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What Was The Need For All Those Coppers?

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Helllloooooo - did anybody read what I wrote?!? :dunno:

The extra Police were there becasue of incidents like THIS that have happened recently, and the death threats to the manager and board..

They were drafted in from Midlands constabularies and the Southampton fans were cordoned off in groups before and after the game. There was fear Southampton fans would get in with 'Home end' tickets, hence why all parts of the ground were swarming with robocops.

It had NOTHING to do with potential City v Southampton scuffles.

If true and not doubting you seem to have some knowledge that is not available to the rest of us - I wonder why as the game was entering the last 10 minutes, instead of the police leaving the ground as they normally would to take up positions outsidet the ground they formed side by side along a V section of the away stand by the corner flag - they were not interseted in other parts of the away end just this one section - now that was strange !

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If true and not doubting you seem to have some knowledge that is not available to the rest of us - I wonder why as the game was entering the last 10 minutes, instead of the police leaving the ground as they normally would to take up positions outsidet the ground they formed side by side along a V section of the away stand by the corner flag - they were not interseted in other parts of the away end just this one section - now that was strange !

the police often stereotype people at the football with scarves round their necks and not in colours

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If true and not doubting you seem to have some knowledge that is not available to the rest of us - I wonder why as the game was entering the last 10 minutes, instead of the police leaving the ground as they normally would to take up positions outsidet the ground they formed side by side along a V section of the away stand by the corner flag - they were not interseted in other parts of the away end just this one section - now that was strange !

I gave a Southampton fan a lift to the game. A lady in her fifties, who got caught up in the police move to segregate a group of Saints fans towards the end of the game. The result was that she was herded into the Winterstoke Road car park and not able to leave and meet us in Ashton Road. We had to go round and help "extricate" her from the melee. Not a very pleasant experience for her. She too heard that this group of fans had been larging it up in town all day and the police had moved in to prevent possible trouble.

What I don't understand is if the huge police presence was to protect the Southampton players and club officials, why were there 3 vans and 2 horses outside the Hen & Chicken before the game?

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Quite simple really, these kind of people are not going to 'dissapear' easily, they were giving the 'riot' police a fair run for their money so I'm convinced 'Mr ive done a 4 day SIA course at best' steward is not going to be able to control them, and nor really should they be expected to. Secondly the stewards have no powers of arrest, so these guys would simply have been moved on, free to come back the next time they felt like it, the police can give them a reason NOT to return, and therefore the amount of these morons turning up at our games will get less and less and eventually maybe we wont have a reason for so many police at AG.

But whilst we continue to produce this kind of Sh*** then police coverage at our games will continue to be overdone.


There are plenty more that are deemed unsuitable for viewers under 18, so for obvious reasons i wont include them.

Unfortunately, our club has the capacity for events like the above to happen, and untill we continue to show otherwise over a sustained period of time, then we can have no complaints when there is a large police presence at our ground. Pre emptive measures (police, riot police, police escort for our fans) will continue to be employed for the foreseable future untill it is safe to predict that esculaltion of minor disturbances is not going to happen.

For the record, i know this does not represent the majority of City fans, however as usual it is the minority who ruin it for others, and who are the reason for the presence of so many police who you so easlily begrudge, maybe you should direct your thoughts towards the perpetrators of the above rather than the police who are deployed to stop it.

Just how much has that massive Police presence on Saturday cost Bristol City FC? As I understand it, it'll be hundreds of pounds for every copper inside the ground - so BCFC will get a Police bill for tens of thousands? :noexpression:

There are also plenty of thugs and criminals within the ranks of the Police themselves that need sorting. Whether it be specializing in bullying and intimidating football supporters; bashing up striking Trades Unionists; or merely bullying and extorting money from our dopey Government for a pay rise our country cannot afford - the Police are experts.


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Just how much has that massive Police presence on Saturday cost Bristol City FC? As I understand it, it'll be hundreds of pounds for every copper inside the ground - so BCFC will get a Police bill for tens of thousands? :noexpression:

There are also plenty of thugs and criminals within the ranks of the Police themselves that need sorting. Whether it be specializing in bullying and intimidating football supporters; bashing up striking Trades Unionists; or merely bullying and extorting money from our dopey Government for a pay rise our country cannot afford - the Police are experts.


The photo was taken when over 100 stella fueled Chavs decided to go on a looting rampage in Fulham Broadway because john terry, a fellow chav, gloriously missed a penalty.

