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Everything posted by IAmNick

  1. There's a really cool short documentary on the Dean Lane skatepark here I watched recently: Loads of great old footage and history of the area in it.
  2. "Never pay" - This is really, really bad advice and a good way to potentially get a CCJ on your credit record. Your link is specifically about unfair tickets, not ones where you just ignored visible signs or whatever and don't want to pay up. If someone simply parks where they shouldn't and gets a ticket, and the private company has followed the rules then it's often best to just pay up in my opinion. Some of these companies, including "Parking eye" now regularly do follow through on their threats and make county court claims. https://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk/parking-eye/ "Ignoring private parking tickets was the popular advice until late 2012. Before then, threatening letters would be sent for months after the ticket, but in the end, they would just stop when the parking company realised the recipient would not ‘bite’. Few parking companies attempted to enforce tickets in court due to the fact that this area of law was ‘grey’ and that the costs would outweigh the income from the ticket anyway. However, in late 2012 Parking Eye started a campaign to change that perception (and in turn their income) by issuing court claims. Their theory was that faced with a claim, many motorists would simply fold and pay up. Further, by going to court with a solicitor to argue against a member of the public with no legal background, the odds would be stacked in their favour. There were also those that ignored the court papers, meaning that a county court judgement was issued by default. This campaign was very successful for ParkingEye; the perception of their tickets has been changed meaning that ignoring isn’t the simple answer it used to be. In the first 9 months of 2015 ParkingEye issued 24,540 small claims. Of these, 724 went to a hearing. This suggests both that ParkingEye are not afraid to issue claims, but also that a large number of cases are settled ahead of a hearing."
  3. Thought it interesting that along with Pearson's semi-throwaway comment about Andy King "Who knows he might manage the club one day" (paraphrased), it's also notable reading about how much Euell also wants to get into management. It's so important to have passionate and driven people who are on their own journey of self improvement, on top of just wanting to improve the club/squad. If you expect that of your players it has to be reflected in all the staff as well. I also found the interview with him interesting in that it sounds like he was approached by Pearson (great!), and that they hadn't had a conversation about positions/responsibilities yet. Is that common?
  4. Looks like a bunch of blokes waving at each other for 3 minutes, I don't get it
  5. Am I missing something? Le Tissier tweeted implying the massacre didn't happen and was invented by the media - pro Russian propaganda. The lady you've linked was doing the opposite, and exaggerating the claims - so pro Ukrainian propaganda . How are they related? He tweeted the opposite of what she was saying. Unless you mean he was reacting to her false claims by spreading some other false claims?! I think you're giving him a bit too much benefit of the doubt here if so. The only thing I can take from this is being easily misled and prone to believing things without doing any research or seeing any evidence is a general trait of his rather than a one off!
  6. Eh? It's a fact. It's literally what he said - including in your video. He wasn't forced otherwise he wouldn't have had any choice. Encouraged to wear it maybe, but not forced. He could have said no. It wasn't why he was fired though as he said above, so not sure why it's relevant.
  7. He wasn't forced into wearing it, it says in the post above what happened. And that's also not what he said recently: "I went into working in the media from 2002 onwards until late August 2020, which was an interesting scenario where I lost my job,” he explained. “Obviously the pandemic started in 2020 in March - and very early on in that I had my doubts as to what was really going on. "I felt early on there was a massive overreaction to it by the governments. And that's where it all started for me with questioning the narrative and probably ended up with me losing my job at Sky." https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/matt-le-tissier-sky-sports-26663928 https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/18197007/matt-le-tissier-sky-sports-sacked-conspiracy-coronavirus/
  8. Well yeah are you really surprised people on (what's meant to be) a football forum are more likely to comment on a footballers comments, than a random Ukranian politician? Thanks for the thoughtful reply! Broadly I agree with you of course on civil disobedience, and testing and challenging our systems / power structures. However, lets not act like Le Tissier is the equivalent of Eratosthenes putting sticks in the ground in 200BC (or whenever it was, I forget) to work out the circumference of the Earth (and proving it was spherical in the process). There is a lot of very valid criticism of our government's handling of covid, but pretending dying people are actors and comparing masks to the holocaust isn't exactly pushing forward the public discourse and challenging the prevailing perspective in my opinion.
  9. Well yes obviously it's my opinion. I'm confused as to why you think that needs saying... what were you expecting? I even said "in my opinion" directly there which was a bit of a bloody clue! Carrager did something absolutely disgusting, was suspended for 6 months or so (I think) but in that time apologised many and was reinstated. I don't like him, but whatever. Le Tissier compared wearing a mask to the holocaust, said people dying in hospital were paid actors, and much more - then doubled down and continues to spread absolute nonsense and is now playing the victim... and that earns your respect. That's a weird train of thought for me.
  10. Sadder world that people earn respect for talking absolute bollocks in my opinion! No idea why voicing an opinion is respect worthy if the opinion is complete tosh. Should be the opposite surely - better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than speak out and remove all doubt. Thanks for elaborating.
