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Cabot Circus Thread


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I have no interest in Cabot Circus BUT I just saw Yasmin Le Bon outside of Hotel Du Vin looking HOT :tounge: (apparantly she cut the ribbon or something)

La Senza had a woman modelling the underwear in their window as well as the usual mannequins! And she was HOT! :tounge:

Edit: Oh, and the place is amazing. I wouldn't shop in most of the places there as it's far too high brow for me and well outta my price range, but architectullarly speaking, the place looks fantastic and is a world away from Broadmead. To be fair, it has visually dragged that area of Bristol kicking and screaming into the 21st Century!

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Guest MaloneFM
I have no interest in Cabot Circus BUT I just saw Yasmin Le Bon outside of Hotel Du Vin looking HOT

Well I'm not going near the place until they sort the air conditioning out. When Mrs M gets hot she gets pissy.

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La Senza had a woman modelling the underwear in their window as well as the usual mannequins! And she was HOT! :tounge:

Edit: Oh, and the place is amazing. I wouldn't shop in most of the places there as it's far too high brow for me and well outta my price range, but architectullarly speaking, the place looks fantastic and is a world away from Broadmead. To be fair, it has visually dragged that area of Bristol kicking and screaming into the 21st Century!

we saw the woman in La Senza....unfortunately at first I thought it was a really modern look mannequin....until after looking her up and down a few times and then sh:tting myself when she smiled at me!

apart from that........more shops mostly the same as there already is in broadmead or at the mall, nothing much new of real interest, apart from Urban Outfitters which is an fantastic shop and FINALLY Bristol has an Apple shop.

Also find it kinda ironic that they have built Harvey Nicholls exactly where Pound strectcher used to be!

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Guest MaloneFM
sh:tting myself when she smiled at me!

This kind of behaviour does not endear you to young ladies. They smile, you empty your bowels.

FINALLY Bristol has an Apple shop.

There's one by us. It's called a greengrocers.

But seriously folks there is an Apple shop by Temple Meads and has been for years.

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Looks very impressive inside but really it was the same old shops ( GAME, Carphone Warehouse, New Look etc etc ) The was a huge queue outside of ZAVVI which I couldnt work out why but I just walked in and went to a DVD section and the next thing I kmew I was standing next to the band McFly. Told them that I loved them in a really dry sarcastic way which they dryly responded.

Very busy though so didnt bother gonig up to the top floor, but I wonder if this new building will kill off the other end of Broadmead ?

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Looks very impressive inside but really it was the same old shops ( GAME, Carphone Warehouse, New Look etc etc ) The was a huge queue outside of ZAVVI which I couldnt work out why but I just walked in and went to a DVD section and the next thing I kmew I was standing next to the band McFly. Told them that I loved them in a really dry sarcastic way which they dryly responded.

Very busy though so didnt bother gonig up to the top floor, but I wonder if this new building will kill off the other end of Broadmead ?

I doubht i will kill it off, give it 6 months and cabot circus (like the mall was after a few months) will be old news.

There are still some decent shops on the other end of Broadmead, Debenhams is always popular and there is still John Antony (which i must admitt semmed very dead yesterday!) and ive heard that Primark is moving in to were House of fraser used to be.

All in all thou i thought Cabot Circus its self was very impressive,i did get the feeling i was in Birmingham or Manchester for some reason, but I'm sure in a few months it will be become second nature like the mall.

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Popped in for an hour last night, visually stunning and something at last to make the end of the M32 look appealing to visitors. Another 2-3 years when all the major construction work around Bristol is finished we are going to have a mighty fine looking City.. and then just our stadium to top it all off :D

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Went to see the new shopping complex today and it is a very impressive structure with a particularly nice open area where the registary office used to be.Being something of a keen cinema goers we took a look inside the new one there and it is very spectacular. Only 6 screens and 7.25 to get in.It has an internal eating house with a decent fairly priced menu.So no need to book anywhere else if your'e looking to take in a film with meal before/afterwards.There is also a 'Directors Suite' which has bigger leather seats and a different menu with its own bar area. Very nice but at 12 quid per person may not attract that many film goers.

As for the circus overall - same shops different place.

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Even though I work in Bristol, it'll probably take me a couple years before I even venture into it. It's just another consumerist extravaganza, which encourages people to seek solace from the travails of life in the buying of another pointless piece of tat.

The Bristol Blogger always has an alternative view, which is worth reading:

Bristol Blogger

Apparently, we had the best shopping centre in the country until the Germans fire bombed it in the early 1940's. So, it's taken over 60 odd years for Bristol Council to build the shops back up to a decent standard. :rolleyes:

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I have a new found admiration for Cabot's Circus Merchant's Quarter, after hearing the following conversation on the No 1 bus between a teenage girl and her friend on the phone;

"Ere, it's wicked down there....you know them sanitary towel bin things in the bogs?....well in there you just hovers above it, and the lid lifts itself up!"

