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Posts posted by BS15_RED

  1. 5 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    Yes that was disgraceful, as were the Mickey Barratt chants at the previous game.

    As for the minutes silence being 'disrespected' don't believe everything you read on the internet.

    Yes, there were some Rovers fans singing during it, however they were outside the ground and wouldn't have known that there was a minutes silence going on. Unfortunate, but hardly disrespectful.


    Oh really? Quote from your own forum  "Bunch of tits stood on the steps all game instead of finding their seats. Also, the absolute f*cking pr!ck who started shouting out in the minutes silence ought to be banned for life, the belter" 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

    That maybe a symptom but it's not the real problem, despite having the biggest budget by a country mile in the championship Robinson's tactics failed miserably in 2 play off's and he nearly blew it last season.

    He is tactically inept and basically failed in every coaching role he has ever had.

    if he survives todays loss it will be a poor decision by the owner IMHO.


    I personally found it astonishing that he was given a new deal in the summer, I'd imagine the cost to get rid of him would be astronomical.

    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

    Well at least you lot in with your free ticket. 

    I have mine to a friend who has messaged to say that they wouldn't let him in with it and asked to see my season ticket. 

    He couldn't resolve it and they turned him away! 

    Not good!


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  4. 30 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    That's the one. Crystal Palace wear it too.  They used to be in the same league as you, but times move on.

    Just think mate, the whole crowd who watched your game v Cardiff could of fitted in to the smallest stand at the Gate! 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, In the Net said:

    Rumours been around for a few weeks that there is already a deal in place to sell the land for housing development. @Kid in the Riot is usually pretty accurate with his info - watch this space!

    If that's true, then you will get no where near the sum you would of received from Sainsburys. When the Ashton Vale saga was ongoing, SL said that without Sainsburys paying over the odds for the Gate, there would be no new stadium.

  6. 5 minutes ago, RedRaw said:

    It's not being pedantic.....its basic geography!

    And let's not start this whole south glos/Bristol/north-south of the river b0llocks......its all "greater Bristol" and the days of city in the south and rovers in the east are long gone. Bcfc in particular pull support from all over the city and surrounding areas.....just probably not that many in banjo island!

    Thank you! As someone from North Bristol, with strong South Bristol Roots (both grandmothers born and bred in BS3) I find it boring. We're Bristol City, not Bristol South End any more.

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