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Posts posted by Roe

  1. Imagine the extension is guaranteed now and we'll potentially look at a new contract between now and early next season.

    While Vyner is now flavour of the month and everybody's (mine included fwiw) favourite player, we need to be careful not to give out stupid contracts to players we might not really want long term.

    It was only a few months ago everyone wanted rid of him

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Lew-T said:

    Just found this brilliant thread…

    I’d argue 80% of those are stonewallers…


    I feel like we're going down far too easily on most of those shouts but the fact that 0 of them were given is pretty odd.

    There's at least 2 or 3 that are probably more likely to be given than not and then even the minimal shouts are probably at a good 10% chance each at least

  3. Most clubs are terrible at matchday presentation as a whole and we're certainly bad at that among other things

    Weird because it all seems quite an easy thing to fix imo

    Obviously we all know the sound systems are awful so that doesn't help but the massive screens are hardly used in an effective way

    Downsy and I'd assume some others running the show clearly aren't football fans

    Presumably one of the main reasons they don't do anything is they want fans back in the concourse buying food and drinks anyway. Still sad though

    • Like 2
  4. Been getting increasingly disappointed with Max recently. 

    Always thought he was decent for us but now was the time to really step up and make his own mark in goal. He's not doing that at all imo and is looking a bit of a weak spot (among the many) 

    • Like 3
  5. 13 hours ago, petehinton said:


    FWIW on the grapevine, the contract he’s been offered is exactly the same as he’s on now, so a straight extension basically as the club don’t see how his importance to us has gone up since he joined. Could be BS rumour, but also isn’t exactly a wild one so maybe not that far off what could be true, and I’d totally back the club on that if it was the case 

    Even if true that's pretty irrelevant imo. He could've been offered 10x the wages and it's still up to him if he wanted to sign the contract 

    It's just a bit of an odd stance in a sport where almost all players move around every 2 to 3 years for various reasons

    For Massengo to be effectively frozen out for so long seems counter productive. We've now lost any value on the pitch, and his transfer value is now likely to be 0 or whatever the fee works out for players under whatever age its set to

    I imagine Massengo's side of the story could paint a pretty poor picture of our club in a lot of ways

    • Like 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    HNM wanting to run the clock down despite having a contract offer sitting there for 18 months, aka run his contract down and leave for free…

    How many players could get away with doing that yet still seemingly be loved by fans? Imagine if a Palmer/Moore type had done it… people would be baying for blood. 

    I don't think Massengo really chose to run the clock down in this way as such so it's a bit harsh imo.

    Its not like he's said he doesn't want to play and you can't force someone sign a contract. 

    I understand Pearson's stance on it to a point but it also seems pretty silly in a lot of ways 

    • Like 4
  7. I don't have an issue as such with Pearson's response.

    It more falls down to a poor judgement call if he really trusted King more than Atkinson. 

    The organisation of our defence has been terrible for a long time (even before Pearson).

    Strangely Nigel often seems to not do anything about it. Ie:

    The insistence that "we have to play 3 at the back"

    Playing strikers at wing back

    Selecting King over either Klose or Atkinson when available

    Frequently changing keepers..

    There's a long list of questionable decisions

    • Like 3
  8. It was a lively weekend for VAR but honestly I think it's being exaggerated how bad the decisions were. 

    Almost all of the cases can (and are being) argued either way.

    And a lot of the experts and people complaining were the loudest with the insistence that the game needs technology to help with decisions

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