Class. Technology these days mind, innit.

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Went to Cabot Circus. Looks very nice and new. The one thing I'm impressed with is how quick it was built! Did'nt seem to take long, especially considering our builders in this country.

But it wasnt as good as i was expecting......

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Went to Cabot Circus. Looks very nice and new. The one thing I'm impressed with is how quick it was built! Did'nt seem to take long, especially considering our builders in this country.

But it wasnt as good as i was expecting......

I guess you didn't see all the stories about the diversity of the builders nations then?!

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"Ere, it's wicked down there....you know them sanitary towel bin things in the bogs?....well in there you just hovers above it, and the lid lifts itself up!"

That is class. I did a proper zLOL

I just hope the chav's don't discover magnets. We'll be ######ed if the peasants get hold of such magical technology.

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It must have been built to look good inside, because I think it's grim on the outside - hardly any difference from the monstrous building developments from the '60s and '70s. From Bond Street (renamed Lower Bond Street!) it's an ugly muddle of brick, stone, wood, glass with no smooth lines or style whatsoever.

I can't help feel it was a huge opportunity missed; pulling down all the monstrous post-war developments around Whitefriars and Greyfriars (around Bridewell, Nelson Street, Mad Harry's etc) and locating it there would have connected the Centre with Broadmead. The Luftwaffe didn't ruin Bristol alone - the City Council Planners did. Where European cities such as Warsaw managed to re-build their historic cities brick by brick, our planners and architects compounded the damage by sweeping away the historic mediaeval streets and erecting some real eyesores. I could rant. :angry:

I AM quite interested to see what's been done to the area around Quakers Friars, which couldn't have been much worse before, surrounded as it was by a pay & display car park and all the shop bins.

I'll be surprised if shops in CC do well - there's only a finite amount of money swishing around in Bristol, even less now. That's why Bentalls failed - it was just too upmarket. House of Fraser has always looked half empty. I reckon the mega-Primark, when it opens, will do the best of all - that's what Bristol likes - cheap and cheerful!

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Some Bristolians may be paid well, but we've also got some of the highest property prices outside the South East - so in general terms, there's less disposable income than in other parts of the country - such as Leeds (where there's also a Harvey Nicholls).

I'll be very surprised if some of the shops outside CC don't now go to the wall - especially in this current climate.

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I'm flabbergasted so many males are interested in adding their excitement to this thread about a shopping centre. :no:

Surely one of the benefits of being a regular football supporter is your Saturdays are mostly booked up in advance and you have good reason to avoid these monstrous places.

I'm told legions of blokes can be seen trailing miserably after their wives/girlfriends in shopping centres even when City are at home. :grr:

Others, unbelievably, seem more than happy to be there and walk around grinning inanely while they spend the afternoon contentedly BROWSING. :shocking: Even groups of beaming blokes shopping and then going for cups of overpriced coffee together :ranting: as though this is somehow enjoyable. :disapointed2se:

The world's gone bonkers. :wacko:

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I'm flabbergasted so many males are interested in adding their excitement to this thread about a shopping centre. :no:

Surely one of the benefits of being a regular football supporter is your Saturdays are mostly booked up in advance and you have good reason to avoid these monstrous places.

I'm told legions of blokes can be seen trailing miserably after their wives/girlfriends in shopping centres even when City are at home. :grr:

Others, unbelievably, seem more than happy to be there and walk around grinning inanely while they spend the afternoon contentedly BROWSING. :shocking: Even groups of beaming blokes shopping and then going for cups of overpriced coffee together :ranting: as though this is somehow enjoyable. :disapointed2se:

The world's gone bonkers. :wacko:

Well said Egg Nog - I still haven't been anywhere near the place, and intend to hold out as long as possible. Cathedrals of Consumerism are of no interest to me.

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Well said Egg Nog - I still haven't been anywhere near the place, and intend to hold out as long as possible. Cathedrals of Consumerism are of no interest to me.

Don't go then, your loss.

It's an amazing place, especially for buying food - No one else in Bristol comes close to selling the same range, Clifton aside.

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Some Bristolians may be paid well, but we've also got some of the highest property prices outside the South East - so in general terms, there's less disposable income than in other parts of the country - such as Leeds (where there's also a Harvey Nicholls).

I'll be very surprised if some of the shops outside CC don't now go to the wall - especially in this current climate.

That's a false arguement though, as it assumes that wages are the same in Bristol as they are in Leeds.

I agree about shops closing outside of CC. I suspect that broadmead will see alot of bars and cafes spring up. That could look really nice in fairness.

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