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Bris Red

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Everything posted by Bris Red

  1. Why? This could be a great move for him.. Contrary to popular belief in this country but there is actually a big wide footballing world outside of the Premier league you know!
  2. I’ve always been a huge fan of Nagy, as others have said i think fait has transpired against him here with him and his partner probably feeling hugely isolated due to covid and not being able to travel home plus the injuries he has suffered along the way will have all unsettled him. It’s a shame as he clearly has a lot of talent but i think to be quite frank he isn’t a Pearson player, he isn’t somebody Nigel would have signed so i think its best for both parties if we try and get what ever dough we can for him and move on.
  3. Same. As an opposition team i think you would look to Vyner as a weak link you can expose. I think this season is a big on for Zac.
  4. Absolutely shocking - wouldn’t of expected anything less from them though to be fair..
  5. No sympathy for either Barca or Real - years and years of spunking money left right and centre and lording it over everyone else in world football has finally caught up with them it would seem..!
  6. I’d be inclined to keep him to be honest. Granted the jury is most certainly out on his goalscoring ability at this level however we did see glimpses last season of his potential, if NP can get him to add some more composure in front of goal your looking at £15 million plus for him and in the meantime we have a good striker to call on.
  7. Hahaha. ******* ridiculous, are they **** bigger than any of the clubs mentioned.. what the deluded few don’t realise is we aren’t living in the early to mid 90s anymore when granted they would have been bigger than some of the clubs mentioned. Literally every single club on that list has overtaken them both on and off the pitch and many have had recent Premier league stints. They are absolutely deluded man.
  8. I did feel for him when he was here to be honest, people will say that when he was given opportunities he didn’t perform but if a manager doesn’t put his arm around you and give you that confidence certain players will naturally feel not wanted. For me this situation highlighted massively LJ’s lack of man management skills, you can’t just stock pile players in real life and keep them for a rainy day.. your dealing with human beings and having the ability to make everyone feel wanted is massively important. I think that is why Pearson and many other more experienced managers would rather not have huge squads of players especially if you don’t particularly rate the fringe squad players that you have.. it becomes a pointless exercise for both parties, an un-happy un-confident player and a wage that would be much better spent elsewhere!
  9. We should NEVER have appointed him more like.
  10. The problem with their fans is they live in some sort of deluded time warp -unfortunately for the sags we aren’t living in the mid 1990’s anymore and LONG gone are the days when Rovers could consider themselves even remotely the same size as Reading Hull or Brighton. Times have moved on and whilst the rest of the footballing world have been improving their infrastructures the sags have stood still playing in a decrepit old Rugby stadium struggling to average over 7 k a week. League 2 is honestly their natural level.
  11. What a Great night! Lets hope they rot in League 2 for a good few years now as lets be honest that is their natural level......
  12. Fair play to Lee if he does take them up, he massively needs a promotion on his CV.
  13. Nail on the head for me. We needed a proper experienced manager more than ever after LJ to really cement a solid playing style going forward. We appoint DH who has unfortunately just carried on the same mis mash of methods and playing styles that we had under LJ. It’s genuinely scary how plenty of people on this forum who can see the glaring problems at our club yet the imbeciles at boardroom level cannot. It baffles me man it really does.
  14. I couldn’t have put it better myself!
  15. Tinpot lower league manager for a tinpot lower league outfit. A superb match.
  16. You have to laugh at how utterly deluded their fanbase still is. They genuinely believe they are a big club don’t they? Some of the suggestions are mental, not a chance in hell would a Paul cook go there.
  17. Yes it is the January of 2008 that sticks in my mind. Nothing against Dele Adebola or Nick Carle but they weren’t the type of quality signings that were going to push us over the line that year IMO. I agree obviously since FFP has come into play we have had to play by the rules, the Lansdown family are sensible people and would obviously not risk fines or a points deduction by trying to bend the rules. I just still feel disappointed by January window in 08 to be honest.. i think under a different board we would have gone up that year.
  18. Doug Ellis was like our own Steve Lansdown in a way, you know the club is always going to be in safe hands with these types of men but over the years i think its fair to say we could have pushed the boat out considerably more than we have done and would have probably experienced Premier league football by now.
  19. Hahah quality. Better facilities down on Eastville park mind!
  20. Nail on the head for me. When it does go right he doesn’t really know why or how..
  21. The damage is done for me. LJ will have to do a lot more than producing one half decent performance (and still probably losing) to win me back around. Johnson out.
  22. A sag on a site i was working on said to me not so long ago that he would genuinely have another season out of the football league in the conference if it meant we were down there with them. Unbelievable.
  23. Hahaha why are you still posting on our forum then you silly ***?!
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