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When Newcastle United Come Down

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Guest RobbieTurner
Who gives a monkey's j!zz.

Newcastle struggle to fill their stadium on many occasions and when they come down, St.James will be even more of a ghost town!!!

Bristol would fill a 50,000 seater for a league game with Man U easily. Don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise, we're just cursed with the blue few, unlikely Newcastle.

"Down, down, deeper and down!"

We'll see....you seem to know an awful lot. If you're that sure, put a bundle of notes on it at William Hill if I were you.

That said I love it how some people gob it off as though they know the ins and outs...what you probably know about Newcastle would fit on a postage stamp. Still good time to join the band wagon I suppose.

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Guest RobbieTurner
Bristol could fill a 50,000 seater for a league game with Man U etc. Bristol with Rovers and City certainly couldn't and don't fool yourself into thinking that if Newcastle was a two team town, that they would.

Very much looking forward to S****horpe at home for the geordies in front of 15,000.

"Down, down, deeper and down!"

Just looking at this again...you really are talking rubbish - firstly there are 2 teams in Bristol not 1 and there will be for a considerable time yet - unfortunately. Secondly we aren't in the premier league so unless we draw Man Ure in the cup, we wont be playing them Thirdly we don't have or will we have a 50,000 seater stadium - Newcastle do and they fill it , week in and week out.

Seems to me that you are living with your ifs and buts in cloud cuckoo land.

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Just looking at this again...you really are talking rubbish - firstly there are 2 teams in Bristol not 1 and there will be for a considerable time yet - unfortunately. Secondly we aren't in the premier league so unless we draw Man Ure in the cup, we wont be playing them Thirdly we don't have or will we have a 50,000 seater stadium - Newcastle do and they fill it , week in and week out.

Seems to me that you are living with your ifs and buts in cloud cuckoo land.

Looks like we've established beyond any doubt that you're a proper Newcastle fan.

Whilst you might not like it, a lot of people cannot stand them - i'm sure that doesn't bother Newcastle fans in the slightest.

Just like Leeds.

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Guest RobbieTurner
Looks like we've established beyond any doubt that you're a proper Newcastle fan.

Whilst you might not like it, a lot of people cannot stand them - i'm sure that doesn't bother Newcastle fans in the slightest.

Just like Leeds.

I am Bully, you're not wrong there mate, but first and foremost, let no one ever forget I am City through and through and should we be playing them next year, i'll obviously be hoping we can get 6 points out of them. They can finish 2nd, as long as we win the league :winner_third_h4h:

No thats good enough Bully to be fair, I expect we all hate certain teams, mine tend to be Sjoke, Baaadiff and Thugwall.

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The thing is, Newcastle need to address a few stereotypical stuff that do them no favours.

- you don't understand the passion is often branded about - we don't? we don't turn up at 3 a.m. in the morning waiting in line for a play off ticket - no we don't know the passion associated to supporting a team. why on earth any fan thinks they can spout such rubbish is beyond me and unfortunatelty tell someone that they are more passionate about something than someone else is looking for resentment to start off with, couple that sentiment with the "you wouldnt understand unless you have 5 generations of geordies in your blood" is doing Newcastle's image no favours at all.

- we deserve success - oh do you? and what about the largest city in europe not playing in the top league of their country - we don't deserve success? City were called the "Real Madrid" of the lower leagues, have the best record in the Johnsons paint trophy - we deserve success far more than any other club in the Country - fortunately I don't agree wuth this but any club can put forward reasons why they deserve more success than they currently achieve and it's just a crap arguement from anyone who instigate their claims - yet Newcastle fans appear to have quite a few who chirp up and start on about what they deserve and it adds to the other phoney messages coming out of Newcastle.

- we have our heroes and call them mesiahs - good for you and look where it has got you - once King Kevin left and I cant see how he can return again in the future (unless he wants to buy the club) and Shearer finally gets his full unreserved and full blown go at it as a manager then you wont get anywhere. You need to get them out of your systems - do you have the same feelings for Beardsley and Rob Lee? Do they have to have a go at before Newcastle can actually move on and employ someone who "understands" the locality and the passionate plans? What Newcastle need is a big reaity check and that will only come once they blow all the excuses and finish with their false prophets. Once they have done that and employ a manager as good as Sir Bobby whose nationality isnt Geordie then at that time they can move on and pick up the spoils of what they should be getting for a big club - top 10 finishes each and every year, give the top 4 a really good challenge every few years, play attractive football and make League and FA cup finals every few years - this is what they deserve but until they sort out the comments about being special, we are more passionate, people don't understand us, we need managers who are folk heroes and failing that understand us then the critics of the Newcastle wont go away and lets face it Newcastle are only despised or disliked due to stereotypical comments we hear so often from their supporters.

