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Lack of Action Man

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Posts posted by Lack of Action Man

  1. Something has occurred to me.

    There are typically subtle differences between the shirts that go to the playing squad and the ones that are available for the fans. Player edition shirts often have a little hologram on them as well. 

    Some clubs even sell two types of shirt - an ‘elite’ version (meant to represent the closest you can get to the athletic and borderline skin-tight player cut/fit) shirts and a ‘plebs’ version (typically looser and perhaps more suitable for your average pasty enthusiast city supporter).

    Given Hummel’s (or rather Elite Sports) monumental blunders, and having read between the lines of the various statements which have been released today implying that the playing squad literally ran out of kit, I wonder if in any of the games this season any of our sides have been wearing the shirts that would/should’ve been in the club shop (I.e. the cheap versions for the plebs)?


    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Red-Al said:

    I'm only telly you what I was told in-store,because I wanted the white away shirt,and was told,no more  would  be  available this season,,so don't say that's crap, 

    Chill out, I’m slating the club shop not you.

    6 hours ago, sticks 1969 said:

    I think he is saying the shop is crap not you talking it 

    See, sticks1969 understood me.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Red-Al said:

    As I understand,being told by the superstore at the ground,no more stock is forthcoming this season,  new stock will arrive next season when the new kit is available,

    That’s really crap. I still want to buy this season’s home shirt (have got the GK shirts). 

  4. The challenge on Wells yesterday: outside the box this would 99% of times be awarded as a free kick. So it should have been a penalty.

    For me, the referee was inconsistent in his interpretation and application of the laws of the game around contact. As others have alluded to, he allowed Brereton Diaz a lot more wriggle room than others on the pitch with regards to pushing and grappling.

  5. 3 minutes ago, AppyDAZE said:

    Easy to knock Lineker because of the politics and stuff, but he is pretty good at his job. 

    And anyhow, why is it such a crime to have left leaning views and air them?

    I like the guy.

    I was tempted to preface this thread by saying I wasn't wanting to bring his political views into it, but thought against it.

    Just keen to chat about who his successor will be really.

    2 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I’d go for Colin Murray but don’t think it will be him. In terms of ex-footballers, I reckon Micah Richards might be in the frame.

    Not keen for Micah Richards... yet.

    Give it a few years and we could be in business.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Colin Murray. 

    This is a great shout. And also, (I could be alone in this opinion) - he seems to have a soft spot for us? Granted we aren't in the prem, but when he was presenter of the football league highlights he always (to me) seemed to have a good word to say or spent slightly longer discussing us with their 'rent-a-pundit' than other teams.

    Really like him on fighting talk on Radio 5Live as well. Top show.

    • Like 3
  7. Not specifically city related. But I'm watching Fa Cup on BBC and I'm bored.

    Lineker must be coming up on retirement soon. 3 seasons time maybe? 5 tops?

    Not since the final end of Big Des Lynam's reign will we see such a seismic change in football hosting/punditry. 

    So who next for you as lead presenter?

    Jermaine Jenas looked like he was the favourite at one stage...

  8. 2 hours ago, Lew-T said:

    I remember that game. Loved that one.

    We came back from 2-0 down to draw 2-2. Dele Adebola! It was like a monsoon that night.

    "It's that man DELE ADEBOLA AGAIN!" - surely one of the most used cliche commentary lines in Sky Sports history

    Glad someone else remembers this barmy game. Crazy swirling wind, IIRC somehow we had the wind against us for most of the game - even when we changed ends at HT!

    • Like 3
  9. I've got my ticket, owing to my games being called off. If today's rain is anything to go by, this game could either be an FA cup classic or a real war of attrition.

    Whenever we get strong wind and heavy rain like this I'm reminded of a real stinker of a game against (?) Wolves in the GJ era? IIRC Wolves scored a goal by pumping a ball into the box that the wind took over Basso and into the net.

    Either that, or I've had one too many seasonal ales over the festive period...

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, spudski said:

    It's frustration coming out. Ground hog day. You could tell by his demeanor in the interview that he was punch drunk.

    You can only keep saying the same things over and over...you eventually run out of narrative.

    He may as well have said...' same old shit, different day '.

    I think I might have preferred it if he did say that to be honest! ?

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, HappyClapper said:


    Great user name.

    Thanks, I like to think the variety of usernames make this forum a more humorous place.


    23 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Which is what I asked.

    Ever admit to getting something a bit wrong?  I did.  You live and learn.

    This post comes across as a rhetorical question, but in any case - yes, I can admit I was wrong in my view that NP would deliver a top half/play-off pushing side following his appointment (despite the financial limitations). I should have had much lower expectations.

    I very much want him to succeed, but sadly just can't see enough progress. As for Euell/Flemming as interim management options - they're inappropriate choices for me as under their coaching our defense is very naive and our formerly potent striking options seem decidedly off the boil. 

    ^Hopefully this is more along the lines of discussion you wanted to generate?

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Davefevs said:


    You are one of the more prolific contributors to this forum, who I did consider a very sensible poster until this bizarre move.

    Starting this thread (which does have some valid discussion within) with the title you did is clearly misleading and a very silly thing to do imo.

    A title like “Nige gone, Euell in temporary charge” normally would only be used if an announcement had been made by the club/on the OS. With a title like that, the thread will automatically generate views and reacts regardless of whether this is a poster’s aim or not. 

    I just feel it seems a bit wrong that a misleading thread title will get this level of interaction. Newer visitors to the forum may look at a posters views/reacts as an indicator of their repute.

    Either re-name the thread or delete it (mods?)


  13. A Citroen 2cv. 

    Presenting Bristol City FC:

    The same colours as Arsenal!

    As many players as Manchester Utd!*

    More fans than Liverpool!**






    *Bristol city start the match with 11 players, the same as Manchester Utd.

    **Bristol city have more fans inside Ashton Gate than Liverpool.






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