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Ian Holloway - From Our Lads On Soccer Am


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The bloke is a tool and should have been booed! He is no legend for us!

A tool you say, well thats your opinion and you've a right to it, so I'm not going to argue with that point, however soccer am is for all footie fans and not just us reds, and to many fans (outside of bs3) the man is considered a legend.

I'm sure if things were different, and he had turned out for our lot, we would love him!. The way i see it, his "ollie-isms" are funny, and they just go to prove that the gas are a special breed. Bless em.

Nurse, where is my medication???????

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Guest MaloneFM

Having proved his pedigree as a manager Hollowhead has now got to scrape a living as a 'personality'. In very much the same way as Malcolm Alison or indeed me.

He is very much the pantomime villain now and all he needs is a black cape and a top hat. The word legend is bandied about way too much by the dull, case in point Richard 'Countdown Legend' Whitley. I have nothing against him, more than once he has apologized about his previous behavior (mind you so have the Germans) and its time to put any real animosity to rest.

But still boo the old gas rascal rather in the way one would boo Shane Ritchie.

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A tool you say, well thats your opinion and you've a right to it, so I'm not going to argue with that point, however soccer am is for all footie fans and not just us reds, and to many fans (outside of bs3) the man is considered a legend.

I'm sure if things were different, and he had turned out for our lot, we would love him!. The way i see it, his "ollie-isms" are funny, and they just go to prove that the gas are a special breed. Bless em.

Nurse, where is my medication???????

Like you said its your opinion but he isnt a legend for us and never will be!

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Like you said its your opinion but he isnt a legend for us and never will be!

Quite right, Ian Holloway is/was no legend for us. Quite the opposite, Ian Holloway - like all Gas - is a constant thorn in our sides and - like the Gas - an embarrassment to Bristol. If Hollowhead is such a blue football legend then how come he managed to get both the Gas and Leicester relegated in his short managerial career ???!!!!! :noexpression:

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Holloway is an alright bloke. A very amusing character and most other fans like his quirky way of expressing himself. The fact that he's a gashead through and through takes nothing away from his popularity as a football celeb. Its only one-eyed and cognitively impaired City fans that slag him off because of his sag background.

I can't say I like him as a manager but I respect the way he stays close to his roots.

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hes a gashead so what if johnson got sacked i would let him manage us hes a good mananger and he said he regrets things so give him a break will ya sums up the ignorancy of people on this forum hes not a city legend but he is a legend hes an aspiration to other youngsters who want a career

You silly boy! :no:

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I wonder if the City fans have been told that they aren't allowed to abuse him as not even heard a boo.

I would guess the City fans were vetted quite carefully by City in the first place, there is a certain type that wouldnt have been allowed anywhere near soccer am.

I abused Holloway in a night club once, he just looked at me as though I were a ####, which many years of hindsight later, I was.

He's alright. He's passionate about his club, nothing wrong with that.

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hes a gashead so what if johnson got sacked i would let him manage us hes a good mananger and he said he regrets things so give him a break will ya sums up the ignorancy of people on this forum hes not a city legend but he is a legend hes an aspiration to other youngsters who want a career

Yeah great manager

6 points clear at the top of league 1 with 10 game to go, finished 7th :winner_third_h4h:

Granted he went to QPR and got them promoted, only to later get put on gardening leave, apparently the reason turned out to be he applied for the Leicester job behind the QPR boards back.

Goes to plymouth, only to leave for Leicester the day after he pledges to the janner faithful and board he's there for the long term.

like I said great manager. NOT

Being young you probably don't remember some of the vitriol directed at BCFC from Holloway, the man hates us with a passion.

Personally I don't hate him, I like the fact that he is proud of his roots, but I don't find him funny and I certainly wouldn't want him near our club, what next pulis to return!

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To be fair, when we were on it and they showed the goals from the previous weekend, we booed the Bristol Rovers goal and the producer came over and told us off, as it's "not the atmosphere they want on Soccer AM".

I seem to remember we were told off for booing a Jason Roberts goal to which Helen retored on air "You can't boo Jase!" In the break that moody floor manager came and had words!!

Our Soccerette was much nice then the one today also!!!!!

Only managed to catch 5 mins of it as I've been so busy this morning sadly.

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holloway is quite funny, and has a lot of passion for what he believes in, and as he has gotten older, like everyone, he has learned from his life experiences. My view of him changed when he played in the steve phillips testemonial a few years ago at clevedon, he knew he was going to get some grief, so mooned the fans as they stood at the start of the match and had a good laugh with the crowd during the game so i figured he was alright, and not much different than the rest of us.

Still, me and the missus are expecting our first baby, and she wants to call it ollie if it is a boy and she cant understand why I am so against it.

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