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Mr Popodopolous

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Everything posted by Mr Popodopolous

  1. May get an emoji or two but tbh I am NOT singling out any country here. I get the impression, was thinking about this earlier, they were treating this as a normal recession until lately, or something like. Fiscal stimulus such as announced in Sunak's first budget, cutting interest rates and cutting again to virtually zero...fine in a standard recession but certainly not enough now- think the penny is finally dropping but even so. If you look at the measures though, or a lot of them economically that have been taken to date they are in line with past recessions..but past recessions in our lifetime have seen nothing quite like this upheaval- even in 2008/09, a bit of stimulus, bit of rate cuts- well it took a lot out but if you're having to close businesses, lay off staff temporarily or otherwise- think of mothballing plants and factories in the past, it just doesn't cut it. I even remember if they- as in Governments not any in particular- had properly learnt and absorbed the lessons of that crash...not sure! This one feels more serious in a number of ways than even the late 2000's one! Time is of the essence here, from an economic standpoint alone- how many jobs have been lost already I wonder?
  2. Which MP was this?? That's fairly disgusting and in these times certainly.
  3. Millions of unemployed and homeless IMO, could see society breakdown. Essential we avoid it at all costs. Nine meals from anarchy, so the saying goes.
  4. It's profiteering, at a time of possible crisis. Hang their heads in shame is quite kind if anything. Interesting story from USA. Someone had 17,700 containers or similar of hand sanitiser. EBay account was shut basically, or was it Amazon. Couldn't get rid of them. The upshot was they had to give them all away, or 'chose' to. That 'choice' however was against the backdrop of being investigated for price gouging...giving them away may well help him! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51909045 Sure we have some similar laws? If not we make some for emergency use only. Get these ******* in front of a court, or a police station. Anti social at best!
  5. ? You've nailed it there Dave. I believe that in this respect especially, they have been behind the curve. That thing phantom posted about DWP suspending assessments was a confirmation to me that they believe unemployment to take off, or at least spike off the back of this. By no means simply in hospitality either. Whatever we think of the Government, I don't believe the national approach cuts it in this respect or has done to date. Said it on a couple of threads albeit moaning a little about top footballers during this crisis but that's barely anything now. We all need to make sacrifices it would seem, if things are reaching the stage some think. Many are or will be, with their jobs and businesses. **** knows what the unemployment rate will be in a couple of months. From the health and advice POV, yesterday was an improvement (unsure they're there yet), economically it's lacking. Maybe the virus will burn out, a vaccine will be sought, maybe it'll be no more than a standard recession, where a lot of temporary layoffs and targeted support can suffice. Unsure that this is true however. Also before I forget, self employed too. Add them to the list.
  6. If countries coordinated better early and aggressively did so, for example had those returning from anywhere else been stuck in quarantine or isolation from the get go and had aggressive tracing and testing started early and continued across the board, might this have been suppressed significantly? Feels too late now but an interesting counterfactual. I'm convinced most- if not all- countries have made significant errors on this.
  7. That's reassuring to hear, this virus....seems rather stark for a virus doesn't it!? Herd immunity, semi lockdown, the strategy seems to change by the day. Apologies too, one or two of my posts are fear driven. This will sound an odd comparison but the last couple of weeks of relative normality, have already a distinct feeling of Summer 1914, or Summer 1939, how that maybe might have felt. I hope it's just a virus that will burn out but increasing sense that it's worse, worse by far.
  8. Maesknoll Red said we likely need a cull anyway earlier in this thread so I wouldn't expect much better from that particular poster.
  9. Agreed. Will they though? The individuals and businesses struggling, will they get the help they need. @Harry seems to consider it futile anyway. Interested in his predictions on unemployment, homessless rates. Should Government legislation be considered on rent, mortgage deferrals if this crisis as big as he seems to imply...rationing?
  10. Yes have sympathy with that view, but you can bet that the likes of @Harry don't and there lies a split. Private health insurance, number of doctors trained by BUPA?
  11. Well BTRFTG was raising points earlier about Denmark, Sweden etc and how they differ to here. I bet it won't find universal favour though. Even if it possibly should.
  12. Agreed. Has to be with some, if not all of them. We all have to make sacrifices in such times. I believe it won't be unanimously seen as such though. Can imagine some on this thread raising objections for a start.
  13. Saw this online. Any thoughts? IMO this maybe a necessary temporary measure. If unemployment spikes as it could.
  14. Some of the, I don't know what I'd call it, defiance? Some of that has had and indeed in some quarters still has, a bit of a summer 1914, summer 1939 or summer 1938 feel to it- or is it just me? Read it on Twitter anyway and any merit to the analogy?
  15. Yeah, that's a reasonable quid pro quo tbh- money in as is necessary probably but we get something back on it, important infrastructure...definitely not a bailout. Boris Johnson press conference at 4.45pm apparently. I'm not a huge Tory fan but this feels apolitical, our leader will show the way (hopefully).
  16. Seems not a bad idea- would that be just planes or go for other forms of public transport too...?
  17. Agreed to a point, though there may well be cause to panic- still a fair few unknowns IMO. That is good to hear- ways to keep things going and keep income flowing one way or another, has to be fairly positive. Some creativity, John Lewis to Waitrose a good plan,- temporarily upskilling under-deployed and training staff that is a positive to take. Still have concerns over the strategy though- unknown factors mainly.
  18. Oh I don't disagree about the demographics argument- and Norway built up reserves out of their North Sea Oil didn't they, some sort of fund- a much lower population helps too. We are densely populated...but if nothing is done, it is possible we could see a significant spike in unemployment and evictions.
  19. Italian Governance is pretty suspect but this is a unique situation, is it not? Any solutions to the possible impending unemployment spike, with rent and mortgages outstanding? Deferral in the circs seems a reasonable solution IMO in exceptional circs such as this.
  20. Yeah, saw that too- why they don't just get on with it and announce a 4 week break, pending 10-12 I don't know- would've thought it would be longer tbh. May need unanimous agreement, or waiting for Government guidance perhaps.
  21. A bit morbid so I hesitate to post but saw on Twitter. As we know, the age pattern/profile seems to be that the older you are, the worse it gets/more at risk.
  22. Great post. The bolded word gets to the heart of it IMO. Gamble...one hell of a gamble- it may prove to be a disaster, may prove to be a masterstroke but our approach appears to be unique- for better or for worse.
  23. Yep, and I'm one of them. Was planning to go up to London in March or April to see mate- or have them down Bristol. Or Liverpool to see a mate there as a Plan B. Well no chance, not while this is ongoing.
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