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Man Citys Take Over Worries Me

Barrs Court Red

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I think the big clubs would vote against scrapping relegation. They won't go down so why remove a key interest and valued susciptions form these clubs. It also keeps 10 or so clubs in a perpertual state of fear and jeapordy meaning they'll never be able to develop teams because they have to keep up signing average players instead of solely developing talent and also restricting their finances in case they go down.

If there's no incentive for the big clubs..it won't happen. Man City makes it better for the Prem as it's yet another club who can compete. And it'll knock Liverpool or Arsenal out of the top four spots. Great!

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Do you think they care about FIFA?

The only thing that would hold back a "rebel" league would be if the majority of to players refused to not play for their country.

I think that without it being a FIFA competition there is no way the players will go for it - they wouldn't be able to play in the world cup etc.

But what's the actual benefit to these new owners in doing some sort of breakaway exactly? Where's all this extra revenue going to magically appear from?

I think it's a worry over nothing, the game is rich and growing richer in it's current format and to change all that is to risk all that without much potential reward.

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I think the big clubs would vote against scrapping relegation. They won't go down so why remove a key interest and valued susciptions form these clubs. It also keeps 10 or so clubs in a perpertual state of fear and jeapordy meaning they'll never be able to develop teams because they have to keep up signing average players instead of solely developing talent and also restricting their finances in case they go down.

If there's no incentive for the big clubs..it won't happen. Man City makes it better for the Prem as it's yet another club who can compete. And it'll knock Liverpool or Arsenal out of the top four spots. Great!

No you not think it'll have an effect on the England Squad?

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Why do people think these business men are loaded, quite clearly the money is dogy and the likes of abramovic will get found out soon.

I don't care how rich you are buying players like shevechenko for 30 mill then selling him for a 20 mill loss a year later is appalling business.

They all have dogy cash to burn and are choosing to pump it in to football, they wont last long and we should just sit back and laugh at the idiot man city fans on sky sports news chnting ''weve got robinho'' as all this will come back to bite them on the bum.

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You will see a new league in the near future, probably a Europe league with all cream playing in it.

To be honest the prem has become boring we all know Man u or Chelsea will win the league, now Man city have joined in...

It is much more exciting in the championship, I would be quite happy if all the big boys played in the euro league so we have back the 4 divisions, promote some of the conference sides and lets make it a football league once more, for local fans and NOT A MILLIONARIES play ground.


interesting, perhaps FC united can take man utd's place

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No you not think it'll have an effect on the England Squad?

Er no. We don't have enough technically able players getting through the system. That's coaching and culture. See what we do is get say i dunno a 5'7 player who plays in central midfield and slag them off because they aren't world class tacklers and headers rather than concentrating on developing their ability. Whereas Spain go oh look he's short but he's really good. Why don't we er play football on the ground... We like a silly brand of football that doesn't work at the top level, when that changes we might get somewhere.

People argue that english players don't get a chance. If they did more, we'd just see worse players on show and a weaker league for it.

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Er no. We don't have enough technically able players getting through the system. That's coaching and culture. See what we do is get say i dunno a 5'7 player who plays in central midfield and slag them off because they aren't world class tacklers and headers rather than concentrating on developing their ability. Whereas Spain go oh look he's short but he's really good. Why don't we er play football on the ground... We like a silly brand of football that doesn't work at the top level, when that changes we might get somewhere.

People argue that english players don't get a chance. If they did more, we'd just see worse players on show and a weaker league for it.

So you don't think the massive infux of foriegn players is having an effect then?

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So you don't think the massive infux of foriegn players is having an effect then?

Not really no. You have to ask why they're coming. It's because they're either better or cheaper than the English ones.

If the clubs have insane amounts of money it doesn't matter how much a player costs does it? So you should no doubt be in favour of huge amounts of money because it negates the English players cost too much argument.

How does playing terrible English players..but more of them make anything better? If we flooded the Premier League with English players we'd just have a worse league. The amount of players coming through would no doubt be negated by the standard required being much much lower. It'd be the championship..but called the Premier League. Great. I can't wait to see Marvin Elliot playing for say Blackburn. It doesn't make him any more able to go up against top class international teams though.

