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Are We About To Sign Another Striker, Akinde? (merged)


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I haven't been able to find anything about his height - does anyone know what sort of player he is, the article doesn't suggest that he is a target man, if anything suggests the opposite!!

He is decribed as 'the towering striker' in one press report, this would suggest he's 6ft something.

The dude in Yellow.


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John Akinde is class but I don't think it'll be us that signs him. Like others have said other clubs have made bids and are intereseted and I wouldn't have though this kid would wanna come to Bristol over some of the other London clubs. You never know though I guess. I'd certainly want him here.

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"Akinde was understood to be talking to Bristol City manager Gary Johnson about a move to Ashton Gate today" :dunno:

:rofl2br: amazing people who comment without reading the article - bit like people who comment on games that must have been watching something totally different :whistle:

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Its seems its between us and Peterborough. (if you can trust the press)

Ebbsfleet fans descriptions:

He's a big strong lad, built like a mountain. Never gives up and keeps chasing the ball.


He's a big, strong creative targetman - can finish but always looking to bring others into the game. Where ever he ends up I'm sure he will be a success once he learns his trade a bit more.

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Its seems its between us and Peterborough. (if you can trust the press)

Ebbsfleet fans descriptions:

He's a big strong lad, built like a mountain. Never gives up and keeps chasing the ball.


He's a big, strong creative targetman - can finish but always looking to bring others into the game. Where ever he ends up I'm sure he will be a success once he learns his trade a bit more.

To be fair from this and some of the above looks perfect for him (dele to learn from) and us future propects + maybe even dele's understudy this season :fingerscrossed:

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To be honest if Posh after him I would sign him, you only have to look at torres, boyd and smith to see that furgeson nows his stuff, just wish we would have signed smith and boyd they look very good....I will be watching out for poshes results to see how these lads fair..

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"Akinde has scored 10 goals in his Ebbsfleet career and Posh have had several bids for the player turned down in the past.

According to reports in Kent, a bid of £140,000 from an unnamed club has been accepted by Ebbsfleet, but the decision on whether to sell or not was going to be put to an internet vote of the club's fans!"

An interesting situation

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"BRISTOL City manager Gary Johnson admits he is unlikely to plunge into the transfer market before next Monday's deadline."

Another article in direct contradiction to the Akinde one.

Amazing people who comment without reading all related articles before coming to a conclusion.

But as I said earlier, it does make sense that we are in for him - I'll just believe it when he signs, not when a local rag or a local BBC hack picking up on it says so.

Gary Johnson also said :preacher: .............Unless the right man comes along :tumbleweed: ............and here is....... :icecream:

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To be honest if Posh after him I would sign him, you only have to look at torres, boyd and smith to see that furgeson nows his stuff, just wish we would have signed smith and boyd they look very good....I will be watching out for poshes results to see how these lads fair..

Yeah I really wish Darren Ferguson was our manager as well rather than this Johnson bloke who obviously doesn't now his stuff because he hasn't been out buying new shoes all summer.. They look good in league 1. Maybe if we signed them they wouldn't be setting the world alight in the Championship?

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Yeah I really wish Darren Ferguson was our manager as well rather than this Johnson bloke who obviously doesn't now his stuff because he hasn't been out buying new shoes all summer.. They look good in league 1. Maybe if we signed them they wouldn't be setting the world alight in the Championship?

In fairness Roe, he only said that Ferguson has done very well at picking up good players from non league football, which is true. No one knows how well they will do in the championship, but Boyd for example looks like he could do very well, and Kightly and Eastwood have similar stories, so the slightly satirical response was a little unnecessary. Obviously we are all very happy with GJ, but I don't think anyone was suggesting otherwise.

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As a rather inactive myfootballclub member (paid my subscription fee but been too busy to get involved and vote for stuff), I should probably sign in and vote for him to be sold then...

Maybe we could sign him and then loan him out to Posh for the year? Would surely be good for both of us...

On a completely different note, I saw that Leeds and MK Dons are interested in Heffernan (F365 rumours roundup), though a specific fee wasn't mentioned - anyone know what sort of sell-on we'd get should this happen?

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I was reading FourFourTwo while I was on holiday and they had an interview with a scout who has a reputation for unearthing stars from the non-leagues.

When asked to give the name of one current non-league player he felt would make it to the top, he named Akinde.

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"BRISTOL City manager Gary Johnson admits he is unlikely to plunge into the transfer market before next Monday's deadline."

Another article in direct contradiction to the Akinde one.

Amazing people who comment without reading all related articles before coming to a conclusion.

GJ's said a lot of stuff this summer - a lot of which has never been mentioned again.

Remember when we were dead certain we were signing some unpronounceable European striker? We signed Maynard and then suddenly not a word about this other target.

I'd suggest that what GJ does or doesn't say in public means nothing in regards to our eventual transfer moves.

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Funny thing is I was reading about the vote yesterday and I thought wouldn't it be good if the bid was from us. I was reading it and the unnamed club bit sounds like something we would do.

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