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Tried to book tickets on-line for last night's game, but the online system told both me and my student son (both ST holders) that we are not Members. Right.

So, queued up at the ticket ofice last night, asked for our ST cards to be credited - that apparently was not possible, only if you booked beforehand (which was not possible for above mentioned reason, unless we phoned, which I had done and got fed up waiting after 5 minutes on a premium rate number and told number 12 in the "queue").

Asked lady at ticket office for an adult and a concession, she asked was that a student or OAP, I replied it didnt matter because they were the same price, ticket lady insisted on knowing, told her student, she asked to see student card. I showed her his ST, which clearly states "under 21" on it. Ticket lady said she could not accept that, she had to see student card. I pointed out that in order for my son to have an under 21 ST, purchased from her (ie BCFC) in the first place, we would have had to already prove he was under 21. After some conferring, that was eventually accepted and concession ticket purchased. Doh. Made us laugh though.

So having queued we joined the next queue (oh for the good old days of just handing a turnstile operator your £1.80), the queue for the swipe card turnstiles. Every one of which are still manned! What is the point of that?

I'm not a leading expert in the field of IT, but am I the only one thinking that BCFC havent quite got to grips with this yet?

Other bizarre moments.

The players of both teams walking out to the half way line before the game, and lining up in front of the directors box. For a 1st round Carling cup game played in front of 5,000 supporters. Made me laugh. Where was the national anthem?

In the Hen & Chicken after the game, my son was asked to remove his City shirt, because "somebody might not like it and he could be in danger". As he said, he was in a pub within a mile of Ashton Gate, and there was no way he was going to remove his City shirt. I rarely wear City shirts to games, but as a point of principle, I'm going to wear mine in the H&C on Saturday.

Oh, and the terrible injury to Riberio happened when the clock was on 21 minutes and play restarted on 33 minutes, and there was another 2 -3 minute injury after that, so why was only 10 minutes added on? (Not that I particularly wanted the 1st half to continue any longer than necessary).

And exactly what did Carey do to deserve his booking?

Still, it all added to an entirely enjoyable and entertaining evening, all for £12.

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I'm not a leading expert in the field of IT, but am I the only one thinking that BCFC havent quite got to grips with this yet?

hmmm, considering it is the 2nd game it's been used then YES, it's obvious they haven't got used to it yet.....give them time and I'm sure the system will work efficently.

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I'm not a leading expert in the field of IT, but am I the only one thinking that BCFC havent quite got to grips with this yet?

I think its still quite early and all new systems have teething problems. Once we all get used to it (including city staff) i think it'll be great

In the Hen & Chicken after the game, my son was asked to remove his City shirt, because "somebody might not like it and he could be in danger". As he said, he was in a pub within a mile of Ashton Gate, and there was no way he was going to remove his City shirt. I rarely wear City shirts to games, but as a point of principle, I'm going to wear mine in the H&C on Saturday.

This would never have happened when i worked there. Infact on a matchday, if i was working, i was allowed to wear my city top......

Sadly the hen & chicken is not what it used to be..... its a poncy place for poncy people

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Sadly the hen & chicken is not what it used to be..... its a poncy place for poncy people

That explains why NickJ was in there then.... :rofl2br:

No problem at all wearing your City shirt in the BS3 - although I did have to show my ST card to get in....bit odd I thought.

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That explains why NickJ was in there then.... :rofl2br:

No problem at all wearing your City shirt in the BS3 - although I did have to show my ST card to get in....bit odd I thought.

ahhh.....that goes to show you haven't drunk outside your "prawn sandwich club" for a while, a few of the local bars are requesting some sort of match ticket/Season Tickets to prevent any away fans getting in......BS3/Rising Sun have been doing that for years.

Agree regarding the Hen & Chicken dreadful pub now, used to be a regular, but they have tried their best (and succedeed) in getting rid of the football crowd.....hopefully it's effecting their profits, they really don't like the football crowd in there on matchdays.

Personally since the refit.....BS3 has more than taken over it's trade.....and happily!

