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Everything posted by cityloyal473

  1. Formation has been changed; diamond now. I'll give LJ this: he's not afraid to mix it up.
  2. If Lansdown is our sugar daddy what is Wael to the gas? Both are billionaires right?
  3. Genuinely not fishing here. Is that a new addition to the Memorial stadium?
  4. That is Desperate - with a capital D. OMG - they're pathetic. Bums on seats that count chaps and we get double those morons.
  5. This^^ Could have gone horribly wrong but fair play to Lee for having the balls to go for it.
  6. And the piece d' resistance: the Rugby club (former owners don't forget) having to pay rent to play at 'their' ground.
  7. The takeover by Wally is fishier than Baldrick's apple crumble NFQAT.
  8. To be honest I don't think they kicked up a fuss then.
  9. They must've spent this years operating budget on their new tent.
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