I quite like Newcastle and arent fussed if they go down or stay up but for their own interests they need Shearer to have his go at management and get it out of their system so that they can join the rest of us in the real world of football fans, they can rejoin the bands of fellow football fans who arent any more passionate than the others, don't deserve any more than what is genuinely deserved and will tell their fellow fans to shut up when they spout nonsense.

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I am Bully, you're not wrong there mate, but first and foremost, let no one ever forget I am City through and through and should we be playing them next year, i'll obviously be hoping we can get 6 points out of them. They can finish 2nd, as long as we win the league :winner_third_h4h:

No thats good enough Bully to be fair, I expect we all hate certain teams, mine tend to be Sjoke, Baaadiff and Thugwall.

I think you're spot on the defend your 'second team' mate - nothing wrong with that, and you do have your priorities right after all!

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The thing is, Newcastle need to address a few stereotypical stuff that do them no favours.

- you don't understand the passion is often branded about - we don't? we don't turn up at 3 a.m. in the morning waiting in line for a play off ticket - no we don't know the passion associated to supporting a team. why on earth any fan thinks they can spout such rubbish is beyond me and unfortunatelty tell someone that they are more passionate about something than someone else is looking for resentment to start off with, couple that sentiment with the "you wouldnt understand unless you have 5 generations of geordies in your blood" is doing Newcastle's image no favours at all.

- we deserve success - oh do you? and what about the largest city in europe not playing in the top league of their country - we don't deserve success? City were called the "Real Madrid" of the lower leagues, have the best record in the Johnsons paint trophy - we deserve success far more than any other club in the Country - fortunately I don't agree wuth this but any club can put forward reasons why they deserve more success than they currently achieve and it's just a crap arguement from anyone who instigate their claims - yet Newcastle fans appear to have quite a few who chirp up and start on about what they deserve and it adds to the other phoney messages coming out of Newcastle.

- we have our heroes and call them mesiahs - good for you and look where it has got you - once King Kevin left and I cant see how he can return again in the future (unless he wants to buy the club) and Shearer finally gets his full unreserved and full blown go at it as a manager then you wont get anywhere. You need to get them out of your systems - do you have the same feelings for Beardsley and Rob Lee? Do they have to have a go at before Newcastle can actually move on and employ someone who "understands" the locality and the passionate plans? What Newcastle need is a big reaity check and that will only come once they blow all the excuses and finish with their false prophets. Once they have done that and employ a manager as good as Sir Bobby whose nationality isnt Geordie then at that time they can move on and pick up the spoils of what they should be getting for a big club - top 10 finishes each and every year, give the top 4 a really good challenge every few years, play attractive football and make League and FA cup finals every few years - this is what they deserve but until they sort out the comments about being special, we are more passionate, people don't understand us, we need managers who are folk heroes and failing that understand us then the critics of the Newcastle wont go away and lets face it Newcastle are only despised or disliked due to stereotypical comments we hear so often from their supporters.

I quite like Newcastle and arent fussed if they go down or stay up but for their own interests they need Shearer to have his go at management and get it out of their system so that they can join the rest of us in the real world of football fans, they can rejoin the bands of fellow football fans who arent any more passionate than the others, don't deserve any more than what is genuinely deserved and will tell their fellow fans to shut up when they spout nonsense.

I don't think the average Geordie would disagree with most of your argument except with the diatribe against "stereotypical stuff". Geordies would not see themselves as any more passionate than the die hard fans of any club. It is just that football assumes a larger presence in Newcastle than most cities in the UK. Some might view this as a criticism of the city (there is more to life than football) but it is just a fact of life. Walk around Newcastle and at any one time you will see on average at least 20% of the people in the street wearing Newcastle shirts (male or female) , babies wear Newcastle romper suits, cars are painted black and white, houses are painted black and white - football is everywhere it is ingrained (something which I don't think people in the south can get their head around) - they are not more passionate individually there are just more of them. Secondly this focus on "messiahs" grates with the Geordies. It is a media creation. They fete any former player - yes Peter Beardsley, Rob Lee. Les Ferdinand, Philippe Albert, Tino Asprilla, Chris Waddle, Paul Gascoigne etc are given as much adulation as Alan Shearer - a mediocre player from the dark days of the 1980s can still fill out any pub/venue in Newcastle for a forum, could Kevin Mabbut (not that I am suggesting he was mediocre and I know he was playing in the 70s as well) do the same in Bristol? They would even fete Andy Cole and David Ginola who did blot their copybooks a little subsequently. As for a non Geordie manager no problem - all they want is someone who fashions a team that plays entertaining football. Believe me there are plenty of people in Newcastle who worship the ground Shearer walks on as a former player but are more than a little skeptical as to his managerial credentials.

