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Posts posted by IAmNick

  1. 2 hours ago, richwwtk said:

    The thing is @Better Red, your own list seems to suggest maybe 20% of the academy players coming through are good enough for our first team. That's a pretty darn good conversion ratio to my mind.

    When you then add in a good 60-70% of the players that don't become regulars for us will have solid careers elsewhere, probably with sell-on clauses etc. then it seems like a very good investment for the club indeed.

    I agree - Predicting academy players won't make it and acting like that makes you some clever judge of talent is the most brainless thing to do, because guess what... realistically most academy players won't make it with us. If you just blindly say no to them all, you'll get 70%+ right.

    The skill is obviously in spotting the ones who will, and the people who can do that consistently are highly sought after.

    That's also what that poster totally failed to do. If anything his post highlights his lack of knowledge, and the fact he's then holding it up as something impressive ironically makes it even more obvious!

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  2. 9 hours ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

    Shouldn't get dicked like that in any league. Kiddie beat Reading last week.

    This attitude of, "Well its Fulham" needs to stop. We could have done them today if half the team had a brain. 

    I agree that we shouldn't get beaten like that in the league... But that's not what you said.

    You said only the worst teams have, and that's what I was responding to as it was a load of bollocks!

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  3. 2 hours ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

    Only the worst teams in the league have taken that kind of hiding. Despite our "effort" we are still a poor team that loses more than it wins. 

    You mean like Blackburn, who lost 0 - 7 to Fulham AT HOME this year and are currently 3rd?

    Those kind of worst teams in the league?

    QPR (4th) who lost 4 - 1 to them?

    Huddersfield (7th) who lost 5 - 1?

    • Like 3
  4. One swallow doesn't make a summer regarding his finishing, but even without the goals today his general impact on the team has made him well worth his place.

    Hope he kicks on and has gained some confidence from today. Two fantastic goals... That second in particular, wow. Picked the ball up in our half, out muscled defenders, out ran them, finished from the edge of the box off the inside of the post. Brilliant!

    • Like 6
  5. 9 minutes ago, Greedo said:

    Telling other supporters that they’re not “real fans” for booing a player who left to go to our 2nd nearest rivals is proper cuck mentality. 

    it’s football, its theatre, it’s a bit of fun. Let people boo if they want. Chill out. 

    Please don't encourage your 4chan-esque incel terminology to infect this place as well

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    No I wasn’t (I said that above).

    We just have better right footed options even in the absence of Tanner, so that’s Scott or Vyner, in my opinion. I think playing full back off your wrong foot in a league game (as opposed to a late sub appearance in the cup) is tough & very few do it successfully.

    If we went with a Kalas, Atkinson, Pring back 3 I’d happily see Vyner there at Fulham with Scott then playing behind the front two, which means if Dasilva did feature, it would be on the left hand side, though I expect COD will start there myself.

    O’Dowda’s scoring record is certainly poor (it’s 8 by the way, not 7 though) but 2 goals in his last 50 is also 2 in his last 18, so definitely improving..

    I’m pretty agnostic about him myself, if we can find someone willing to come in that we think is better & at a salary we can afford I won’t be losing any sleep if he moves on this summer.

    I agree about O'Dowda - although I'll say his recent performances have made me reconsider when we need to improve on him... but not if (that's still a yes for me).

    If we think about Pearson mentioning where we'll be in 2-3 years, then I'd be disappointed if he was in that squad which (we hope) will be challenging at the right and of the table.

    However, previously I saw it as a position we needed to improve in the summer, as I wouldn't have been happy if we went into next season with him first choice for a position on the pitch. After this last month or so though I'm thinking if we held onto him for another year, and concentrated elsewhere it maybe wouldn't be a disaster. He's a pretty steady Championship player at this point, for us at least.

    The fact he's been here for 5 years, played 30+ games for us in most of them, and people still are on the whole indifferent towards him is pretty telling though for me.

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  7. To be fair at our last home game I saw Dasilva warming up in front of the Lansdown stop and take a crowded photo with a bunch of young kids. Alex Scott also took his shirt off after the game and went up to someone in the crowd and gave it to them.

    What a weird thing to get in a bother about.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

    Was only remembering Liverpool '94: did we have to pay for our ticket the re-jigged/second game at AG?

    I was 8 - the floodlights going out is one of my earliest strong memories of watching City, and unrelated to the match itself!

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