We need to bring through (funnily enough) better players. And i don't see a plethora of technically able kids who have missed out because a foreigner has taken their place. I see our league games being played at 90 miles an hour and posession changing hands every ten seconds. I read a huge amount of criticism because LJ tried to keep possesion by passing the ball out of his own box instead of lumping it up and out. You can criticise the execution (because it was crap and cost us 2 points) but people were criticising the intent. Criticising the idea that keeping possesion is a good thing. These people would do the same to a 13 year old doing the same thing. And shouting get rid! That's why we need a culture shift.

And that safety first % game has damned English football forever. Because when we do it unlike the Premier League..we don't get the ball right back. We're producing the wrong types of players to be successful in International football. We're producing players who can run around alot. We're not producing technically able ones. If we were, they'd be playing and gettign their chance.

The foreigners come in BECAUSE we're deficient ability wise, they're not the cause IMO

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What really worries me is at this rate, the majority of Premier league clubs will be owned by foriegn investors. How long before they change rules to protect their investment, like scrapping relegations?

Would this kill off the other 72 clubs in the league over night?

I once got on a phone in with the then League Secratary. I asked him on air if say Grimsby and macclesfield were top of the Championship whilst man U & Liverpool were bootom of the Prem, would there still be auto promo & relegation. He replied live on air "Yes; that is enshrined in the set up of both leagues". They then switched to the next caller before I could ask "What if the sponsors don't approve"?

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As a few posters have already mentioned above, I don't see the Man City takeover changing things greatly. Maybe they'll replace 1 of the current "Big 4" next season, or maybe not. Maybe the Abu Dhabi guys (or Abramovich) will get bored in a year or so and leave the club in a complete financial mess, but another consortium will probably come along and take up the reins.

Promotion/relegation to the Premier League will never be abandoned, because it will make the TV "product" less attractive. US sports may not have promotion and relegation, but what they do have is some sort of communist-style draft system and other measures which seems to put most teams on a more level playing field, which would never be able to be implemented here.

And we already have a European Super League, called the Champions League.

With regards the England team, the number of foreigners and amount of money floating around our top league has never affected the performance of the England team. With a few exceptions, we have always been an average international side.

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The fact of the matter is at the current time football is dominated by big money. Even ourselves splashing out £2.25 mil on Nicky. The problem is that those with lots of money like your chelsea and Man Utd race ahead of those who don't and this has been evident for quite a while now.

The more foreign investors who enter into our english clubs means that eventually you will end up with all the teams in the premier league splashing out around £30million a season on players which means that clubs like us receive what to us would be very big money.

The prices of players would increase and their wages don't seem to be declining at any fast rate.

These are very uncertain times I only hope we don't fall foul of any attempts to seperate clubs by their financial backing.


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Manchester City to bid for Ronaldo:


Will this madness never end!

Oh, for the days when football wasn't fashionable and you could stand on a cold, crumbling terrace watching dire long-ball football played by 22 over-weight and hung-over young men (and whose names all ended in 'son' rather than 'inho') most with some sort of addiction, whilst shouting to the bloke next to you - 20 yards away - and thinking that 'wag' was something your dog did to his tail when he brought your paper to you and patted you on the head.

Days when a pie and a pint was your only half-time snackfood choice, and prawn sandwiches remained in the small director's box, when members' and sponsors' enclosures were just a twinkle in Peter Kenyon's eye.

Oh dear. I've reached middle-age and turned into a frightening hybrid of my dad and Uncle Roger...

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Worrying words coming out from the new owners. They seem determined to play matches in the far east ect ect.

Didn't the Football League and/or the Prem stop Wimbledon from moving to and playing home games in Dublin because it's a foreign country? AFAIK it is a rule that home games must be played in your own FA's country. (OK we know Berwick are in the SPL and Londonderry play in the Republic's league and Andorra play at barcelona, but they're exceptions due to respectively history, politics and lack of suitable ground).

