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What Happened In The Ee


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i was wondering this aswell, there was no ob in there before the goal, maybe a handful guess they just did it to cover themselves? looked good over there and sounded good.. well done EE.

Fair play I thought the atmosphere all around the ground was quality today.

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From what we could see it was just a bit of overkill from the police and the stewards....

When we scored, there was a bit of a rush (as there always is) toward the boundry in the direction of the away fans.

There was all the usual gesturing etc but the old bill started shoving people back, the City fan who got taken away just retaliated with a shove back to them and then his mates joined in trying to help get him away.

We saw the police proper whacking some fans in the face and back,although there was one copper who took a corker from somebody and went over!

The usual rent a mob stewards had a go and it just escalated for celebrating!!!!!

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Anyone see the 30 stone response team bloke, I saw him walk down ten steps and thought he was going to pass out, he looked very dejected. steps are bad!

They position him at the top of the steps so that all the stewards have to do is push him down to steps to clear the route if anyone steps over the line... :farmer:

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who is this KFC crew?

aint heard on them till this season?

i can only assume it the kids wearing stone island jumper (most likely fake) on a sunny day :rolleyes:

Basically its the kids who stand by the netting giving it the big one to the away fans thinking they are hard, and sing at twice the speed of everyone else. Bunch of muppets... I would love to see what happens if, for example, they tried it with Crapdiff and the welsh took offence and decided to run at them.. The worse thing is, there have been several reports that they are throwing coins at the opposition fans, not good at all, hence the old bill getting abit heavy handed when someone steps out of line.

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Bumped in to someone on the waterfront who said he was in the EE. When i asked what the group of police were doing he said someone tried to run on the pitch after Maynard scored the first goal and the police/stewards grabbed him. I was in the Atyeo so didn't see anyone run on but just took his word for it.

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Not from what I saw no, the stewards manhandled them through the yellow gate that leads back into the stand, and then let them go.

Fair play the excitement of that second goal probably put some adrenaline into them. Sounds well dealt with by the stewards.

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I am confused now!! I had heard that Scrumpy had been throwing free samples of Clearasil into the EE by the away fans sending the KFC Massieve into a frenzy of excitement.

Shows how wrong you can be! :innocent06::innocent06:

If thats the case we were lucky we didnt have a riot on our hands! :D

To be fair, in the EE, I think we possibly have some of the best stewards in the country. They are a pretty good bunch and let us get on with enjoying the game without being petty about things..

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Not that I would ever want any of us to be fighting with eachother, but some of them do need telling.

Like the few (and you are on here and know who you are) who decided yesterday to take the drum and then stand down towards the front, where those people in the EE who like the noise but still want to sit down are. This meant some of them couldnt see.

Thankfully they didnt stay long, but I do feel that some need to have a word with themselves before someone does get really fed up.

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both guys that got kicked out over by the away fans were definately not KFC crew, one of them had two teenage daughers nearby.

After the first goal was scored, everyone celebrated in the isleway, taunting the away fans as you would expect. After everyone returned to their seats, 3 guys stayed there jumping up and down leaning over the barrier. They were repeatedly asked by stewards to return to their seats but 2 of them didnt. One of the 4-5 coppers came over and grabbed one by the arm. A steward then grabbed the hand and started twisting the arm, but the copper stopped him. The copper tried pulling him over the barrier, but he resisted so more coppers assisted him. Obviously people didnt like this, so everyone waded in and another was removed. As more and more fans surged towards the cops, more cops and stewards were called and did a good job of controlling the east end.

Cops did well, the steward didnt help. Whether he should have been removed is another matter, but when they decided to do it they did everything they could to calm the situation, but obviously people didnt like it and people who didnt know what was going on got involved by barging and hitting police officers.

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i heard it was all handbuags, pushing and shoving with coppers, hence some bloke got arrested, right when we scored n'all.

good crack in there yesterday though, we ended up having a 20man pile up when the second went in.

but something got to be done bout the kfc lot up by the nets. i remeber cardiff like it was yesterday: the bluebirds came over and they all ran for their lives. and in front of the welsh as well. embarrassing boys.

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