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Can't Wait For Gj 's Comments


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Thank you Keyboard Warrior.

This, believe it or not, is a Forum where people like you and me can air their views. I may not agree with you but I respect your right to post. Every football fan has a view on their team and it probably differs fom a lot of others, that doesn't make them right or wrong.

Just because GJ is 'The manager' doesn't mean he is always right and is beyond reproach. As a Shareholder, Season ticket holder and supporter, through thick and thin, for over 40years I believe I have a right to an opinion and as this is a forum I am expressing it on here.

Luckily being retired I don't have to get everything right and perfect, I will leave that to you. GJ has used the media to attack supporters so what's the problem about not defending himself?.

Are you playing the I`m a better supporter than you card?. I think you will find that Supporter means someone who sides with, backs up or assists a particular cause, don`t see anything there about unfounded crititcism and persisitant negative commenting, I think this entitles you to a different title.

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Blimey, talk about twisting it just so you can pick apart AshtonYate's comment.

Actually, although not worded greatly, what he says is true. Adebola does struggle to play 90 mins and looks very leggy as the game goes on. He also finds it difficult to play 2 games in a week. Trundle rarely plays a full 90, as does Noble, as does Williams, as does Sproule. All true.

How many minutes these players played in a one off, "biggest game of their lives"......at the time match is completly irrelevant to his remarks.

Offering evidence of the players listed completing more than 90 minutes in games and still affecting those games right to the end is irrelevant to the topic of whether they can complete 90 minutes?

I see.

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Actually, although not worded greatly, what he says is true. Adebola does struggle to play 90 mins and looks very leggy as the game goes on. He also finds it difficult to play 2 games in a week. Trundle rarely plays a full 90, as does Noble, as does Williams, as does Sproule. All true.

I disagree, he Dele looks leggy at the start of a game, he looks knackered after 20 mins, but he just keeps going & seems no different in the last min to the 25th. What I would agree with is that he struggles to play 2 games Sat/Tues - so I don't expect him to start tomorrow.

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Are you playing the I`m a better supporter than you card?. I think you will find that Supporter means someone who sides with, backs up or assists a particular cause, don`t see anything there about unfounded crititcism and persisitant negative commenting, I think this entitles you to a different title.

Far be it for me to stick up for Kingswood Red as I'm sure he is more than capable of doing it for himself. But I will comment on the point that he /you and I are entittled to express an opinion about Bristol City providing in remains within the Fourum rules which I have refreshed myself with.

What is a concern for me of late is that good points of view support by statistics etc, in the view of the poster have been unfairly treated if it diviates from the "party" line" or cristicises certain players or staff at the football club. Abuse is one thing that shouldn't be tolerated but expressing a point of view I would have thought should be welcomed, otherwise the continued funding of this site is going to prove considerably more difficult than I suspect it already is.

With regard your "better support" comment. If you are a customer of 40 years a shareholder, season ticket holder, I think you have earned the right to comment, just as much as if you buy your first ever ticket tomorrow night (we all started some where). But as a shareholder in every other walk of commercial life, you have the right to express an opinion and I see football as being no different.

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Far be it for me to stick up for Kingswood Red as I'm sure he is more than capable of doing it for himself. But I will comment on the point that he /you and I are entittled to express an opinion about Bristol City providing in remains within the Fourum rules which I have refreshed myself with.

What is a concern for me of late is that good points of view support by statistics etc, in the view of the poster have been unfairly treated if it diviates from the "party" line" or cristicises certain players or staff at the football club. Abuse is one thing that shouldn't be tolerated but expressing a point of view I would have thought should be welcomed, otherwise the continued funding of this site is going to prove considerably more difficult than I suspect it already is.

With regard your "better support" comment. If you are a customer of 40 years a shareholder, season ticket holder, I think you have earned the right to comment, just as much as if you buy your first ever ticket tomorrow night (we all started some where). But as a shareholder in every other walk of commercial life, you have the right to express an opinion and I see football as being no different.

Totally agree but you cant spend all your time slagging something off and then call yourself a supporter as its a contradiction.

I too am a lifelong fan of 38 years, a season ticket holder and a shareholder and would have thought that knowing some of the rubbish that has been served up by boards, managers and players during that time people would recognise when for once we have a group of people running and managing the club who have its success at heart.

If we were bottom or worse still, back in league 1 after a season at this level, then there may be some justification in this persistant negativity, but we`re not. As you know the season is a marathon not a sprint so we all have the opportunity supporters, fans, directors, management and players alike to effect where we finish. Persistant moaning, booing, ironic cheering, is not helping any of the above do their jobs.

If watching your team makes you feel like this don`t keep putting yourself through it.

Some of us have a realistic expectation of our team. No we do not accept long term mediocrity but do accept that we are building towards better things.

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Totally agree but you cant spend all your time slagging something off and then call yourself a supporter as its a contradiction.

I too am a lifelong fan of 38 years, a season ticket holder and a shareholder and would have thought that knowing some of the rubbish that has been served up by boards, managers and players during that time people would recognise when for once we have a group of people running and managing the club who have its success at heart.

If we were bottom or worse still, back in league 1 after a season at this level, then there may be some justification in this persistant negativity, but we`re not. As you know the season is a marathon not a sprint so we all have the opportunity supporters, fans, directors, management and players alike to effect where we finish. Persistant moaning, booing, ironic cheering, is not helping any of the above do their jobs.

If watching your team makes you feel like this don`t keep putting yourself through it.

Some of us have a realistic expectation of our team. No we do not accept long term mediocrity but do accept that we are building towards better things.