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Manchester City to bid for Ronaldo:


Will this madness never end!

Oh, for the days when football wasn't fashionable and you could stand on a cold, crumbling terrace watching dire long-ball football played by 22 over-weight and hung-over young men (and whose names all ended in 'son' rather than 'inho') most with some sort of addiction, whilst shouting to the bloke next to you - 20 yards away - and thinking that 'wag' was something your dog did to his tail when he brought your paper to you and patted you on the head.

Days when a pie and a pint was your only half-time snackfood choice, and prawn sandwiches remained in the small director's box, when members' and sponsors' enclosures were just a twinkle in Peter Kenyon's eye.

Oh dear. I've reached middle-age and turned into a frightening hybrid of my dad and Uncle Roger...

No, Honestly mate you can still savour those times,

Its over at horfiled, its a shithole and the football is crap with fats blokes playing.

Enjoy the game..... :rofl2br:

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How would people feel if it was us? If we build our new ground and manage to gain promotion whats to stop a middle eastern consortium buying out Steve Lansdown. I bet the masses wouldn't give monkeys where the money comes from as long as were splashing endless amounts of cash, welcome to football in the 21st century.

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Actually, this could work out quite well for City in the short-term.

If you listen to Pete Johnson's interview on World, he says that as Man Citys FA Youth Cup winning youngsters wont now get a look in at the club, he has already sent one of his team to their next reserve match to have a word.

If this works out, we could pick up some quality players.

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Actually, this could work out quite well for City in the short-term.

If you listen to Pete Johnson's interview on World, he says that as Man Citys FA Youth Cup winning youngsters wont now get a look in at the club, he has already sent one of his team to their next reserve match to have a word.

If this works out, we could pick up some quality players.

One of their young guns are on a one month loan to Grimsby. Must be desperate.

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Would the moneymen be here if only 3 or 4 Foriegn players were allowed per club? no; most of the top clubs players have little to do with the area/City they are representing; come to that niether have many managers, most are just passing through on the way to a fast buck.

Our own English team is also suffering from a ever decreasing selection availability of players from the top league.

Its only about the money now, even our own club sales things on ebay rather than give those things to deserving fans :disapointed2se:

Clubs putting out strong international player strewn reserve teams do nothing to help the local boys trying to get a foothold; sorry to go on but have become completely disinterested in the footie game the way its going; :disapointed2se:

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Actually, this could work out quite well for City in the short-term.

If you listen to Pete Johnson's interview on World, he says that as Man Citys FA Youth Cup winning youngsters wont now get a look in at the club, he has already sent one of his team to their next reserve match to have a word.

If this works out, we could pick up some quality players.

I didn't go to the match against Man City, but apart from Sturridge, were they better all over the park than our own boys?

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Would the moneymen be here if only 3 or 4 Foriegn players were allowed per club? no; most of the top clubs players have little to do with the area/City they are representing; come to that niether have many managers, most are just passing through on the way to a fast buck.

Our own English team is also suffering from a ever decreasing selection availability of players from the top league.

Its only about the money now, even our own club sales things on ebay rather than give those things to deserving fans :disapointed2se:

Clubs putting out strong international player strewn reserve teams do nothing to help the local boys trying to get a foothold; sorry to go on but have become completely disinterested in the footie game the way its going; :disapointed2se:

I notice 2 more shirts are now available, to the highest bidder :disapointed2se: why do we do this.

As for the take overs by the money men, big boys and their "toys" come to mind, thats all the clubs are, their toys :disapointed2se:

Alan Curbishley NOW West Ham EX manager has just resigned,according to B.b.c because of lack of control of team hiring firing, same reason alledgedly Mr Keegan has vanished from Newcastle; they are the managers let them manage :disapointed2se: big boys and their toys :nono:

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Interesting interview. No wonder City are sending scouts up north when the message to the youth places is "your no longer needed".

"Changing the face of football" - I really do think these guys are going to be the first to throw of discretion and come out and say what the bigger clubs think privatly - We don't need or want the football league!

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