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I hope and pray to GOD Newcastle go down, if ever there was a more deserving club to be relegated i would like to see it.

Mike Arseley is an Ash, he deserves to lose many more £££, Also I think Shearer is a complete nobhead, sanctimonious jumped up little geordie cretin.

There is nothing to like about Newcastle as a football club. Their Premier League strike force consists of Owen (crooked and shite) Xisco (shite) Smith (shite) Martins (shiteish) Amiobi (shite) Duff (shite) Carroll (shite) Viduka (shitester) Zamblera (shite)

How many CRAP strikers do they need?

If any of the aforementioned gentleman professed a desire to join City on a free would you refuse them. I think not. You would be mad if you did.

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Who gives a monkey's j!zz.

Newcastle struggle to fill their stadium on many occasions and when they come down, St.James will be even more of a ghost town!!!

Bristol would fill a 50,000 seater for a league game with Man U easily. Don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise, we're just cursed with the blue few, unlikely Newcastle.

"Down, down, deeper and down!"

But that is the point City is cursed with the blue few (and to be frank even the most ardent Gas apologist would acknowledge it is the few) and more to the point is cursed with everything else going - Bristol Rugby club if it ever got its act together would command as many if not more than the average Ashton Gate gate if they played Leinster/Munster/Leicester in a Heineken cup tie (not likely I know).

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I don't think the average Geordie would disagree with most of your argument except with the diatribe against "stereotypical stuff". Geordies would not see themselves as any more passionate than the die hard fans of any club. It is just that football assumes a larger presence in Newcastle than most cities in the UK. Some might view this as a criticism of the city (there is more to life than football) but it is just a fact of life. Walk around Newcastle and at any one time you will see on average at least 20% of the people in the street wearing Newcastle shirts (male or female) , babies wear Newcastle romper suits, cars are painted black and white, houses are painted black and white - football is everywhere it is ingrained (something which I don't think people in the south can get their head around) - they are not more passionate individually there are just more of them. Secondly this focus on "messiahs" grates with the Geordies. It is a media creation. They fete any former player - yes Peter Beardsley, Rob Lee. Les Ferdinand, Philippe Albert, Tino Asprilla, Chris Waddle, Paul Gascoigne etc are given as much adulation as Alan Shearer - a mediocre player from the dark days of the 1980s can still fill out any pub/venue in Newcastle for a forum, could Kevin Mabbut (not that I am suggesting he was mediocre and I know he was playing in the 70s as well) do the same in Bristol? They would even fete Andy Cole and David Ginola who did blot their copybooks a little subsequently. As for a non Geordie manager no problem - all they want is someone who fashions a team that plays entertaining football. Believe me there are plenty of people in Newcastle who worship the ground Shearer walks on as a former player but are more than a little skeptical as to his managerial credentials.

Exactly. Toon fans are no more passionate than City fans. They've never claimed to be.

But the proportion of Geordies that are actually Toon fans is much higher than the proportion of Bristolians (and most other cities) that are City fans.

Perhaps some of the pointless moronic bile that people on here spout would be unnecessary if they were to understand that point a little better.

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Exactly. Toon fans are no more passionate than City fans. They've never claimed to be.

But the proportion of Geordies that are actually Toon fans is much higher than the proportion of Bristolians (and most other cities) that are City fans.

You know all this for a fact do you?

Just asking.

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Newcastle (which is a smaller city than Bristol) have 48,000 season ticket holders. Does City have a 35,000 waiting list for season tickets?

First sentence would have answered my question perfectly - I suspect you know the answer to the second sentence.

Population of the Newcastle catchment area (with a single club) is probably more than City's.

See if the Toon have 48,000 ST's in the Championship.

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I've spent quite a bit of time there and I live here and it's bloody obvious.

Thanks for clarifying - I would 'love it' if all those fans had the opportunity to show their undying love for their team for 30 years in the lower reaches of the football league.

I still remember their crap gates pre Keegan, so this passion is relatively recent.

That's why some people scoff at the Geordie myth, which may well be manufactured by the media, but isn't discouraged by 'fans' with a public voice.

Add to that the shite Keegan came out with when he rejoined which basically alienated the 'Geordie nation' from the rest of the country and its not surprising they aren't universally loved.

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First sentence would have answered my question perfectly - I suspect you know the answer to the second sentence.

