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Everything posted by IAmNick

  1. It's awful isn't it, that can't be intentional surely.
  2. Easy answer: Going out and fighting in the streets is infinitely more pathetic than playing games.
  3. What. There's stuff all over the place about drink driving. On TV, in pubs/clubs, in the driving test, it's absolutely everywhere. It's way more of a talking point that football violence (unless you're on a football forum, shock horror). Wasn't the opposition firm just protecting their fans from ours though?
  4. It's not a parallel at all. Obviously people are more likely to discuss football violence on a football forum. And there is no relation... and it's not an internet phrase, it's a well known phrase from the cold war era with a clear meaning. Either way, one being true (drink driving takes up emergency service time) has no bearing on the fact that football violence does. One doesn't make the other OK or not, and you can call one thing out without having to call out every other example.
  5. Holy whataboutism. If he was driving recklessly or drunk etc. resulting in people dying then loads of people would be calling it out. What are you on about? How is this even relevant? Is your point that people are accepting of reckless/drunk driving?? Bizarre. I think you'll find drink driving or poor driving are many more people's "hobby horses" than football violence, imo.
  6. They have an outfield player in goal, we get a corner and take it short?! What?? Just get it in near him surely
  7. Cardiff second: https://streamff.co/v/8eOxaUfG6i
  8. Cardiff goal: https://streamff.com/v/zhUltYiz24
  9. Do they adjust the result manually sometimes then, from what you're saying? Or adjust the input variables? I'm a big proponent of xG by the way so no criticism. It's just interesting when you see examples where it perhaps works well/poorly. Yeah - the 0.65 stood out as that's close to a penalty in many models I think!
  10. That's interesting - and probably a good example of some issues with xG models. Looking how close the Cardiff players were (with odd body positions) I'm sure in reality it was a lot less than 0.65. Incredibly difficult to measure though and once you start getting body positions in there the sample size would drop massively. Really tough chance for me
  11. Semenyo and the cup games presumably.
  12. Not a fan of the mugs? I can source some of these for you if you want instead:
  13. Could never play midfield with Williams mind, they're too slow
  14. Yep, I think having a small set of trusted older players is a pretty essential part of a club... especially if you want to develop your youth. They need to see what "good" looks like from both a playing and attitude perspective.
  15. Surely the problem is that they're not good enough / looking for a final payday, rather than their age? Just look at Modric midweek. 37 years old...
  16. Genius. Could only be improved by shouting "you c*nts" at random points imo
  17. Reminds me a bit of Freeman's (only??) goal at AG.
  18. Pretty innocuous looking really: https://streamja.com/Xv5L3
  19. I'm not quite as down as everyone else seems to be, I thought we were alright and decent value for a point with better chances to take all 3. Wigan weren't bad. They played out wide a lot which meant Tanner and Pring struggled to get too far forwards. Combined with them having someone unfamiliar in front it wasn't a great combination. I though Williams was really good, one of his best games I've seen. Mehmeti looks really sharp, and I thought Cornick again had quite a few neat touches in him although it'd have been nice if he saw more of the ball. I thought we were better in open play, but they were dangerous from set pieces. Their deep line especially in the first half didn't do us many favors either and we struggled to play how we want to against them. Great to be unbeaten, and I'm only slightly disappointed in the performance and that we didn't come away with a win. It was a tough game and some players looked pretty tired in the second half.
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