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If You Go Down To The Gate Today....

Tim S

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.... you might catch a glimpse of our new signing!

Just spoke to a mate who works at Ashton Gate and he said that there seems to be a little bit more activity than usual happening around the place in some of the departments plus a couple of press boys hanging around and a little more attepmt at keeping things hush hush.... he said this usually happens on days when new signings arrive.

Could just be reading too much into nothing but maybe this means an announcement later then???

I'd hate to speculate who the new signing might be though....

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.... you might catch a glimpse of our new signing!

Just spoke to a mate who works at Ashton Gate and he said that there seems to be a little bit more activity than usual happening around the place in some of the departments plus a couple of press boys hanging around and a little more attepmt at keeping things hush hush.... he said this usually happens on days when new signings arrive.

Could just be reading too much into nothing but maybe this means an announcement later then???

I'd hate to speculate who the new signing might be though....

you might be right.... ive noticed on the official site that before a signing comes in the site tends to go quiet for a couple of days prior... maybe to have time to do the write-ups and interviews with said signing...

or we could be all just reading into things to much in hope of something?...

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you might be right.... ive noticed on the official site that before a signing comes in the site tends to go quiet for a couple of days prior... maybe to have time to do the write-ups and interviews with said signing...

or we could be all just reading into things to much in hope of something?...

The official site is always quiet over the weekend...

No doubt new signings will arrive but whether its today or not remains to be seen.

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you might be right.... ive noticed on the official site that before a signing comes in the site tends to go quiet for a couple of days prior... maybe to have time to do the write-ups and interviews with said signing...

or we could be all just reading into things to much in hope of something?...

In fairness I've noticed the official site seems to have been quiet all summer so far - I hate to say it but I'm a bit disappointed in our media department so far. Ok I know there hasnt been much news to report on but how about finding some stories/news to put on there! Anything that helps the dissappointment that I feel evertime I press "refresh" only to see the same story that has been there since yesterday - even the day before in some cases.

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In fairness I've noticed the official site seems to have been quiet all summer so far - I hate to say it but I'm a bit disappointed in our media department so far. Ok I know there hasnt been much news to report on but how about finding some stories/news to put on there! Anything that helps the dissappointment that I feel evertime I press "refresh" only to see the same story that has been there since yesterday - even the day before in some cases.

i know what you mean i don't think my refresh button has been pressed so many times in the last couple of months, i need a hobbie i think.. to be fair though at this stage of the summer if they were to find stories it would probably be stories about how someones cat has been a supporter all its life or how someone found the letters M E T E A B written in there golden grahams... well, any news is good news i suppose?

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i know what you mean i don't think my refresh button has been pressed so many times in the last couple of months, i need a hobbie i think.. to be fair though at this stage of the summer if they were to find stories it would probably be stories about how someones cat has been a supporter all its life or how someone found the letters M E T E A B written in there golden grahams... any news is good news i suppose?

Well the BBC seems to be able to find random stories - here is the BBC doing a feature on how Bradley Orr has been inspired by the Euro's and Sergio Ramos in particualr....

Now I know that its not big news or anything, but its nice as a fan to find out what the players have been up to over the summer holidays - maybe they could do a couple of features on that, rather than just doing the press talk stories.

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Well the BBC seems to be able to find random stories - here is the BBC doing a feature on how Bradley Orr has been inspired by the Euro's and Sergio Ramos in particualr....

Now I know that its not big news or anything, but its nice as a fan to find out what the players have been up to over the summer holidays - maybe they could do a couple of features on that, rather than just doing the press talk stories.

yeah i suppose... well lets hope that the lads are now back in training and our first friendly is on the weekend we might get a bit more activity

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I'd like to see some match reports of training sessons

[...] Finally, in the 3rd minute, the deadlock was broken by last seasons signing Lee Trundle. The Liverpudlian sold Fontaine with a deft dummy, evading a small dog that ran onto the pitch, before placing the ball between the two cones that were spaced 4 feet apart, leading to scenes of mild congratulations from the touchline. Louis Carey complained that he was still pulling up his socks, and squirted water at the striker. However, it was the Bristol-born centre-half who had the last laugh, scoring a hat-trick before the game ended, and the teams had to do some shuttle-runs. Then they had some pasta.

