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  1. Today is a fairly rare example of Forest being given a 'proper' hiding by City. EVERY City player has a blinder today, resulting in a 4-1 win for BCFC. After predicting the last result so accurately, I've got my tail up. 4-1 to City: MARK MY WORDS Uncle TFR
  2. I foresee goals tonight. 3-2 to City. Brighton 2-1 up at HT. Kodgemeister amoungst the goals again. Mid-table, 'ere we come. Uncle TFR
  3. Welcome back - it was so shit last week. Yep, either 1-1 or 2-2. Uncle TFR P.S. Anyone have a picture of a Belted Galloway??
  4. Whatever is going to happen needs to happen straight away. Work out how many wins we need to get to 50-55 points, and it is frightening. Uncle TFR-Moyes
  5. Yes, it would stop the commentator p*****g you off. Or stop bloody complaining. FFS!! Uncle TFR-Moyes
  6. Is Daffy the solution to our profligacy in front of goal? Uncle TFR-Moyes
  7. Next person to be negative gets lunch for two with Bigtone. So stop it now. Uncle TFR-Moyes
  8. You can taste the negativity vibe on this thread. Are we 'doomed'? Do we exist? Uncle TFR-Moyes
  9. Have I missed something, or are they still playing injury time? Uncle TFR
  10. Are you going to manage City to the end of the season or not?? At least give us a hint. Uncle Moyes
  11. Shouldn't you be out looking for sickly hogs? Not a word from you about how they struggle with a sudden cold snap after such a wet December. You b******d Aizoon. Uncle Moyes
  12. At the moment, our form is better than Charlton. The future is bright. Uncle Moyes
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