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What Was The Need For All Those Coppers?

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during the course of the game

13 van equates to six coppers per van thats 78 coppers

another 6 estate type vans so that makes it at least 84 coppers in and around the ground

what for? they were all prepared in their riot gear

where is the history of problems between City and saints

if any thing the riot squad should have been in the

williams stand looking after the saints chairman and manager

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during the course of the game

13 van equates to six coppers per van thats 78 coppers

another 6 estate type vans so that makes it at least 84 coppers in and around the ground

what for? they were all prepared in their riot gear

where is the history of problems between City and saints

if any thing the riot squad should have been in the

williams stand looking after the saints chairman and manager

ive mentioned this on here before, but yeah it took the piss didnt it

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Following their recent run of bad form there have been serious threats (some death) by Southampton fans to both the Southampton players and Management. The extra police were drafted in to protect them. When the arrived they were surrounded by around 150 police officers as they entered the ground.

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I asked one of the Police officers at half time why there were so many of them on duty. I asked if they expected trouble or were they avoiding their wives for the day!

The officer I spoke to said it was because of the trouble at St Marys last season. He even said it was unnecessary!

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I asked one of the Police officers at half time why there were so many of them on duty. I asked if they expected trouble or were they avoiding their wives for the day!

The officer I spoke to said it was because of the trouble at St Marys last season. He even said it was unnecessary!

Yeah last season after the game it all kicked off. All running back our car from an alley way.

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Glad somone else noticed, couldnt believe the amount of coppers today. Had to wonder whether they got double time because of valentines day!

Remember: 1. The Policce decide how many police inside the ground.

2. The Police decide how much to charge clubs for each officer.

3. If the clubs refuse the number or cost, the Police withdraw the safety certificate, so the game cannot go ahead.

On Sky they showed a Scottish game with NO police presence. A local fan told the cameras, "English fans can't believe this". Apparantly it was due to the local Chief Constable deciding there was a lot of robberies, buurglaries, assaults and other crime in the town, so it would be a waste of assets toput his officers in a football ground where the club has it's own Stewards.

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Remember: 1. The Policce decide how many police inside the ground.

2. The Police decide how much to charge clubs for each officer.

3. If the clubs refuse the number or cost, the Police withdraw the safety certificate, so the game cannot go ahead.

On Sky they showed a Scottish game with NO police presence. A local fan told the cameras, "English fans can't believe this". Apparantly it was due to the local Chief Constable deciding there was a lot of robberies, buurglaries, assaults and other crime in the town, so it would be a waste of assets toput his officers in a football ground where the club has it's own Stewards.

I really enjoyed the football today - especially Ivan Sproule's 90 yard run to score at the death. :winner_third_h4h: However, if there's any proof needed that we now live in an EU Police state then today's Policing at Ashton Gate proved it. I noticed three lines of Robo-Gestapo in the East End at the end of the game - no doubt they were armed with both bats and chemical weapons spray. A totally unwarranted Police presence and how much will they be charging our football club for their unwarranted presence ????!!!!!! :noexpression:

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I asked one of the Police officers at half time why there were so many of them on duty. I asked if they expected trouble or were they avoiding their wives for the day!

The officer I spoke to said it was because of the trouble at St Marys last season. He even said it was unnecessary!

...about 30 skinny teenagers running through the car park shouting csf...hardly trouble

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...about 30 skinny teenagers running through the car park shouting csf...hardly trouble

That's still thirty little cnuts whose juvenile actions cause problems for the rest of us. The police presence seemed completely disproportionate today, but they're only there at all because certain sections of our support (and the opposition support) cannot get it into their thick heads that hooliganism went out of fashion about twenty years ago.

Love and peace.

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Might have to go to a fancy dress place and hire a copper uniform. With that many coppers around I could easily sneak in and watch the game for free !!!

It's not only about wearing a copper uniform, you'll need to learn all the Free Masonary 'funny handshakes' and be prepared to lick the shoes of some corrupt Toff Crown Prosecution Service lawyer to pass for a real copper. :innocent06:

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A totally unwarranted Police presence and how much will they be charging our football club for their unwarranted presence ????!!!!!! :noexpression:

Well maybe the 30 or so morons who caused the trouble at St Mary's could pay for their presence?.....oh no, i doubt any of them have jobs. As i entered the dolman, the police (in riot gear) were apprehending 3 drunk guys who were clearly causing a stir and would have continued to do so. Kids were clearly wary of them as i waited for my dad to grab our tickets and i really doubt they are the kind of people wanted around AG, but of course if you would like kids to see that at City games then by all means lets not have the riot police who can deal with them. For the record, they were not happy drinkers, they were loud, abusive and creating a 'nasty' atmosphere, i have no idea if they were City or Saints fans (they may have been neither).

