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Just listening to the game and Trunds has just scored. Irrespective of what happens in this game now, I think its time the bloke was given a run of 5-6 games to give him a chance to really show us what he can do. Thoughts?

Yes i think so and I believe he should be given a run in the side as i always believe we can score a goal from nothing when he is on the pitch, I am dead chuffed he has scored tonight and did you hear the fans reaction when he came on to the pitch? Terific trund's! well done and good on you!!

C'mon Reds!

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Agree. Maynard offered nothing tonight, yes he chased the ball but created nothing. Granted the service to him was poor but Trundle created more and look more dangerous in the 20mins he was on the pitch.

It's not Maynards fault but we cannot keep him in just because he cost 2m+ and the fact he will probably come good at some point.

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Pleased for the bloke, he was the only player on the pitch with the ability to score a goal like that, great reception from the crowd too, who i thought gave great support even during a poor first half from the team. Time for Weale to have a run in the side, Basso lets a soft goal in then wants to come off with an injury! Quality save by Weale near the end of the game. If City are to be genuine contenders then sorry but Skuse isnt up to it. Ivans so quick but needs to take his brain with him when takes off.

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Whatever happens I think its definitely time for Maynard to be dropped, didnt see him do anything again tonight. I'd be happy with either Trundle or Brooker.

The sooner Elliot is back the better too, Skuse was woeful tonight. :(

Nicky must be pulling his hair out. No service to him whatsoever, everything tonight went towards Dele, carry on playing like that and the lad wont even get a look in.

Thought Gavin Williams was terrible tonight, we are REALLY missing Marv.

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Nicky must be pulling his hair out. No service to him whatsoever, everything tonight went towards Dele, carry on playing like that and the lad wont even get a look in.

Thought Gavin Williams was terrible tonight, we are REALLY missing Marv.

Maynard just doesn't look threatening when he does get the ball though and doesnt seem to be in the right place at the right time which is apparently what he's all about. The tactics aren't helping though, for sure.

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Trunds, what a great goal......pleased for the guy....

Maynard, really feeling sorry for him now......its getting painful watching him, he falls over all the time.....

G J has the pressure on him now..........Brooker and Trunds have come off the bench to score.........Its not about giving nicky time its about being fair to the squad, Brooker and Trundle deserve a chance.......

Noble should be given ago back on the right of midfield, sproule and williams have had there chance and not performed,

Elliot.....needs to play against doncaster...........skuse has had his chance......he done ok but.......elliot is simply better.....

Mccindoe, (can some one explain to me why he plays in the middle and not wide left.......I cant work out what hes doing?

City did well tonight but we lost ,so its time to give other players a chance, if you cant change a side when it looses when do you make changes.

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Nicky must be pulling his hair out. No service to him whatsoever, everything tonight went towards Dele, carry on playing like that and the lad wont even get a look in.

To be fair, and I don't want to criticise Maynard here (I have promised my mate I will give him 15 games before saying anything too harsh), but, you have to look for the ball as well surely?

Yes there was a lot of lofted balls, however, there was some decent stuff to feet too which the likes of McIndoe and Sproule were getting in the positions to pick up in and around the box, so Maynard can do that too.

Look at Jerome down the other end; the lad was everywhere. If he had to come to half-way to get involved, he did. And then he was spinning off in to space and making himself available.

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Pleased for the bloke, he was the only player on the pitch with the ability to score a goal like that, great reception from the crowd too, who i thought gave great support even during a poor first half from the team. Time for Weale to have a run in the side, Basso lets a soft goal in then wants to come off with an injury! Quality save by Weale near the end of the game. If City are to be genuine contenders then sorry but Skuse isnt up to it. Ivans so quick but needs to take his brain with him when takes off.

:noexpression: ... no i think he was just injured, and so therefore had to go off

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Yes he was, as he was coming off he started to jog and then remembered he was injured so started walking, prefer players who refuse to come off ala Terry Butcher and such like, but suppose its a different era with pampered players of today. Of all of the games Ive watched over 40years ive only seen a goalkeeper come off 3 times at Ashton Gate, each time it was Basso. Weale deserves his chance.