Population of the Newcastle catchment area (with a single club) is probably more than City's.

See if the Toon have 48,000 ST's in the Championship.

Fair point but even allowing for the fact that the catchment area is probably bigger, proportionally the uptake is still larger even including the Gas. Next season if they go down they will probably still get 35,000 STs if not more (Leeds managed to maintain such a proportion in relation to capacity even in League 1). I guess the accountants at City would salivate if you could guarantee nearly 70% of the ground filled before a ball is kicked.

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Guest RobbieTurner
First sentence would have answered my question perfectly - I suspect you know the answer to the second sentence.

Population of the Newcastle catchment area (with a single club) is probably more than City's.

See if the Toon have 48,000 ST's in the Championship.

They wont bully you're right. They do however, have ambitions to be getting 40,000 plus if in the CCC next year. I know this cause I went on the stadium tour on 5th April and the guy taking the tour sits in the Gallowgate and knows the club inside out.

They are aware that it would be a catastrophe if they went down - 89 corporate boxes - he hated to admit that that is where the money comes from - most of the people sitting in them don't even come out to watch the match...!!

The Newcastle catchement area is huge there is no doubt, and yes we have rovers to contend with, bristol rugby and bath rugby as well as gloucster rugby...all eat into potential supporters. But if and when we do get to the premirship, i would doubt we will sell out 30,000 evey week.

In basic terms, I know , we all know that Newcastle do not have a devine right to be in the Premier League....its all about 38 games and regardless of club sizes and fan base. What is it they say....sometimes you have o step back before you can go forward....just doesnt feel that way at the moment....!!!

Anyway....its only Saturday morning, the nerves must be kicking in for all Sunderland, Hull and Toon fans....what for a Hull and Newcastle victory and a Sunderland loss....now I just wonder what the odds on that are and how many bottles of newcastle brown would be sold if it did happen....!!!!!!

Let the battle commence.....

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Thanks for clarifying - I would 'love it' if all those fans had the opportunity to show their undying love for their team for 30 years in the lower reaches of the football league.

I still remember their crap gates pre Keegan, so this passion is relatively recent.

What crap gates? Here are the facts:


Their average league attendance has only dipped below 20k 4 times in over 60 years.

Ours has only exceeded 20k 10 times in the same time period. And we weren't capacity limited. Their total gate over a season is usually 3 times ours, and still more than double it when we were in the top flight.

You're talking rubbish.

That's why some people scoff at the Geordie myth, which may well be manufactured by the media, but isn't discouraged by 'fans' with a public voice.

Add to that the shite Keegan came out with when he rejoined which basically alienated the 'Geordie nation' from the rest of the country and its not surprising they aren't universally loved.

No, people scoff is because they interpret people saying how important football is to Geordies as people saying Geordies are better fans. In other words, they don't listen properly, misunderstand and then get pissy about it.

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Thanks for clarifying - I would 'love it' if all those fans had the opportunity to show their undying love for their team for 30 years in the lower reaches of the football league.

I still remember their crap gates pre Keegan, so this passion is relatively recent.

That's why some people scoff at the Geordie myth, which may well be manufactured by the media, but isn't discouraged by 'fans' with a public voice.

Add to that the shite Keegan came out with when he rejoined which basically alienated the 'Geordie nation' from the rest of the country and its not surprising they aren't universally loved.

Actually pre Keegan the gates proprtionately were often larger. You forget that St James' park was much smaller then. Trying telling a Geordie that there was no passion throughout the 70s al la Malcolm McDonald and crew or even in the dark days of the 80s - probably more than when City were in the 4th division.

I seem to be sounding like a Newcastle apologist I'm not (I'm looking forward to seeing City at St James' next season). Just trying to be objective and put a balanced viewpoint

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What crap gates? Here are the facts:


Their average league attendance has only dipped below 20k 4 times in over 60 years.

Ours has only exceeded 20k 10 times in the same time period. And we weren't capacity limited. Their total gate over a season is usually 3 times ours, and still more than double it when we were in the top flight.

You're talking rubbish.

No, people scoff is because they interpret people saying how important football is to Geordies as people saying Geordies are better fans. In other words, they don't listen properly, misunderstand and then get pissy about it.

My my you are very aggressive - are you so nasty to peoples faces?

When Kevin Keegan says 'football to people up here is like Opera to southerners' there's nothing to misunderstand - I heard him say it and I don't appreciate it.

I don't get pissy about Newcastle/Geordies - read back and you'll see that I said Newcastle are a big club in terms of fan base and have never said City are on the same planet in that respect.