It is not an example of bullying or intimidating by the police...its called restoring order

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The photo was taken when over 100 stella fueled Chavs decided to go on a looting rampage in Fulham Broadway because john terry, a fellow chav, gloriously missed a penalty.

It is not an example of bullying or intimidating by the police...its called restoring order

what was he doing? looting borders for the booker prize winner?

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That's still thirty little cnuts whose juvenile actions cause problems for the rest of us. The police presence seemed completely disproportionate today, but they're only there at all because certain sections of our support (and the opposition support) cannot get it into their thick heads that hooliganism went out of fashion about twenty years ago.

Love and peace.

Got held up in traffic going across the flyover due to the police escort walking the Saint fans

Saw about 4 vans and loads of coppers in riot gear walking along - must be loads of trooublemakers I thought

Made I larf when we eventualy got to overtake them on the bridge...there was only about 10 fans tops and a couple of them were women.........

Would have been easier to put them in the police vans and drive them to TM

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Does anyone know why the police thought it would be good to first of all stick 7 riot police along the side of the east end by the wall where the two flags are tied up, then change their minds and put them on the dolman side of that yellow gate between the eastend and the dolman.

What do they think is going to happen, the dolman is going to start attacking the east end? I know the yellow gate was put up there to stop people sneaking into the east end, but to guard it with riot police is a bit extreme.

Unless Sir Colby-Tit is right and it was a training exercise, for cardiff maybe? Still a waste of council tax, a waste of police time, maybe they could go catch a few muggers, or the theifs that stole my motorbike, but not thats too much trouble.

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Does anyone know why the police thought it would be good to first of all stick 7 riot police along the side of the east end by the wall where the two flags are tied up, then change their minds and put them on the dolman side of that yellow gate between the eastend and the dolman.

What do they think is going to happen, the dolman is going to start attacking the east end? I know the yellow gate was put up there to stop people sneaking into the east end, but to guard it with riot police is a bit extreme.

Unless Sir Colby-Tit is right and it was a training exercise, for cardiff maybe? Still a waste of council tax, a waste of police time, maybe they could go catch a few muggers, or the theifs that stole my motorbike, but not thats too much trouble.

I had my car broken into and stereo pinched in Bedminster a few years back while watching a City match. If the Police were doing their job and patrolling the streets and not watching the match for free then my car may not have been broken into. As far as I'm concerned, the Police do the bidding of their Toff puppet masters in looking to prosecute easy innocent targets such as football supporters. Not surprising considering the Police take their instruction from the anti working man and Labour Party Toff lawyer witch bitch Harriett Harman QC......


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I had my car broken into and stereo pinched in Bedminster a few years back while watching a City match. If the Police were doing their job and patrolling the streets and not watching the match for free then my car may not have been broken into. As far as I'm concerned, the Police do the bidding of their Toff puppet masters in looking to prosecute easy innocent targets such as football supporters. Not surprising considering the Police take their instruction from the anti working man and Labour Party Toff lawyer witch bitch Harriett Harman QC......


HH seems to be attempting to position herself as an 'old' labour type at the moment in anticipation of the end of 'new' labour.

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HH seems to be attempting to position herself as an 'old' labour type at the moment in anticipation of the end of 'new' labour.

Harriet Harman lawyer QC MP satisfies all the criteria to be a Toff. She's public school educated and from a very wealthy background. No way could she be described as 'Old Labour' as she's anti working man and from nothing like a working class background. No wonder football supporters are viewed with such hatred and contempt by the Police with the likes of Harriet Harman leading the Police.

Harriet Harman - the Police's and Labour party's top Toff witch bitch.....


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Harriet Harman lawyer QC MP satisfies all the criteria to be a Toff. She's public school educated and from a very wealthy background. No way could she be described as 'Old Labour' as she's anti working man and from nothing like a working class background. No wonder football supporters are viewed with such hatred and contempt by the Police with the likes of Harriet Harman leading the Police.

Harriet Harman - the Police's and Labour party's top Toff witch bitch.....


I agree she's a fraud, but it's interesting watching the early death throes of new labour. No doubt senior labour politicians like HH will try & claim their working class credentials (her husband was a T&GWU shop steward) as the middle classes flock back to the evil tories.

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I agree she's a fraud, but it's interesting watching the early death throes of new labour. No doubt senior labour politicians like HH will try & claim their working class credentials (her husband was a T&GWU shop steward) as the middle classes flock back to the evil tories.

