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Everything posted by petehinton

  1. AJ slowing everything down nicely here. Ruiz getting tired.
  2. Something about a sacked Bristol Rovers manager Paying £30 to watch us win, and watch his ex-best player, not even start the game makes me feel very warm inside
  3. No chance. Made two great saves but had nothing to do otherwise. We can’t expect to win games if we only decide to start trying after 65 mins.
  4. Totally different side now. Why has it taken us this long to look like we want to win the game
  5. Few people by me are going home already. ‘Wasted afternoon’ And ‘really not worth it’ their summation. Not sure I really blame them.
  6. May look different from the replay but from where I am it looked like he should’ve come out for it but was rooted to his line
  7. And there it is. O’Leary mistake for me. Should’ve come out for it/saved it.
  8. Half decent side is taking us apart here. Lucky they are over hitting everything. We look like we don’t want to be out there
  9. These are really poor, we just look like we can’t be arsed to be out there.
  10. McBurnie is a dirty bastard. Doesn’t seem interested in playing football today.
  11. We are a “premier league team in training” and have a free transfer one year deal GK in goal, a RB at LB, a LB at CB, and a league one striker upfront by himself
  12. Sorry but to come out of a summer transfer window and have that bench in our fourth game is a disgrace. If we’d have been shown that bench in January we’d have thought we’d been relegated.
  13. Sorry but this line up is embarrassing. We have a billionaire owner. £23m in the green from the summer. And we have Pisano at LB & Kelly at CB, as well as a winger up front. Paterson still starting games too. Joke
  14. Great stuff. Absolutely nothing on the bench that will improve us either.
  15. With all of the patient build up, slow passing movement etc it’s a fine line between being a ‘real football side’ or just boring to watch. Need more cutting edge. Scarily looks like no Fammy then no goals.
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