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Yes he was, as he was coming off he started to jog and then remembered he was injured so started walking, prefer players who refuse to come off ala Terry Butcher and such like, but suppose its a different era with pampered players of today. Weale deserves his chance.

Highly unfair. From what we've heard of all the players that don't want to come off, Basso is one of the most reluctant e.g. away to Yeovil in League One he refused to come off. Always wants to stay on but as GJ says, 'they are professionals and are honest enough to let us know if they aren't 100%'.

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Delighted he got the goal. Will do his confidence the world of good however after listening to GJ's comments I wouldn't put my house on him being selected to start against Donny.

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I would love to see Trunds get a run in the team. He is one player who can do something out of nothing and hopefully his goal tonight will send his confidence levels sky high. If he had any doubts about his future at City, hopefully the welcome he had when he came on the pitch will tell him how loved he his by the fans, the noise when he came on was fantastic.

Nothing aginst Dele or Maynard, but if Brooker is available saturday, I would like to see him start alongside Trunds. Maynard is one for the future and his pace would be handy late in a game coming off the bench etc, but Brooker and Trunds offer us more up front IMO..

I would also like to see Noble back on the right, Marv in the middle, and just for a change, McIndoe stay on the bloody left!

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I only have one thing to say


Would've been better if the 'keeper wasn't 10 yards to the side of the Goal...

Fair play, Trundle was composed and put it away well but still... "OH MY GOD WHAT A GOAL!!!!" is a liiiiittle bit of an overstatement.

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Would've been better if the 'keeper wasn't 10 yards to the side of the Goal...

Fair play, Trundle was composed and put it away well but still... "OH MY GOD WHAT A GOAL!!!!" is a liiiiittle bit of an overstatement.

the fact the keeper was out of position made the goal

Lee was facing the wrong way off balance and had the vision and brain to pot the keeper off his line, in itself brilliant, he also had the technique to chip the ball perfectly over taylor's head into the net.

he didnt set himself for ages like alonso or beckham do wen they lob keepers, it was instinctive. so from a football fans view, and someone who understands how difficult it is to spot that let alone score from there it was a BRILLIANT GOAL, AN OMG GOAL IN FACT

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Would've been better if the 'keeper wasn't 10 yards to the side of the Goal...

Fair play, Trundle was composed and put it away well but still... "OH MY GOD WHAT A GOAL!!!!" is a liiiiittle bit of an overstatement.

What kind or remark is that?You make it sound as if it was dead easy...pffft.

It was a great goal, and i feel that Trundle does deserve a stint in the first team. Maynard hasn't been getting the service, but doesn't look the part at the minute.

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Pleased for the bloke, he was the only player on the pitch with the ability to score a goal like that, great reception from the crowd too, who i thought gave great support even during a poor first half from the team. Time for Weale to have a run in the side, Basso lets a soft goal in then wants to come off with an injury! Quality save by Weale near the end of the game. If City are to be genuine contenders then sorry but Skuse isnt up to it. Ivans so quick but needs to take his brain with him when takes off.

Weale may well get his chance if Basso doesn`t get over this problem. But how you can come out with the soft goal comment is beyond me.

To have your midfield and defence allow themselves to be carved open like that and then be expected to stop that finish is a tad unjust methinks. If you want to apportion blame for that goal i`d start looking farther up field.


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Would've been better if the 'keeper wasn't 10 yards to the side of the Goal...

Fair play, Trundle was composed and put it away well but still... "OH MY GOD WHAT A GOAL!!!!" is a liiiiittle bit of an overstatement.

How is life in your oh so depressing bubble?

Thats my opinion and i'll stand by it thankyou. It came out of nowhere, and I would argue that when it comes to the end of the season it will be challenging for goal of the season. I also think it helped change the 2nd half and gave us the kick up the bum we needed to start throwing everything at them.

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