If the middle classes flock back to the evil tories they'll just get more of the same as Conservative and Labour (and Liberals) are one and the same Toff led political party. I'd like to see a Red Army Stalinist style solution to the problem of our Government that is by Toffs for the Toffs. Send all Toffs to the Siberian Gulags to learn the meaning of real work in minus 40 degrees centigrade of frost. :winner_third_h4h: Anti working man Harriet Harman could then work in the Gulag soup kitchen serving up boiled grass to her fellow Toffs. :icecream:

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I had my car broken into and stereo pinched in Bedminster a few years back while watching a City match. If the Police were doing their job and patrolling the streets and not watching the match for free then my car may not have been broken into. As far as I'm concerned, the Police do the bidding of their Toff puppet masters in looking to prosecute easy innocent targets such as football supporters. Not surprising considering the Police take their instruction from the anti working man and Labour Party Toff lawyer witch bitch Harriett Harman QC......


To be honest mate i don't see why they should want to stop someone breaking into your car given the hatred you seem to have for them, but they would, and as so often happens they would be assisting an other person who is quite happy to accept their help when needed without thanks, but who then slags them off constantly at every opportunity he gets to do so.

For the record, had you been at home that day and confronted the people breaking into your car and they had drawn a knife or started to batter you on the ground, who would you like your neighbour to call to stop them from potentially causing you permanent damage or worse? I'm sure you'd be quite happy to see a police 'puppet' arrive and put themselves at risk to help you having been scrambled to your aid from his or her patrol.

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To be honest mate i don't see why they should want to stop someone breaking into your car given the hatred you seem to have for them, but they would, and as so often happens they would be assisting an other person who is quite happy to accept their help when needed without thanks, but who then slags them off constantly at every opportunity he gets to do so.

For the record, had you been at home that day and confronted the people breaking into your car and they had drawn a knife or started to batter you on the ground, who would you like your neighbour to call to stop them from potentially causing you permanent damage or worse? I'm sure you'd be quite happy to see a police 'puppet' arrive and put themselves at risk to help you having been scrambled to your aid from his or her patrol.

It's about time that the Police started doing the job they're paid handsomely to do - a job they're paid to do with our taxes I might add. As NTTDS originally stated "hope no one's granny had her home broken into" while the Police were dressed up as Robo Cops at Ashton Gate busy watching the game for free. The problem with someone drawing a knife on me is either I get stabbed or they get stabbed with their knife - a no win situation for me because if I stab them I'd get prosecuted by some lowlife Crown Prosecution Service Toff tart as Tony Martin did for protecting his property.

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It's about time that the Police started doing the job they're paid handsomely to do - a job they're paid to do with our taxes I might add. As NTTDS originally stated "hope no one's granny had her home broken into" while the Police were dressed up as Robo Cops at Ashton Gate busy watching the game for free. The problem with someone drawing a knife on me is either I get stabbed or they get stabbed with their knife - a no win situation for me because if I stab them I'd get prosecuted by some lowlife Crown Prosecution Service Toff tart as Tony Martin did for protecting his property.

Its about time the government started 'allowing' the police to their job without enforcing rediculous sanctions on them to make it appear that crime is getting lower or by causing them redicluous amounts of paperwork because of stupendous human rights issues and mad political correctness bull*****. These are the real reasons why the police don't get out on the street as much as they like or get to prosecute the kinds of low life scum that broke into your car to sell your stuff to buy drugs.

You seem to be angered by them not doing their jobs, TRUST me, they are far more angry that they arent able to do so, which is why so many leave, dissallusioned with not being able to do the job they joined up to do. You clearly don't believe it, but its my experience that the majority of police join for the right reasons.

As for the knife issue, good 'side step' on the question i asked you, ironically a tactic, according to you, deployed by our *unacceptable word* gestapo Police force in their bid to take as much as the taxpayers money as possible...money they most likely don't get to spend with a great deal of ease given the 'standard' shift patterns they work and the 'actual' shifts they carry out, but you enjoy your football on a saturday whilst they are away from their kids on the weekend to police it, yeah i bet their delighted with the free entrance when they could be watching thier own children play football instead.