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Your online ticket account won't have a membership - it'll have a client ref at the top, this will match the client ref on your card. If you don't see the same number then your online ticket account isn't linked to your s/t account. It should be if you've used it in the past thou.

I'm guessing about the manned turnstyles is there is no point installing expensive automated turnstyles when we are moving in 3-4 years (hopefully) - I expect in the new ground it'll be fully automated.. but best to get half of the system in place now. Having said that, Coventry still have a 1/2 manual system in place where you'll find persons behind to activate the turnstyle. Maybe its to keep an eye on fraud because if nobody was there I reckon a few would try and get in as concession etc.

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ahhh.....that goes to show you haven't drunk outside your "prawn sandwich club" for a while, a few of the local bars are requesting some sort of match ticket/Season Tickets to prevent any away fans getting in......BS3/Rising Sun have been doing that for years.

Indeed - it must be 15 years or more since I drank outside of AG on a matchday but I don't ever recall having a prawn sandwich in the SC.

The only reason I was in the BS3 was because the SC clubroom won't be open 'till saturday.The refurbishments aren't quite finished yet but we'll be down there tomorrow to complete the job.

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Indeed - it must be 15 years or more since I drank outside of AG on a matchday but I don't ever recall having a prawn sandwich in the SC.

The only reason I was in the BS3 was because the SC clubroom won't be open 'till saturday.The refurbishments aren't quite finished yet but we'll be down there tomorrow to complete the job.

sorry......forgot....more likely to be a Prawn Vola Von :innocent06:

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That explains why NickJ was in there then.... :rofl2br:

No problem at all wearing your City shirt in the BS3 - although I did have to show my ST card to get in....bit odd I thought.

Maybe BS3 were vetting for razor-sharp repartee?

Or for Rovers fans perhaps?

Or enemies of supporting your football team in whatever way you choose?

For difficult and obstructive individuals?

Who knows.


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Ok, I don't want to start another stewards bashing session but my season ticket seat is right at the back of the Dolaman (Row ZC). I moved a few rows back from last season with the intention that I could stand for the majority of the game without obstructing peoples view.

Now, I understand that you are not allowed to stand but a little bit of common sense would be appreciated. Every 5 mins the stewards would flock around me and everyone who was stood and very impolitely tell them to sit down. I was told I wasnt sitting in my seat properly as well?? It was quite uncomfortable actually and I found their manner extremly rude. I was even asked to sit down when we scored! You could even hear them pointng out others and targeting tham as if they were troublemakers. Rediculous!

What I don't understand is that after about 75 mins they all disappear (presumably to get paid or something) and I'm free to stand for the remainder of the game. So why can I do it for 15 mins but not 90 mins. Also, why can you stand at half time? And, why are stewards allowed to stand during the game? Apologies, but this really got to me last night.

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Ok, I don't want to start another stewards bashing session but my season ticket seat is right at the back of the Dolaman (Row ZC). I moved a few rows back from last season with the intention that I could stand for the majority of the game without obstructing peoples view.

Now, I understand that you are not allowed to stand but a little bit of common sense would be appreciated. Every 5 mins the stewards would flock around me and everyone who was stood and very impolitely tell them to sit down. I was told I wasnt sitting in my seat properly as well?? It was quite uncomfortable actually and I found their manner extremly rude. I was even asked to sit down when we scored! You could even hear them pointng out others and targeting tham as if they were troublemakers. Rediculous!

What I don't understand is that after about 75 mins they all disappear (presumably to get paid or something) and I'm free to stand for the remainder of the game. So why can I do it for 15 mins but not 90 mins. Also, why can you stand at half time? And, why are stewards allowed to stand during the game? Apologies, but this really got to me last night.

Maybe it would be a better idea to write to the club, write to your MP, write to the FLA, the FA, the football league asking them to change the stupid rules surrounding standing.

Things will only change if people make the effort.

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This would never have happened when i worked there. Infact on a matchday, if i was working, i was allowed to wear my city top......

Sadly the hen & chicken is not what it used to be..... its a poncy place for poncy people

I know where you are coming from Riaz, but don't entirely agree.

