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Sorry, I must have missed that. Please tell me where they said that they don't want fans who hardly miss a home game in 30 years, having a season ticket for most of it, or buy shares when the Club is facing bankruptcy, or who raise money at that same time. Claiming to have followed City for 121 years, and singing a bit does not make you some sort of super fan, so please stop being so condescending to fellow fans, and respect ALL fans who pay their money and support the team.

who says you're not wanted?

oh I get it, the old misquote technique, nice try,

better luck next time

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yes they pay for the game, so **** off and let people do what they want. have you sat in the dolman young child?

its got 2 exits! its the worst built stand i have ever sat in. if there was a fire 50% would die!!!

for a lot of people missing a couple of minutes of football isnt the end of the world. shock horror!!!!!!

i have never left early but i understand why people do it. and it really really really ######s me off that little people like you think you are so much better than those who leave early, quite a few leave early in the atyeo and the williams but as there are loads of exits you don't see them all queing to get out!

and a lot who leave early go to the bottom and wait in the corner ready to make a quick escape when the whistle goes

everyone prefers people who come on here to moan about there fellow supporters more than fans who pay there money like everyone else but leave a few minutes before the game finishes.... why is that?

you write some crap.........don't bother

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RE: Early Leavers

Someone please tell me if they're worse/greater/equal to:

- Late comers who have been filling up with ale, burgers, etc

- Pissers who have to go twice a half as a result

- 40 minute leavers, who clearly cant go 90 mins without a tea, beer, burger etc

- Smokers who leave before the second half to have a cheeky fag

- OAP's who need to leave early to avoid getting battered

It seems some sections of people who miss parts of games are being overlooked.

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The point is the kick off is 3pm.....why cant people be sat in there seats by 2.55, I saw 2 blokes in bs3 at 1.30 and they turned up late 3.05 and we all had to stand up to let them sit down.......They were not caught in traffic, they were just selfish......everyone know its 3pm. It should be like an airport, be in the ground by 2.50 then shut the gates. lock the sods out. :grr:

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RE: Early Leavers

Someone please tell me if they're worse/greater/equal to:

- Late comers who have been filling up with ale, burgers, etc

- Pissers who have to go twice a half as a result

- 40 minute leavers, who clearly cant go 90 mins without a tea, beer, burger etc

- Smokers who leave before the second half to have a cheeky fag

- OAP's who need to leave early to avoid getting battered

It seems some sections of people who miss parts of games are being overlooked.

Personally, I'm not too fussed (although I don't understand why anyone leaves early - or wanders off 5 minutes before half time for that matter) if:

1. They waited until the ball went out of play before getting up.

2. They actually left, or at least made sure they were in a position where they weren't in the way of others.

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RE: Early Leavers

Someone please tell me if they're worse/greater/equal to:

- Late comers who have been filling up with ale, burgers, etc

- Pissers who have to go twice a half as a result

- 40 minute leavers, who clearly cant go 90 mins without a tea, beer, burger etc

- Smokers who leave before the second half to have a cheeky fag

- OAP's who need to leave early to avoid getting battered

It seems some sections of people who miss parts of games are being overlooked.

The Dolman shuffle easily surpasses the above in number and impact and the none of the above has led to the Manager asking for fans to stop it.

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The Dolman shuffle easily surpasses the above in number and impact and the none of the above has led to the Manager asking for fans to stop it.

Do you honestly believe that fans who sit in the Dolman are more likely to want to leave early?

This is a wild stab in the dark...perhaps the same happens in all stands...but the Dolman's design makes it more noticable...


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Do you honestly believe that fans who sit in the Dolman are more likely to want to leave early?

This is a wild stab in the dark...perhaps the same happens in all stands...but the Dolman's design makes it more noticable...


I think there's a lot of mileage in this point to be honest - and the other points made about people who get in/up/down throughout the match.

Pain in the ass whenever it happens - but only because of the inconvenience it causes.