Final score

Red Bibs 14 - 9 Blue Bibs

Att: 4

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I'd like to see some match reports of training sessons

that's a pretty good effort :clapping: although, we do now have our wanna-be official OTIB match reporter (can't remember the name - sorry), so maybe he should cut his teeth on a few training matches (be interesting to see if he realises that the slick passing is due to GJ making the lads play 2-touch!).

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I'd like to see some match reports of training sessons

I suspect the FA or Football League have the copyright and no-one's allowed to print it. No doubt the thought police are on their way to your address.

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Well the BBC seems to be able to find random stories - here is the BBC doing a feature on how Bradley Orr has been inspired by the Euro's and Sergio Ramos in particualr....

Now I know that its not big news or anything, but its nice as a fan to find out what the players have been up to over the summer holidays - maybe they could do a couple of features on that, rather than just doing the press talk stories.

Obviously a very slow news week

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On the day I don't cycle to work and this happens. I remember cycling home last year through Ashon Gate when we announced Trundle as a signing. The car park behind the Williams was packed with people.


Well I'm now tempted to pop in the car and go for a drive and maybe at about 3pm accidently end up going by Ashton Gate...... just been told 3pm something happening.....

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Well I'm now tempted to pop in the car and go for a drive and maybe at about 3pm accidently end up going by Ashton Gate...... just been told 3pm something happening.....

I'm leaving work at 4pm and will be getting the bus. I can jump on the 24 and get off at Ashton Gate and walk through. I know it will be more or less over by then but I may get to see who it is.

Knowing my luck it will be an announcement of a new sponsor or something!


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Guest Garfunkle
I'm leaving work at 4pm and will be getting the bus. I can jump on the 24 and get off at Ashton Gate and walk through. I know it will be more or less over by then but I may get to see who it is.

Knowing my luck it will be an announcement of a new sponsor or something!


or you could just sign up to get official texts to your mobile?

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I don't know what it is, I just got told that there is something going on at 3pm..... it could be anything..... could be a medical, it could be an announcement, it could be something completely non-football related for all I know! But 3pm there is something going on, so on the off chance its a signing I'm going to pop down.... if it turns out to be nothing then I gotta pop into the shop anyway!

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Sorry elfmud, but the title to your topic sounds like a Teddy Bears Picnic.

If you go down to The Gate Today, you're sure of a big surprise....


HAHA - I know!!! When I wrote it earlier I read it back to myself and the teddy bears picnic started running through my head, in fact - its still bloody there! Its a catchy little number that one!

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HAHA - I know!!! When I wrote it earlier I read it back to myself and the teddy bears picnic started running through my head, in fact - its still bloody there! Its a catchy little number that one!

Thanks for not taking offence.

Hope you are right about a new signing though, this site is starting to get a little fractious.

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i know what you mean i don't think my refresh button has been pressed so many times in the last couple of months, i need a hobbie i think.. to be fair though at this stage of the summer if they were to find stories it would probably be stories about how someones cat has been a supporter all its life or how someone found the letters M E T E A B written in there golden grahams... well, any news is good news i suppose?

Yeah i know what you mean. At least last year we had the progress of the new seats in the Dolman every few days :D

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sounds exciting, but I suspect it will be an annoucement that someone is going to sponsor the east end toilets or something.

Thinking about it though, the membership card thing kicks off on wednesday, so if the annoucement about a signing early this week is true, then I wouldnt have thought they want extra potentially hundreds of people wandering around AG the same day as any big news is announced, which leaves today and tomorrow. Of course it could all be rubbish, and nothing is announced this week.

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I don't think it's anyone since the site has the orr interview up, i've not seen it be updated THEN a signing happen. Not that i've studied it or anything...

I've noticed something with the official site..... When you go to www.bcfc.co.uk - if it takes you to that first page which normally contains an advert, then nothing updates on the official site. But when it sends you straight to the site, not via that advert page, then normally there is a new story on there within 20 mins or so. Its almost like when they are working on the site, updating it etc then it bypasses that first page.

I dunno if any of that has made sense?!? Well I noticed it anyway!!!!

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