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Everything posted by Antman

  1. one that gets regularly played and just appeared in 'The Gallows Pole' (ep 2) Bristol Connections i think.
  2. I know HdV now own/run Avon Gorge, but the article is clearly referencing the centre HdV (photo, courtyard etc) the article is so poorly written that it defies belief that someone thought it fit to publish albeit online. I agree. how long can that outfit carry on.
  3. it is this - they are trying hard to sell you the extra storage. Just make sure you aren't backing up all photos/vids which usually eats up all the space.
  4. general fuckwittery from the EP regards Hotel Du Vin. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink/bristol-restaurant-one-most-stunning-8495454 i'm interested to know how they get such great views of the suspension bridge from the centre?
  5. Seemingly confirmed in the EP article about future gigs. i'm glad it's happening, I was surprised how ragged it looked on occasion this season, i thought it would have a longer life span but suppose both Football and Rugby takes it's toll. and presumanbly you can only mow the plastic inserts so many times?
  6. Antman

    The Giro

    also hoping for that, and hoping that if he does, Mercx will be more graceful than when he equalled his number !!
  7. Antman

    The Giro

    what a brutal TT to wrap it up !!! so sad for Geraint, just not able to match Roglic
  8. Saw Ginger Baker play with Hawkwind in Bristol prob around 1981 (?) talking of which, and as per the thread, i dusted off my copy of 'in search of space' last weekend (with full gatefold sleeve) thats a cracker
  9. Alex Scott leading the tackle count is an interesting stat. IF...he goes, it means we need someone else in MF doing that job. and that Atkinson stat is also interesting re Plus/Minus goals
  10. Master and Commander - they should have made another
  11. this geezer remains very much on regular rotation on my ipod. (seen him live a fair few times too) This line up is essentially also Rockpile (Dave Edmunds, Billy Bremner and Terry Williams)
  12. East St Louis toodle oo - Steely Dan
  13. and for the hat trick. the Phil Spectcor produced...
  14. i wormholed the other week and ended up listening to Nazereth! then segued into this.
  15. i remember pillar 4 i never knew that so much football could be played in a diagonal line directly behind that sodding pillar.
  16. a lot of the recommends on this thread will need advance booking, so be aware of that. what do you like? what's your budget? etc.
  17. Antman


    karma. took 6 for today....
  18. Antman


    cleaned up in 3.....:) (apologies for the clanger clue)
  19. Antman


    me too - got it in 3, but surely just an acronym! situation normal all f ucked up - coined during Vietnam i think.
  20. James is my player of the season. he anchors so much of whats happening. While Scott et al have got the spotlight, he has just got on with it. His experience has been incalculable.
  21. not a lot, moved to Paris, attempted a couple of failed bands - P-Mod and also The Crystallittes, started to write a book, but suffered MH issues and retreated to York. He keeps a low profile these days. Martin Hewes bassist from the Redskins has done a bit of publicity off the back of the re-issue of Neither Washington Nor Moscow and had a bit of a go at Chris. which is sad to see,
  22. There is a chap in our row who clearly goes off and does a line or two mid half, comes back with eyes like saucers (and last time most of it around his nose) then gets pointlessly aggressive with everything and everyone, slagging off the players etc etc. was actually told to STFU recently by the quietly spoken guy in front when it all got too much He's clearly not alone, and this just contributes to some of the outright stupidity that we all hear and see. so lets not take it as gospel that these fans are genuinely critiquing the team / tactics - they are probably shouting at the leprechauns on the pitch ...
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