People on this forum who have NEVER walked out before the end of a game are to be commended, but are surely a sizeable minority!

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Yes and it is something i have noticed for decades. Its like the Great African Wildebeest migration once one gets up. It must

really annoy the manager after all he has achieved that fans can't stay just a bit longer.

So you don't think equal amounts of fans leave from other stands, but you don't notice because they slip out the back?

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Do you honestly believe that fans who sit in the Dolman are more likely to want to leave early?

This is a wild stab in the dark...perhaps the same happens in all stands...but the Dolman's design makes it more noticable...


Without a doubt it does happen more in the Dolman than anywhere else. I thought the same on Saturday - the Atyeo, Williams and East End stayed pretty full til the end. The parts of the Dolman I could see were barely half full by stoppage time.

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what does etc include? sneering comments about the eastend and people who go in the eastend? dull negative comments about people not wanting their enjoyment of the game interrupted by early leavers or those that choose to ignore gary johnson's pleas for fans to stay until the end and get behind the team?

Now you want me to list everything I do Bristol City related to justify myself to you! Not likely.

I haven't made any sneering comments, my original post wasn't even to you, but you've taken it upon yourself as Mr EE crusade to create a mountain out of a mole hill....again!

I'm sure many have valid reasons for leaving early and even if they don't the bottom line is it's no one else's business...That Includes Gary Johnson.

Without a doubt it does happen more in the Dolman than anywhere else. I thought the same on Saturday - the Atyeo, Williams and East End stayed pretty full til the end. The parts of the Dolman I could see were barely half full by stoppage time.

How many were stood at the front of the Dolman? I know I was .

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its the worst built stand i have ever sat in. if there was a fire 50% would die!!!

Please tell me how you worked out that 50% of people sat in the Dolman would die if there was a fire??

There really are some daft (and pointless) comments flying around on this thread, but that has got to be the most ridiculous one I have read on this forum since I started using OTIB! :disapointed2se:

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Now you want me to list everything I do Bristol City related to justify myself to you! Not likely.

I haven't made any sneering comments, my original post wasn't even to you, but you've taken it upon yourself as Mr EE crusade to create a mountain out of a mole hill....again!

I'm sure many have valid reasons for leaving early and even if they don't the bottom line is it's no one else's business...That Includes Gary Johnson.

here we go again with your crusade references

as for non-existent logic how about this?

I'm sure many have valid reasons for singing "Johnson said stay until the end" and even if they don't the bottom line is it's no one else's business...That Includes the anti-eastend-rent-a-mob.

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I'm sure many have valid reasons for singing "Johnson said stay until the end" and even if they don't the bottom line is it's no one else's business...That Includes the anti-eastend-rent-a-mob.

Like i've maintained throughout this thread your simply not interested in having a healthy discussion, your last post proves that beyond doubt.

Again you've just copied what I've posted and replied with it. This proves you have nothing constructive or interesting to say on this thread so I suggest we leave it here.


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Aren't these sort of threads becoming a little tired and old?

If people want to sing then sing, if people don't want to sing then don't!

If people want to leave early then leave, if people want to stay to the end then stay!

Basically mind your own business! it's nothing to do with you or any other of the sheep who sing that annoying chant at the end of every match about stying to the end :disapointed2se:

if people want to sing that chant, then surely they can as well?

or do you walk the walk of shame past the eastend at the final whistle?

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Health & Safety crap i would expect. there's no other logical reason.

Some pissed up nobjockey no looking where they were going tripped up and broke their ankle and because it was darkish they went... 'Waa Waa Waa! I broke my ankle Waa Waa Waa! give me money because i'm a ***** imbecile who cant look where I'm going Waa Waa Waa! Whats that injury lawyers for you number?

And because of the YANKS and this shocking Labour government we are now a claim culture where people are actually rewarded for being absent minded and generally ###### THICK!

Thanks Tony, nice legacy you ****.

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