As for the numbers in the ground, clearly this was a responce to what happened last year, it was always going to happen. There is Zero tolerance to 'potential' risk and quite rightly so. I'm glad you enjoyed the game Goblin, I'm sure the police could have had enjoyed thier saturday a little more themselves.

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Well maybe the 30 or so morons who caused the trouble at St Mary's could pay for their presence?.....oh no, i doubt any of them have jobs. As i entered the dolman, the police (in riot gear) were apprehending 3 drunk guys who were clearly causing a stir and would have continued to do so. Kids were clearly wary of them as i waited for my dad to grab our tickets and i really doubt they are the kind of people wanted around AG, but of course if you would like kids to see that at City games then by all means lets not have the riot police who can deal with them. For the record, they were not happy drinkers, they were loud, abusive and creating a 'nasty' atmosphere, i have no idea if they were City or Saints fans (they may have been neither).

As for the numbers in the ground, clearly this was a responce to what happened last year, it was always going to happen. There is Zero tolerance to 'potential' risk and quite rightly so. I'm glad you enjoyed the game Goblin, I'm sure the police could have had enjoyed thier saturday a little more themselves.

I'm prittu sure it was more than 30 or so after southampton last year charging around outside. And as for them not having jobs many people convicted for crimes at football hold down well paid jobs, take the Villa fan banned for 3 years for throwing a coin he was a well paid bloke. Just because you cause trouble at football doesn't mean you don't have a job.

Yes there is a need for the police precense yesterday but the huge amount was completely unnecessary becasue the vast majoirty came to watch the football not cause trouble. There was certainly no need for them to all be in riot gear and charge around in crowded areas on a horse nearly knocking people over including little kids as they trotted through to stand by the turnstile :disapointed2se:

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As for the numbers in the ground, clearly this was a responce to what happened last year, it was always going to happen. There is Zero tolerance to 'potential' risk and quite rightly so. I'm glad you enjoyed the game Goblin, I'm sure the police could have had enjoyed thier saturday a little more themselves.

Watching the highlights on television, there were actually more Police in the ground than I remember seeing yesterday. Some people like their world this way with Robo-Police parading around a sports arena but I don't as it's too close to being like *unacceptable word* Germany for comfort. As for drunks, the stewards are there to sort them out. So why does the club have to pay for Robo-Police as well ???!!! :noexpression:

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Well maybe the 30 or so morons who caused the trouble at St Mary's could pay for their presence?.....oh no, i doubt any of them have jobs. As i entered the dolman, the police (in riot gear) were apprehending 3 drunk guys who were clearly causing a stir and would have continued to do so. Kids were clearly wary of them as i waited for my dad to grab our tickets and i really doubt they are the kind of people wanted around AG, but of course if you would like kids to see that at City games then by all means lets not have the riot police who can deal with them. For the record, they were not happy drinkers, they were loud, abusive and creating a 'nasty' atmosphere, i have no idea if they were City or Saints fans (they may have been neither).

As for the numbers in the ground, clearly this was a responce to what happened last year, it was always going to happen. There is Zero tolerance to 'potential' risk and quite rightly so. I'm glad you enjoyed the game Goblin, I'm sure the police could have had enjoyed thier saturday a little more themselves.

phew thank God that the police were there

being drunk at a football match IS a crime

what was the ratio of total council tax wasted spent to arrest?

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Watching the highlights on television, there were actually more Police in the ground than I remember seeing yesterday. Some people like their world this way with Robo-Police parading around a sports arena but I don't as it's too close to being like *unacceptable word* Germany for comfort. As for drunks, the stewards are there to sort them out. So why does the club have to pay for Robo-Police as well ???!!! :noexpression:

Quite simple really, these kind of people are not going to 'dissapear' easily, they were giving the 'riot' police a fair run for their money so I'm convinced 'Mr ive done a 4 day SIA course at best' steward is not going to be able to control them, and nor really should they be expected to. Secondly the stewards have no powers of arrest, so these guys would simply have been moved on, free to come back the next time they felt like it, the police can give them a reason NOT to return, and therefore the amount of these morons turning up at our games will get less and less and eventually maybe we wont have a reason for so many police at AG.

But whilst we continue to produce this kind of Sh*** then police coverage at our games will continue to be overdone.


There are plenty more that are deemed unsuitable for viewers under 18, so for obvious reasons i wont include them.