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Its about time the government started 'allowing' the police to their job without enforcing rediculous sanctions on them to make it appear that crime is getting lower or by causing them redicluous amounts of paperwork because of stupendous human rights issues and mad political correctness bull*****. These are the real reasons why the police don't get out on the street as much as they like or get to prosecute the kinds of low life scum that broke into your car to sell your stuff to buy drugs.

You seem to be angered by them not doing their jobs, TRUST me, they are far more angry that they arent able to do so, which is why so many leave, dissallusioned with not being able to do the job they joined up to do. You clearly don't believe it, but its my experience that the majority of police join for the right reasons.

As for the knife issue, good 'side step' on the question i asked you, ironically a tactic, according to you, deployed by our *unacceptable word* gestapo Police force in their bid to take as much as the taxpayers money as possible...money they most likely don't get to spend with a great deal of ease given the 'standard' shift patterns they work and the 'actual' shifts they carry out, but you enjoy your football on a saturday whilst they are away from their kids on the weekend to police it, yeah i bet their delighted with the free entrance when they could be watching thier own children play football instead.


dixon of dock green

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It's about time that the Police started doing the job they're paid handsomely to do - a job they're paid to do with our taxes I might add. As NTTDS originally stated "hope no one's granny had her home broken into" while the Police were dressed up as Robo Cops at Ashton Gate busy watching the game for free. The problem with someone drawing a knife on me is either I get stabbed or they get stabbed with their knife - a no win situation for me because if I stab them I'd get prosecuted by some lowlife Crown Prosecution Service Toff tart as Tony Martin did for protecting his property.

Since the Tony Martin case, the law has changed...but don't let the facts get in the way of a good old lefty rant.

But getting back to the policing issue, I'm sure you'd feel much fairer served by a stalinist secret police force protecting us all. You wouldnt have to fear the knife wielding maniac so much, but the police themselves!

You always seem to forget what a free, pleasant and liberal society we live in. If you were actually living in Stalinist Russia, you would be sent with your family to the gulag just for expressing your opinions...a paradox I find most amusing when I read your anti-establishment ramblings on these open forums.

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Why do you presume that if your unfortuate to be unemployed at the moment it makes you a thug? is your name Thatcher.

It has nothing to do with being unemployed making you a thug (that is not what i would describe these childish wanabe hardmen as anyway tbh), but all to do with those who partake in this kind of pathetic behaviour usually being the kind of people who have no respect for anything and therefore are quite happy to sit back, do nothing, and take money off the people who pay their taxes.

For the record i am unemployed on the whole at the moment, as i was made redundant on 23rd of December without any notice and have not been able to find permanent work since.

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It has nothing to do with being unemployed making you a thug (that is not what i would describe these childish wanabe hardmen as anyway tbh), but all to do with those who partake in this kind of pathetic behaviour usually being the kind of people who have no respect for anything and therefore are quite happy to sit back, do nothing, and take money off the people who pay their taxes.

For the record i am unemployed on the whole at the moment, as i was made redundant on 23rd of December without any notice and have not been able to find permanent work since.


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It has nothing to do with being unemployed making you a thug (that is not what i would describe these childish wanabe hardmen as anyway tbh), but all to do with those who partake in this kind of pathetic behaviour usually being the kind of people who have no respect for anything and therefore are quite happy to sit back, do nothing, and take money off the people who pay their taxes.

For the record i am unemployed on the whole at the moment, as i was made redundant on 23rd of December without any notice and have not been able to find permanent work since.

You sound incredibly naive.

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It has nothing to do with being unemployed making you a thug (that is not what i would describe these childish wanabe hardmen as anyway tbh), but all to do with those who partake in this kind of pathetic behaviour usually being the kind of people who have no respect for anything and therefore are quite happy to sit back, do nothing, and take money off the people who pay their taxes.

You sound like you are totally clueless on this subject.

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You sound incredibly naive.

Really?, gone are the days where actuall football thugs from the 70's 80's hold down jobs, many of them good jobs, during the week and engage in hoolaganism on the weekend. The actual 'hooligans' cannot be strereotyped and it has thus been pretty much proved that the media and previous acadmeics view that hooligans are usually between 18 and 27, from a poor socio-economic area and often unemployed is by and large a myth. However, the type of people who were mentioned with regards to the southampton trouble are NOT in the same grouping as hooligans and are therefore in my view easiar to pigion hole and stereotype,is that a bad thing? maybe so? unlucky. I would expect very few of them had jobs, and that most of them lived of state benifits and other forms of 'earning' money. We'll never know.

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