I would though like to see just how massive their support was if they had the same experience as say Sheff Wednesday or Leeds.

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Actually pre Keegan the gates proprtionately were often larger. You forget that St James' park was much smaller then. Trying telling a Geordie that there was no passion throughout the 70s al la Malcolm McDonald and crew or even in the dark days of the 80s - probably more than when City were in the 4th division.

I seem to be sounding like a Newcastle apologist I'm not (I'm looking forward to seeing City at St James' next season). Just trying to be objective and put a balanced viewpoint

Fair play to you mate - more balanced than some of our own.

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My my you are very aggressive - are you so nasty to peoples faces?

Aggressive? :rofl2br: Pull the other one. When you read a tone that isn't there into something written on the internet it's usually cos you're on the defensive.

When Kevin Keegan says 'football to people up here is like Opera to southerners' there's nothing to misunderstand - I heard him say it and I don't appreciate it.

I'd suggest you stop taking the Mail, where that "quote" came from, at face value. It was theatre not opera and it was completely out of context. He was talking about the sense of occasion. Besides, he's a scouser and he's renowned for talking s**t.

I don't get pissy about Newcastle/Geordies - read back and you'll see that I said Newcastle are a big club in terms of fan base and have never said City are on the same planet in that respect.

I would though like to see just how massive their support was if they had the same experience as say Sheff Wednesday or Leeds.

I'm not talking about you personally, look through this thread and you will see lots of people getting pissy because they think they might have once heard a geordie claim to be the best fan. It's silly.

If Newcastle go through what Leeds or Wednesday did they will still get well over 20k through the gates just like the historical trends show.

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Aggressive? :rofl2br: Pull the other one. When you read a tone that isn't there into something written on the internet it's usually cos you're on the defensive.

I'd suggest you stop taking the Mail, where that "quote" came from, at face value. It was theatre not opera and it was completely out of context. He was talking about the sense of occasion. Besides, he's a scouser and he's renowned for talking s**t.

Theatre not opera - correct.

Not Daily Mail nor out of context however - press conference and he was talking about how to a Geordie who has worked all week (no-one else does that) going to football was like Theatre to a southerner.

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Guest churchill gaffer
when we head to St James park

you will have a choice of THREE Newcastle HOME radio commentarys to and from the match

BBC Newcastle

Radio Tynside on 1575

and Century FM

And they are down!!!!!

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Guest MaloneFM
Besides, he's a scouser and he's renowned for talking s**t.

Joseph Kevin Keegan was born on 14th February 1951 in Armthorpe, DONCASTER. But I follow your logic, Dietmar Hamann, bloody scouser eh? That Torres and Benayoun are just typical lah's doh ain't deh?

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Joseph Kevin Keegan was born on 14th February 1951 in Armthorpe, DONCASTER. But I follow your logic, Dietmar Hamann, bloody scouser eh? That Torres and Benayoun are just typical lah's doh ain't deh?

He grew up in Liverpool, he sounds like a scouser, his haircut was the one adopted by the stereotypical scousers in Harry Enfield's sketch, he considers himself one... it's good enough for me.

Besides the main point was - he's not a geordie.

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Guest MaloneFM
He grew up in Liverpool, he sounds like a scouser, his haircut was the one adopted by the stereotypical scousers in Harry Enfield's sketch, he considers himself one... it's good enough for me.

Besides the main point was - he's not a geordie.

Apart from the first 20 years which he spent in Doncaster playing for Doncaster Rovers, and still has a Yorkshire dialect, listen to him and listen to Colin, they have the same accent, he also considered himself among other nationalities a Geordie and a German.

The only evidence you have for the prosecution is a 20 year old sketch. Which was outdated as soon as it appeared. Look at the barnet on Souness. Another Scouser. Bit like saying he was a member of China Crisis and trying to get a laugh isn't it?

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Apart from the first 20 years which he spent in Doncaster playing for Doncaster Rovers, and still has a Yorkshire dialect, listen to him and listen to Colin, they have the same accent, he also considered himself among other nationalities a Geordie and a German.

The only evidence you have for the prosecution is a 20 year old sketch. Which was outdated as soon as it appeared. Look at the barnet on Souness. Another Scouser. Bit like saying he was a member of China Crisis and trying to get a laugh isn't it?

I don't really give a monkey's where Keegan's from to be honest - it's north of the m4 so he talks funny and has a stupid haircut - all the same to me.

He's not from Newcastle which makes all this whining about what he said or didn't say pretty irrelevant.

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Guest MaloneFM

You are just in this just to see fat men without shirts cry, isn't that right Nibsy?

And whats not to enjoy about that?

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