Unfortunately, our club has the capacity for events like the above to happen, and untill we continue to show otherwise over a sustained period of time, then we can have no complaints when there is a large police presence at our ground. Pre emptive measures (police, riot police, police escort for our fans) will continue to be employed for the foreseable future untill it is safe to predict that esculaltion of minor disturbances is not going to happen.

For the record, i know this does not represent the majority of City fans, however as usual it is the minority who ruin it for others, and who are the reason for the presence of so many police who you so easlily begrudge, maybe you should direct your thoughts towards the perpetrators of the above rather than the police who are deployed to stop it.

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phew thank God that the police were there

being drunk at a football match IS a crime

what was the ratio of total council tax wasted spent to arrest?

The drinking is not the problem, i couldnt care less how much someone had drunk whilst attending a football match, its part of it for some people and thats fine. That was barely relevant to this situation, the behaviour was what was relevant, and it was most likely fuelled that much more by alcohol. If you can behave like a human being whilst drunk then you wont have any problems in a public event like a football mathc, but if you can and don't, then you have no right to be there ruining it for other people, which is exactly what these guys were doing.

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The drinking is not the problem, i couldnt care less how much someone had drunk whilst attending a football match, its part of it for some people and thats fine. That was barely relevant to this situation, the behaviour was what was relevant, and it was most likely fuelled that much more by alcohol. If you can behave like a human being whilst drunk then you wont have any problems in a public event like a football mathc, but if you can and don't, then you have no right to be there ruining it for other people, which is exactly what these guys were doing.

i hope you will be submitting an overtime claim for typing all that :D

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Helllloooooo - did anybody read what I wrote?!? :dunno:

The extra Police were there becasue of incidents like THIS that have happened recently, and the death threats to the manager and board..

They were drafted in from Midlands constabularies and the Southampton fans were cordoned off in groups before and after the game. There was fear Southampton fans would get in with 'Home end' tickets, hence why all parts of the ground were swarming with robocops.

It had NOTHING to do with potential City v Southampton scuffles.

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Helllloooooo - did anybody read what I wrote?!? :dunno:

The extra Police were there becasue of incidents like THIS that have happened recently, and the death threats to the manager and board..

They were drafted in from Midlands constabularies and the Southampton fans were cordoned off in groups before and after the game. There was fear Southampton fans would get in with 'Home end' tickets, hence why all parts of the ground were swarming with robocops.

It had NOTHING to do with potential City v Southampton scuffles.

I don't see anything in that report regarding extra policing on saturday for those reasons, but fair enough i accept your word. However my point regarding City and police was really in general. City have for a number of years had specific and targeted policing and controls because of our history and previous bad behaviour. We have often had escorts to games, all travel on coach procedures etc etc, and this along with extra police at certain games will continue for the future because of a higher 'potential' threat of violence at our games.

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I don't see anything in that report regarding extra policing on saturday for those reasons, but fair enough i accept your word. However my point regarding City and police was really in general. City have for a number of years had specific and targeted policing and controls because of our history and previous bad behaviour. We have often had escorts to games, all travel on coach procedures etc etc, and this along with extra police at certain games will continue for the future because of a higher 'potential' threat of violence at our games.

At Plymouth away we took 2 CATS coaches and had to wait for around 45 minutes at a junction just outside Plymouth for a few riot vans and bikes. :noexpression:

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Helllloooooo - did anybody read what I wrote?!? :dunno:

The extra Police were there becasue of incidents like THIS that have happened recently, and the death threats to the manager and board..

They were drafted in from Midlands constabularies and the Southampton fans were cordoned off in groups before and after the game. There was fear Southampton fans would get in with 'Home end' tickets, hence why all parts of the ground were swarming with robocops.

It had NOTHING to do with potential City v Southampton scuffles.

That may be something to do with it but some of it was definitely for fan trouble. They had identified some people in the Southampton end and had a line of police either side. Some the end of the game they circled them. May have been a lot of police and maybe OTT but it seemed to work as no trouble so they will consider it a job well done.

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1)If the police were that concerned,maybe avon and somerset old bill should have asked the Hampshire constabulary(southampton section)to come and police the match

They seem to have loads of coppers on hand at our recent portsmouth game

TWELVE coppers on duty at Fareham railway station(never heard of it)

the stoopid over weight PCSO who boarded the 09:46am arrival(7:22ex Bristol) at fratton and

said "every one off the train its terminating here"(at Fratton) and was telling lies

2)if the coppers were that concerned about the game why did they let the saints fans out at the same time as City fans

wasn't there a disturbance outside KFC a couple of home matches ago after both sets of fans were alowed to leave at the same time

some organisations never learn so much for police intellegence gathering

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