  11. As far as I know nobody has said that Le Tissier isn't entitled to share them. But as much as he has the right to express them, he also has to accept the consequences of doing so. It's absolutely nothing to do with free speech though. That's about government interference - which hasn't happened in this case. You're confusing punishment by the state and a private company. They're two separate things. Thinking you're correct at the time is no kind of defence. When you're saying people dying in hospital are paid actors and comparing masks to the holocaust , those are absolutely ridiculous things to say no matter how much you believe them to be true. People say and do all kinds of awful things which they think are correct - absolutely laughable reasoning. The fact he basically doubled down on his ridiculous bollocks, and is now spreading more about the war in Ukraine tells you all you need to know. Good riddance.
  12. I intentionally hid his surname - it's probably pretty embarrassing for so many people who may well have considered him a friend to now realise he's got such a horrible past he's clearly tried to escape. Have some respect.
  13. Removed the blokes surname, but my guess is that this is why: "Volunteer of The Week'! This week we caught up with Supporters Club member Terry [surname]. Terry is originally a Bristolian and a lifelong Bristol Rovers fan but he now shares his allegiances with Lewes FC and spends many of his Saturdays down at the Pan carrying out vital maintenance work. We asked Terry - mid-hammer blow - those three all important questions. He considered each one carefully before replying with his soft Bristol lilt... Why did you choose to volunteer for Lewes FC? “I don’t think I actually did volunteer - it just happened. I was here one day and some-one said, ‘You’ll do this won’t you?’ and next thing I knew I was painting toilets!” Which team would you most like us to beat? “Always Bristol City” If you could put a message on a billboard for all the world to see, what would it be? “Try and get on with life: don’t fret, don’t hassle people, don’t be extreme!”" Not sure I believe that last sentence of his! Pretty funny though, fair play to him if he's the culprit!
  14. Can you link me to a couple of interviews or whatever where he threw them under the bus? Even just one or two if you can't find them all would be good.
  15. That's it with Lee though isn't it, and one of the things that drove me mad. He just can't help himself. The stupid thing is he did loads of good stuff here he could highlight and rightfully take a lot of credit for, but why he feels the need to try and elaborate on something like that is just weird. It's the same as post Man U / Man C games. They were brilliant performances and he rightly deserved loads of praise - why start talking about bottles of wine with Mourinho or rubbing shoulders with Pep around a tactics board. It's just naff and reeks of insecurity to me. He'd already done the hard part, he just had to bask in it, not endlessly try and big himself up.
  16. Blimey. Have you tried sharing this strategy with the club??
  17. Yes and I remember when about 50 other players were going to be top performers for us and then got quietly forgotten... what's your point? Blindly back everyone because sometimes they come good when people don't rate them? Weird.
  18. That's my experience too - except at Reading festival about 15 years ago when 50 cent got anything people could lay their hands on chucked at him until he left the stage, meaning Green Day did an extended set! I like the smell as well, and think it looks great... If people can use it sensibly.
  19. Some of our fans are incapable of drinking a bottle of coke without feeling the need to lob it at opposition players, so I'm glad they're not allowed flares - even though they can look great when used sensibly/properly. I expect if fans at concerts were repeatedly chucking them on stage, at each other, or into any disabled sections they'd get banned there too pretty quickly (if they aren't already,I don't know).
  20. Back in the day when 80% of them by him were about our USELESS PUBLIC BROADCASTER I'd have agreed, but these days it's pretty harmless. They quickly disappear if people aren't interested.
  21. Of course people are in their jobs who aren't the best - that probably goes for most jobs in fact! The best person being in the best job for them is actually pretty unusual. For the record as well, positive discrimination is illegal. If you hire someone based off a protected characteristic you're breaking the law, just like if you don't hire them for that reason. Does it happen sometimes? Well, of course. Just look at how many of our politicians went to Eton and Oxbridge for gods sake but weirdly most (not all!) people bringing it up don't get so bothered by that. Hmm. Anyway, nobody has said all the people on TV get their jobs for being the best there are though - but that also doesn't mean that all people who are gay or black or whatever got their job for that reason. That's why I think it's unfair and presumptuous to assume it. "They're gay so that must be why they got the job, because I don't like them". That's not fair. I also think that in entertainment, as with your comedy example, it's subjective isn't it - lots of people do probably find people on TV funny who I don't. I bloody hate Jimmy Carr for example, but if he were gay I wouldn't assume that's why he was getting gigs. I just accept lots of people do like them, as they have different taste from me. Does positive discrimination occur sometimes? Of course. Is it as widespread as some people want to make out it is? No - and I'd say it's intentionally stirred up by some folk (nobody on here, to be absolutely clear) for nefarious reasons. Do I think it weird that the first thought in some people's mind when someone gets hired is "Oh look they're gay/black/muslim/<whatever>"? Absolutely! Downsy isn't my cup of tea, In fact I find him overly excitable and to be honest pretty annoying, but I'm sure he's a decent bloke and I hope if he is going to Qatar it works out well for him.
  22. The problem is though that whenever anyone who isn't a straight while man gets a job people immediately assume it's probably because of some other characteristic. That's not fair, or right. Maybe they interviewed him and he was the best for the job - nobody here has any idea either way. People are speculating they hired him because he was gay, based off ANOTHER speculation that they want to see "open" by hiring more gay people. That's ridiculous. Assumptions on assumptions. It's nothing about "world war 3", packs, and sticking heads over parapets, don't be so dramatic.
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