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Posts posted by chinapig

  1. 8 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

    I think it's the guy who is the CFO who is fulfilling most of the roles that a CEO would do, but again, without experience in that field and it's a penny-wise-pound-foolish move to try to get two executives for the price of one.

    You are correct of course, though Jon did say BT was growing into the role as well. Not a professional way to operate imo.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, hinsleburg said:

    In my opinion the club governance and structure is a shambles

    A point that passes most fans by as it may seem boring and not relevant to what happens on the field.

    So, we do not have a Board in any meaningful sense. We sacked an award winning CEO because, well, why would a business need a CEO? Anyway Tinnion can fulfil that role, presumably because he has hitherto hidden expertise.

    There's nothing like following best practice and this is nothing like following best practice.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    And yet Conway’s chance last week at QPR was inter-play between him and Wells.  And then he said they’d worked on that in training in the build-up to the match.  So he must see something in a pairing of some shape or form, surely?

    You'd think so wouldn't you? But he didn't persist with it. Certainly TC benefited from playing with NW under Nigel so you might expect Liam to know that and apply it himself. But he seems to have his preferences regardless of the evidence.

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, REDOXO said:

    Conway looks like a shadow of the player he was. He doesn’t see the bloody ball anywhere where he can hurt the opposition. Yes his chances of the Euros have all but gone playing for this ****. If I was him I would hand in a transfer request the day the season ends. 

    Liam has said more than once "I play with one striker". Whether that suits the strikers he has doesn't seem to come into it. Having fixed ideas you won't deviate from tends not to be good practice in any line of work.

    • Like 8
  5. 10 minutes ago, The Original OTIB said:


    Milton Keynes local news, Dec 2022, post LM sacking. Sound familiar?

    "This season's crop of players has not looked at home in the system they have been playing in, and the dogged, unmoving approach to the style of play has not helped."


    Thanks for this. I'm afraid it reinforces the concern in my post above. It's hard to be optimistic for sure.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    SL wants a return.  Some people say “and why shouldn’t he?”, but it’s his running of the club that has meant it’s worth less than he wants.

    West Brom, admittedly a somewhat distressed asset but a bigger club than us, have been sold for a reported £60m. Steve is not likely to get the multiples of that he seems to want. Stalemate then.

    • Like 1
  7. I posted this article on the WSL thread as it has high praise for our own Naomi Layzell but I was struck by the more general point made by England U23 coach Emma Coates:

    “I think it would be wrong for me to say: ‘This is the exact player we want’ because then we have quite robotic football. If you want exciting football then it’s about getting that individual to be the best they can be rather than moulding them into something specific.”

    This reflects a concern I have about Liam ie that he may have a fixed idea of how he wants to play regardless of the players' strengths and will try to mould them into something they can't be.

    Too early to say perhaps but I do find it worrying.


    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Simon bristol said:

    Theres no way they want king around, his name, experience, and regard in football ####s all over theirs, hes a threat to their positions.

    He's also too close to Nigel Pearson so he's persona non grata regardless of his qualities.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Andrew_V1 said:

    Based on the criteria put out in the public by lansdown and tinnion (I am aware it was obvious bull s**t) but he should be under intense pressure now.

    We have regressed massively and have looked abject against the lowest opposition so a rocket should be put up mannings backside (not that it would achieve much could imagine the worlds most boring conversation between those three!)

    You misheard what Jon said. His actual words were "Appointing Liam gives us the best chance of making the bottom 6".

    • Like 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Some funny Tweets from this account.

    Clearly not grasping the necessity of a Stadium sale from the P&S Angle in 2019 

    Or how the system works on a rolling 3 year cycle. One of the highest wage bills at 2nd tier level ever that year.

    Once you see a reference to net spend you can pretty much discount the person's argument. It baffles me that people fail to consider the total cost of a player including transfer, signing on and agents' fees plus wages but perhaps it's a bit complicated for them.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

    Bill Bush was on. He's senior advisor to the PL CEO. He spoke entirely in favour of the current system.

    Thanks. Again I'm shocked!

    The Premier League must not be allowed to win this fight or it's another nail in the coffin. Let's hope we don't see regulatory capture down the line.

    • Like 3
  12. 13 minutes ago, phantom said:

    I don't know if this is of interest to anyone?