I wouldn't diagree with what you have posted. I honestly believe that except a few covert infaltrators from other clubs that every one who posts on this board is a City fan. Clearly you diasgree with others fan type of support, but I don't see the problem as long as the team gets the proper support on match day.

As I've said before my real issue is that some posters and moderators on here catagorise any form of critisim on this board as (to use your expressions) as "moaning, booing" etc etc. Where as the reality is that many are good and supported points of view. Yes clamp down on on abuse and the like but to move posts to the arcade and dsimiss as a joke when clearly it is a fans point of view is not on.

You might dissagree with everything I write and vice versa but a sanatised Forum is no Forum at all.

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Are you playing the I`m a better supporter than you card?. I think you will find that Supporter means someone who sides with, backs up or assists a particular cause, don`t see anything there about unfounded crititcism and persisitant negative commenting, I think this entitles you to a different title.

I am no more or no less a supporter than anyone else, I just choose to back the team with money because I love Bristol City football club. It appears your term supporter means 'blind faith'.

It was your derogatory references as to what type of people post on here, schoolchildren etc. that made me expand on my credentials. As for unfounded critism of (you didnt say what ) thats your opinion and you are entitled to think what you want.

As a shareholder if I choose to level whatever my opinions are at GJ or SL, that doesn't mean I don't support them, it means I have a mind of my own.

Feel free to give me whatever title you want mate, I couldn't give a toss of your opinion of me.

I don't intend to reply to any more of your personal attacks, as we are deviating from the thread title.

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If you are going to use posters quotes, then include the whole quote. Within the whole quote of mine were reasons that I used to support my post and I refer you to post No 48.

The insult I shall treat with the attention it deserves :tongue:

I quoted the relevant parts of your quote. Your post contained no evidence to support your quotes whatsoever. Even the article you cited didn't really seem to support what you were saying - you are inferring things from what is not there rather than what is.

For what it's worth, my post and certainly the comment you termed an "insult" (more of an observation if you ask me), were not aimed directly at you but at a number of people on this forum.

Like many others this thing about Gary Johnson enjoying the good times but being unable to handle the bad is a complete myth perpetuated by supporters, along with the belief that he places no value on flair and is unable to handle "star" players.

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It genuinely amazes me how cynical some people can be, especially when it is directed towards a man who has done what we all hoped he would in turn us into a good Championship team. That is what the table tells me tonight anyway, that we are a good Championship team. We got rolled over today and we aren't playing well at the moment, but if we think positively about the situation then it will tell you that we aren't playing well but we are still up there. I have no doubt that changes will be made for Tuesday and we will see a positive response from the team, but what a shame that some fans feel it necessary to show their support by suggesting that Johnson has lost it or is only it for the five year contract. Sad, sad state of affairs.

It is quite obvious that the team needs strengthening and don't be at all surprised to see changes in January. What some fans forget though is that we're not made of money and we can't just buy improvements to every position. So far tonight i've seen suggestions that we need a left winger, right winger, midfielder and a defender. That is not feasible for a club of our size and we have to cut our cloth accordingly. But what really does amaze me is that some people on here think we have a divine right to have improvements to the squad in these positions and Johnson is a fool if he doesn't do it. He knows what's required but getting the right player for the right money isn't as simple as that, lest we forget. So by all means lets debate what might be good for the team and it's progress, but please don't get all flaming cynical about Johnson's abilities because that is getting right on my t1ts considering where we are right now.

w e are not a good championship team are club yet we will get there and G J will get us there...i don't know how often you have watch city but Gj has got it wrong a few times this season and last...things are not right down at ashton gate,we need a number 2.

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w e are not a good championship team are club yet we will get there and G J will get us there...i don't know how often you have watch city but Gj has got it wrong a few times this season and last...things are not right down at ashton gate,we need a number 2.

It's a matter of opinion i suppose, but i genuinely feel overall that we are a good Championship team. If you consider last seasons position and our current position, despite the fact that we've only played well in a handful of games, we are definitely a good Championship side. I've seen every home game, bar the first half of Derby, this season and a couple of away games. He has got it wrong a few times this season, but he did last season as well. Every manager gets it wrong at stages. I think there is a bit of an over reaction going on with people assuming that all is not well at the Gate. I know for a fact that there are no major issues down there other than players getting frustrated with not playing whether it be because they are fit but GJ doesn't think they're ready to be thrown into battle yet or that they simply aren't playing. That situation is exactly how we should want it to be with players desperate to play, but it seems that we want to make something of it along the lines of GJ losing the dressing room when it simply isn't the case.

What do you mean by a 'number 2'? A replacement for Millen?

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I am so glad this forum is not a true representation of most BCFC fans!

Freedom of speech can be such a bad thing if it falls in to the wrong hands.

So many armchair managers on one forum......so many opinions!

Incest on this scale can mean only one thing......i am sure City fans in future will be born with one eye to increase they're binkered vision. And an extremely long index finger for keyboard use. Brain size will reduce from the size of a baked bean (present day) to the size of an amoeba's testis!

Have no fear though........this sort of evolution will not happen overnight.........scientists have said it could take weeks and weeks!


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I am so glad this forum is not a true representation of most BCFC fans!

Freedom of speech can be such a bad thing if it falls in to the wrong hands.

So many armchair managers on one forum......so many opinions!

Incest on this scale can mean only one thing......i am sure City fans in future will be born with one eye to increase they're binkered vision. And an extremely long index finger for keyboard use. Brain size will reduce from the size of a baked bean (present day) to the size of an amoeba's testis!

Have no fear though........this sort of evolution will not happen overnight.........scientists have said it could take weeks and weeks!


I worked for many years within spitting distance of High Littleton and can endorse your observations. As Jethro said its a shame when cousins marry. :cool:

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