One of my biggest disappointments is seeing pubs close, and that is happening to thousands all over the country, to be turned into flats, ocassionally Indian restaurants, and I've even seen them turned into MacDonalds in London.

The H&C is a big pub and wouldnt have survived in the long run as it was, on weekends and City matchdays alone.

What its been turned into isnt perfect, but at least its still open, and is a pub, still selling - and here is my definition of a proper pub - a range of traditional, English, real ales.

Too often I have walked into a pub, asked for a pint of real ale, and been offered crap like John Smiths, Tetleys, etc - and have therefore walked straight back out again.

I think the "poncy" people in the H&C have to be educated. Such as wearing City shirts, or after one game last season, a rendition of "Johnson says bounce around the pub" - at which point we were also asked to leave, so just upped the volume. A pub in Ashton where you cant sing or wear City shirts on a matchday? I don't think so!

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Other bizarre moments.

The players of both teams walking out to the half way line before the game, and lining up in front of the directors box. For a 1st round Carling cup game played in front of 5,000 supporters. Made me laugh. Where was the national anthem?

Get used to this, under the FA's 'Respect' initiative it's going to happen before every game.

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Can you just clarify this you had to show some sort of match tkt to get into the pub??

Yep. Two guys in the usual black gear on the door asking to see your ST card. Its been explained earlier in this thread that its to ensure no away fans infiltrate the bar.

Common sense on bigger games with a large away support but against Posh on a wet Tuesday night? Probably not necessary.

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I'm guessing about the manned turnstyles is there is no point installing expensive automated turnstyles when we are moving in 3-4 years (hopefully) - I expect in the new ground it'll be fully automated.. but best to get half of the system in place now. Having said that, Coventry still have a 1/2 manual system in place where you'll find persons behind to activate the turnstyle. Maybe its to keep an eye on fraud because if nobody was there I reckon a few would try and get in as concession etc.

I think this is spot on, last night i entered my Season Card, light went green. As i pushed on the turn stile the guy operating it was a little late. He said to me was it green. He then operated the turnstile :cool2:

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I know where you are coming from Riaz, but don't entirely agree.

One of my biggest disappointments is seeing pubs close, and that is happening to thousands all over the country, to be turned into flats, ocassionally Indian restaurants, and I've even seen them turned into MacDonalds in London.

The H&C is a big pub and wouldnt have survived in the long run as it was, on weekends and City matchdays alone.

What its been turned into isnt perfect, but at least its still open, and is a pub, still selling - and here is my definition of a proper pub - a range of traditional, English, real ales.

Too often I have walked into a pub, asked for a pint of real ale, and been offered crap like John Smiths, Tetleys, etc - and have therefore walked straight back out again.

I think the "poncy" people in the H&C have to be educated. Such as wearing City shirts, or after one game last season, a rendition of "Johnson says bounce around the pub" - at which point we were also asked to leave, so just upped the volume. A pub in Ashton where you cant sing or wear City shirts on a matchday? I don't think so!

The old H&C didnt rely on matchdays. It was a busy pub most nights and there was nothing wrong with how its was - apart from having a 'rough pub' tag, which i never understood.

I take your point about the drinks, but it was a sports bar to be fair....

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Ok, I don't want to start another stewards bashing session but my season ticket seat is right at the back of the Dolaman (Row ZC). I moved a few rows back from last season with the intention that I could stand for the majority of the game without obstructing peoples view.

Now, I understand that you are not allowed to stand but a little bit of common sense would be appreciated. Every 5 mins the stewards would flock around me and everyone who was stood and very impolitely tell them to sit down. I was told I wasnt sitting in my seat properly as well?? It was quite uncomfortable actually and I found their manner extremly rude. I was even asked to sit down when we scored! You could even hear them pointng out others and targeting tham as if they were troublemakers. Rediculous!

What I don't understand is that after about 75 mins they all disappear (presumably to get paid or something) and I'm free to stand for the remainder of the game. So why can I do it for 15 mins but not 90 mins. Also, why can you stand at half time? And, why are stewards allowed to stand during the game? Apologies, but this really got to me last night.

