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Everything posted by IAmNick

  1. Yeah it seems one extreme or the other around me too in the Lansdown. Every game between about 5 and 15 minutes into each half you get a load of people without tickets there coming up and sitting in the nice seats behind us. It's a pain in the ass as they block everyone's view as they go up the steps and shuffle around, awkwardly trying to find somewhere to sit... not to mention I pay about £600 / year to sit in a decent seat which rankles a bit! About 10% of the time one of the stewards will then slowly go and ask for their ticket, then kick them out disturbing everyone again - last night it happened in one block, but not the one near me so it ended up with about 30 people sitting there who weren't meant to.
  2. Does all of the money from that site you've linked (or not, presumably to get around some filter...) go directly to the fanzine only?
  3. Reminded me a bit of Joe Bryan in the playoff final the year before last
  4. City goal (Semenyoooooooooooooooo): https://streamja.com/o7kaQ
  5. City goal (Conway): https://streamja.com/20Vjp
  6. Blimey, what's happened to you lately? I'm loving the new found optimism don't get me wrong, it's just not what I expected!
  7. Are you trying to imply I didn't draw that? I've been practicing since the last game!
  8. Who used to do the post match Subbuteo ones - was it @Never to the dark side? He could have a go this time! Surely I didn't imagine them...
  9. We're all only using OTIB "in the background" during 9-5 mate, surely
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