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  1. I'd be quiet now before someone accuses you (unfairly) of being a gas-head. You gas-head. Uncle TFR
  2. How do you come to the number 3?? The last reliable survey of sag brain samples had the number just shy of 2. What is all this '3' crap, Mr?? Uncle TFR
  3. This will help:- Uncle TFR
  4. Seven tears Uncle TFR
  5. A boy named Sue (a) Uncle TFR
  6. High fidelity. Best song ever written. The one Led-Zep missed out on. Uncle TFR
  7. ........ not what you'd want to wake up next to in the morning, is she? Uncle TFR
  8. **** Bristol Rovers. **** this thread. That is all. Uncle TFR
  9. ........ is BristolCitySweden going to get drunk again tonight? Uncle TFR
  10. I thought he meant the commentator, not the hipster defender. My mistake. Feel free to call me every name under the sun, apart from Robbored. Uncle TFR
  11. Do you think you can break my balls? Uncle TFR
  12. Has the cricket season started then?? Uncle TFR
  13. Isn't it european City of culture? Someone in power has a truly wicked sense of humour. Uncle TFR
  14. Either 1-1 or 2-2. I'll decide closer to the time, or during the game. Not sure which two OTIB posters will have a massive spat during the game. Bit of a lottery, really. Which reminds me: big jackpot tonight. If I win the jackpot, I will be sponsoring the new West Stand upper tier "the Uncle Taxi for Rennie upper tier", and letting fans sit there. Uncle TFR
  15. Good post, but with a whiff of paranoia. Uncle TFR
  16. Moderators? It's Easter Monday. Can you please lock this thread until the religious festival is over? Thanks, in advance. Uncle TFR
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