3. Games Started : Played 8, Won 3, Drawn 4, Lost 1 (and in that loss he was subbed at half time). So basically Steve, play Pack for 90 mins and you'll be fine. Oh, and make sure he's taking corners too. It's an easy game this Nick.
  22. Absolutely, and I'll be the first to acknowledge that. Pre-match, having seen the line-up, it looked odd. I thought it looked as though it was going to be 3 at the back, with Osborne at wingback, with only Pack as a defensive minded midfielder. And I personally thought that would be disastrous. As it was, he went 4 at the back (gladly), and had Pack taking the corners (about time). Credit to SC for that (though it's what I'd have done weeks ago!)
  23. Serves them right though! They called it off on New Years Day as they'd lost their first choice keeper and some others. By the time the rearranged game arrives, their keeper troubles worsened and it's come back to bite them, having to stick a total clown in the sticks. Screw You Orient. Justice.
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