    Westminster Forum Projects | Next steps for football governance in England

    Morning, Thursday, 22nd February 2024

    This conference will focus on next steps for football governance in England.


    Discussion will explore priorities for ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of football, looking at key issues at all levels of the game following the announcement in the recent King’s Speech of a Football Governance Bill.

    It is bringing key stakeholders together with policymakers to examine the way forward for implementing an independent football regulator in England, and priorities for achieving a smooth transition into a regulatory landscape. It follows the consultation responses to the DCMS white paper A sustainable future - reforming club football governance.

    Delegates will consider the development of the independent regulator, looking at interoperability with existing governing bodies, issues around independence and impartiality, and the way forward for fostering long-term financial sustainability across all five tiers of English football.

    We also expect discussion on measures outlined by the Government following the King’s Speech, including the introduction of a licensing system for clubs, creating a new owner’s and director’s test, and an emphasis on fan engagement.

    Attendees will assess priorities for the in-depth ‘State of Football’ study being undertaken by the regulator to assess the financial health of the industry, as well as discussing the timescale and pathways for regulatory implementation, management and operation, including the possible introduction of a Shadow Regulator.


    Further key areas for discussion include:

    driving the sustainable financial growth of the women’s game

    the state of grassroots football support, and improving equality, diversity and inclusion throughout all levels

    measures to improve the welfare of players and officials, and the way forward for tackling all forms of abuse


    We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with: Ben Dean, Director, Sport and Gambling, DCMS; Rick Parry, Chairman, English Football League; Tony Burnett, Chief Executive Officer, Kick It Out; Niall Couper, Chief Executive Officer, Fair Game; Christopher Davis, Principal, Regulation and Market Design, Oxera; and Dr Christina Philippou, Principal Lecturer, Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of Portsmouth.


    Overall, areas for discussion include:

    independent regulator:

    next steps for implementation - key policy priorities following the fan-led review of football governance - ensuring long-term financial sustainability - informing best practice

    preparing for the operation phase and a smooth transition - next steps for major projects such as the proposed State of Football study

    the shape of the new licensing system for clubs - creating a new owner’s and director’s test - ensuring that fans have their say in the future of the game

    regulatory frameworks: proposed scope and practicalities - working alongside existing football governing bodies - managing overlap - ensuring independence and impartiality

    implementation measures: analysing the financial health of the industry on both a micro and macro level - putting the structures in place for full regulation across all five tiers of English football

    financial sustainability: distribution of revenue - parachute payments - wage bills, debt and commercial deals - priorities for sustainable financial growth of the women’s game

    duty of care: supporting football governing bodies in addressing concerns around player welfare, equality, diversity and inclusion at all levels


    The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from the DBT; DCMS; DSIT; House of Commons Library; NAO; Ofcom; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government - as well as parliamentary pass-holders from both Houses of Parliament.

    Thanks for this. No representative from the Premier League I see. I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!

  13. On 19/02/2024 at 15:00, ExiledAjax said:

    Looking like this is all delayed again. Too much fighting between EFL/PL around financial deals, and the ailing government in its death throes is sticking it's oar in.

    Very messy right now, with fan interests and concerns being right at the bottom of the pile.

    From PMQs earlier:

    Clive Betts (Lab) asks when the government will go ahead to set up an independent regulator for football.

    Sunak says the independent regulator will put fans at the heart of football. He says plans were in the king’s speech. Discussions on how to do this are underway, he says.

    Not going to happen before a general election I'm sure.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Davefevs said:

    @Lrrr the big issue for the squad Nige took over was it was a “cosy club” on pre-covid contracts.  Ability levels wasn’t really relevant! 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Think this is a large part of it FKAI.  But you can divorce the two also.

    Thats probably the elephant in the room - distrust of the hierarchy.

    The problem Liam has is that he's been lumbered with their expectations. I'm afraid he will just have to roll with the punches if he assured them he could deliver what they promised.

    • Like 1
  15. 19 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Don't want to really mention recruitment, but we’ve been recruiting to a plan / profile for 2 years now, it’s a profile that shouldn’t really make much difference who is in charge.  But I think that looks like a bit of lip-service as it currently stands.  Hey ho.

    For once there was a plan behind our recruitment. The question is does the profile of the players we have signed suit the way Liam wants to play?

    If his preference is to control possession then I think not. If so what do we do now when it comes to recruitment? I find it difficult to discern what the plan now is.

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