That was funny tbh though bit stupid and completely lacking commen sense from the stewards. I must have been one of the ones they were pointing at for the massive crime of standing up and got approached by 2 stewards to sit down because people behind were having to stand to see but no-one was stood behind me. Still don't understand why it took 2 of them though :surrender:

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Tried to book tickets on-line for last night's game, but the online system told both me and my student son (both ST holders) that we are not Members. Right.

So, queued up at the ticket ofice last night, asked for our ST cards to be credited - that apparently was not possible, only if you booked beforehand (which was not possible for above mentioned reason, unless we phoned, which I had done and got fed up waiting after 5 minutes on a premium rate number and told number 12 in the "queue").

Asked lady at ticket office for an adult and a concession, she asked was that a student or OAP, I replied it didnt matter because they were the same price, ticket lady insisted on knowing, told her student, she asked to see student card. I showed her his ST, which clearly states "under 21" on it. Ticket lady said she could not accept that, she had to see student card. I pointed out that in order for my son to have an under 21 ST, purchased from her (ie BCFC) in the first place, we would have had to already prove he was under 21. After some conferring, that was eventually accepted and concession ticket purchased. Doh. Made us laugh though.

So having queued we joined the next queue (oh for the good old days of just handing a turnstile operator your £1.80), the queue for the swipe card turnstiles. Every one of which are still manned! What is the point of that?

I'm not a leading expert in the field of IT, but am I the only one thinking that BCFC havent quite got to grips with this yet?

Other bizarre moments.

The players of both teams walking out to the half way line before the game, and lining up in front of the directors box. For a 1st round Carling cup game played in front of 5,000 supporters. Made me laugh. Where was the national anthem?

In the Hen & Chicken after the game, my son was asked to remove his City shirt, because "somebody might not like it and he could be in danger". As he said, he was in a pub within a mile of Ashton Gate, and there was no way he was going to remove his City shirt. I rarely wear City shirts to games, but as a point of principle, I'm going to wear mine in the H&C on Saturday.

Oh, and the terrible injury to Riberio happened when the clock was on 21 minutes and play restarted on 33 minutes, and there was another 2 -3 minute injury after that, so why was only 10 minutes added on? (Not that I particularly wanted the 1st half to continue any longer than necessary).

And exactly what did Carey do to deserve his booking?

Still, it all added to an entirely enjoyable and entertaining evening, all for £12.

Think the injury time was just about right in the first half-I worked it out as 10 mins. Think you'll find Ribeiro went down injured more like the 26th minute and then came off on the 34th. Thought the referee did his part to make the game very fragmented though with constant unnecessary stoppages of play being made and therefore we struggled to get any rhythm at all in the first half(also in part due to what I consider a very good Peterboro side going forward). The second half was much improved though.

I do hope Ribeiro's injury isn't anything serious but it didn't look good seeing him rolling around in such agony. If it is a long-term injury surely that will lead us to bring in some defensive cover now?

My friend had a similar problem with a season card where he had purchased a ticket for the cup game but as he'd had to upgrade his card from a student to an adult one they hadn't transferred the ticket over onto the new card so he had to purchase another one on the night.

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also, we the fans ned to get use to the ticket system

i booked mine online using ST

when i got there i put it in the reader which told me i was at the wrong turnstiles

now i was clearly at the right turnstile as i pointed out from where it says on the card

then the operator pointed me in the direction of a lady outside with a machine telling people where to go

she let me in through the same turnstile i originally tried

BUT... what wasnt helpful was some fat idiot asking whether i was going in or coming out while i was trying to get in - what was the point arse

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Sadly the hen & chicken is not what it used to be..... its a poncy place for poncy people

Unfortunately yes - and it's not just match days when they're that rude and pretentious. They certainly don't like locals.

Incidentally, you might want to go easy on the "poncy people" remark, last time I was in there I was talking to a City fan who mentioned he was related to you ;)

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Unfortunately yes - and it's not just match days when they're that rude and pretentious. They certainly don't like locals.

Incidentally, you might want to go easy on the "poncy people" remark, last time I was in there I was talking to a City fan who mentioned he was related to you ;)

I know who that is, and he certainly aint poncy is he?? well not in that way!!!

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I know who that is, and he certainly aint poncy is he?? well not in that way!!!

:laugh: no he's not, my point exactly! But otherwise I agree that the rest of the time it's best off left to the pretentious mob who now frequent it, they're unbelievably rude to locals, the staff in there, I'm not surprised they made a kid take a City top off.

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:laugh: no he's not, my point exactly! But otherwise I agree that the rest of the time it's best off left to the pretentious mob who now frequent it, they're unbelievably rude to locals, the staff in there, I'm not surprised they made a kid take a City top off.

I havent actually met anyone in there that is poncy, i just came to that conclusion after going in there ONCE!

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back to the bit about the new tickets, Saturday will be complete uproar. I went with my wife down to the Antwerp game. I was queing at the Williams ticket holes in the wall, which wasnt moving. I have a membership, and my missus doesnt. It turns out that all the servers had gone down, so no one could get credits or tickets. In the old days (last season) you walked up to a booth, gave them your money, got a ticket and off you go. I am all very happy that the new technology was introduced, but for a couple of thousand to get in on a pre-season friendly and the systems to fail you just knew that this was BCFC and that would happen.

This is what will happen in Saturday - people will turn up with season tickets, probably slightly drunk, and will be putting their cards in the wrong way, dropping them, asking stewards what to do (they wont know), and it will be at least 20 minutes after kick off that they will be able to take their seats.

For members, who have booked on line (if it works) ditto.

for any non members or members who want to suffer the dispair of trying to pay on the day, and who arrive within 3 hours of kick off, you will wander around trying to find someone to give your money to. Firstly, don't ask a steward, or you will end up at the mem. Next, you will be directed to various other ticket offices because the one you are waiting in will either a) be for the wrong stand, or b) will be broken/unmanned/ server gone down. Thats 1 hour gone. You will then re-queue and start the process again. By this time, it will be pi$$ing down, you will be wet, standing in a puddle, but you might eventually get somewhere, and if you are lucky, you will be in before half time, or you might have wandered off towards horfield, then found a pub and realised its on sky.

As with all BCFC great days out, it will be a muck up, and nothing will be said to whoever is supposed to be making sure it all works.

As I said at the time in the Antwerp queue, in the rain, with nothing happening, 10 minutes after the game kicked off, and being told to go and find somewhere else to sit, "the club can spend 2 million on a new striker, but nothing else ever works".

This will happen, wait and see!

Signed Nostradamus.

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stewarding in the dolman was shambolic. i was warned once, and stared at by a big ugly bugger for ages, then at halftime his mate came and told me i would be kicked out for persistent standing as i had been warned at least 5 times! kicked out by your own stewards in a game against peterborough. i sit at the back, very back row. my seat is broke and has been since the QPR home game last season, it is more dangerous for me to be sat down than stood up!

the guy in charge of the stewards in the dolman seems to be a nice fella, i don't understand why the other stewards have to be such miserable bastards. i don't pay money to be repeatedly interupted by idiots in shiny jackets.

on the topic if the new smartcards, i thnk they are quite good

once everyone gets used to it, it will be fine

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stewarding in the dolman was shambolic. i was warned once, and stared at by a big ugly bugger for ages, then at halftime his mate came and told me i would be kicked out for persistent standing as i had been warned at least 5 times! kicked out by your own stewards in a game against peterborough. i sit at the back, very back row. my seat is broke and has been since the QPR home game last season, it is more dangerous for me to be sat down than stood up!

the guy in charge of the stewards in the dolman seems to be a nice fella, i don't understand why the other stewards have to be such miserable bastards. i don't pay money to be repeatedly interupted by idiots in shiny jackets.

on the topic if the new smartcards, i thnk they are quite good

once everyone gets used to it, it will be fine

Couldn't agree more with you their mate they were a disgrace hassling everyone all the time but atleast they got ignored and everyone continued to stand

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