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What Happened In The Ee


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Anyone see the 30 stone response team bloke, I saw him walk down ten steps and thought he was going to pass out, he looked very dejected. steps are bad!

You'd think in this day and age the club would be more proactive in aiding the not so able, maybe a call to Stanna would be considered! ;)

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...everyone celebrated in the isleway, taunting the away fans as you would expect.

Never understood the need to taunt the away fans or any other fans for that matter.

Will probably get replies saying it's only banter.

But where do you draw the line with banter?

Before long you're back to the level of West Ham v Millwall.

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Never understood the need to taunt the away fans or any other fans for that matter.

Will probably get replies saying it's only banter.

But where do you draw the line with banter?

Before long you're back to the level of West Ham v Millwall.

Is everything going to get compared to the west ham / Millwall fights ? now that was planned fighting by hooligans what your talking about is the same banter that goes on at every ground in the world at every match. Big difference.

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Not that I would ever want any of us to be fighting with eachother, but some of them do need telling.

Like the few (and you are on here and know who you are) who decided yesterday to take the drum and then stand down towards the front, where those people in the EE who like the noise but still want to sit down are. This meant some of them couldnt see.

Thankfully they didnt stay long, but I do feel that some need to have a word with themselves before someone does get really fed up.

Im sorry but thats what makes the EE so unique and a credit to the club by the amount of noise created by them. You cannot have a singing section where you have to sit down like at a theatre. People who sit in the EE know what its about and shouldnt be in there if they dont wanna get involved with creating an atmosphere. Since the EE the atmosphere has gone through the roof compared to before, the last thing we need is people moaning about it.

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Well said Dolly i agree with you 100% there is/was no need to stand down the front banging that drum.


Lads try and be sensible about this,use the drum at the back of the east end,if you look its mostly children at the front and people who want to sit down.Also there is nothing to say that you have to stand or that you have to get involved with the atmosphere to sit in the east end to enjoy it. I do not appreciate someone stood shouting 'cider army' and banging a drum in my young sons face.And yes i agree that the east end is creating a good atmosphere but it must be done with consideration for other people, all it needs is for people to put complaints in and BCFC will close the east end altogether.

Ah but does your son mind it? He can even have a go on it if he likes, And if it did boher you so much then why not say it to us? The thinking behind going to the front was to get a better view and the atmosphere had gone flat following there goal so went to the front to encourage people to sing like they do over in foreign countries.
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Dan, where have I said you need to ask for forgiveness? All im saying is that so much hard work has gone into making the EE the success it is now, and I would hate to see that spoilt. The people down the front still want to join in with the atmosphere of the eastend, but are either those with children, those who dont want to stand up, the elderly and the disabled.

Just remember to keep your head screwed on after you've had a beer or three, if they wanted to bash the drum they could come and bash the drum, as they havent, that would suggest they would rather sit away from it, whilst still enjoying the fun and games. You want your match day, they want theirs, if they wanted to stand up and not have so good a view (like I do myself) they wouldnt be down the front, and people need to learn to respect eachothers view points. You dont have to force the drum on them, they can hear it, that doesnt mean they need it shoved in their faces though.

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Dan, where have I said you need to ask for forgiveness? All im saying is that so much hard work has gone into making the EE the success it is now, and I would hate to see that spoilt. The people down the front still want to join in with the atmosphere of the eastend, but are either those with children, those who dont want to stand up, the elderly and the disabled.

Just remember to keep your head screwed on after you've had a beer or three, if they wanted to bash the drum they could come and bash the drum, as they havent, that would suggest they would rather sit away from it, whilst still enjoying the fun and games. You want your match day, they want theirs, if they wanted to stand up and not have so good a view (like I do myself) they wouldnt be down the front, and people need to learn to respect eachothers view points. You dont have to force the drum on them, they can hear it, that doesnt mean they need it shoved in their faces though.

Sadly respect has been ommitted from to many peoples up bringings; it is a sad state when me, myself and I rule and tough shieght on everybody else. :disapointed2se:

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From what we could see it was just a bit of overkill from the police and the stewards....

When we scored, there was a bit of a rush (as there always is) toward the boundry in the direction of the away fans.

There was all the usual gesturing etc but the old bill started shoving people back, the City fan who got taken away just retaliated with a shove back to them and then his mates joined in trying to help get him away.

We saw the police proper whacking some fans in the face and back,although there was one copper who took a corker from somebody and went over!

The usual rent a mob stewards had a go and it just escalated for celebrating!!!!!

Pathetic. What a neantherdal mindset these drones have.

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Is everything going to get compared to the west ham / Millwall fights ? now that was planned fighting by hooligans what your talking about is the same banter that goes on at every ground in the world at every match. Big difference.

I'm not comparing anything to the West Ham/Millwall fights.

Peanut mentioned "taunting the away fans as you would expect".

I'm just questioning the need to taunt other fans.

The "same banter that goes on at every ground at every match" has a lot to do with why we have to segregate home and away fans.

My brother's family are Cardiff supporters, blokes that I play skittles with are Rovers fans.

We all have a bit of banter but we don't feel the need to shout abuse at each other, make aggressive gesture at each other, or treat each other as the enemy.

We all enjoy football, but just happen to follow different teams.

It would be nice if we could all go to a game together when our rival teams play, as used to happen.

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Dan, where have I said you need to ask for forgiveness? All im saying is that so much hard work has gone into making the EE the success it is now, and I would hate to see that spoilt. The people down the front still want to join in with the atmosphere of the eastend, but are either those with children, those who dont want to stand up, the elderly and the disabled.

Just remember to keep your head screwed on after you've had a beer or three, if they wanted to bash the drum they could come and bash the drum, as they havent, that would suggest they would rather sit away from it, whilst still enjoying the fun and games. You want your match day, they want theirs, if they wanted to stand up and not have so good a view (like I do myself) they wouldnt be down the front, and people need to learn to respect eachothers view points. You dont have to force the drum on them, they can hear it, that doesnt mean they need it shoved in their faces though.

I dont sit in the eastend but if i did i would know exactly what to expect and that would be people standing up and being noisy - if i want to sit down which i do, i have 3 other stands to use. leave the eastend as it is, its pobably why we have the best matchday atmosphere in the championship.

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I dont sit in the eastend but if i did i would know exactly what to expect and that would be people standing up and being noisy - if i want to sit down which i do, i have 3 other stands to use. leave the eastend as it is, its pobably why we have the best matchday atmosphere in the championship.

Some of those people like the disabled people who were moved there to give them all a bit more space dont have a choice about that. It works fine as it is, those who want to be in the EE and sit down are towards the front, those who want to stand up are further back, hence the problem arose when those who normally stand headed down to where Eastenders were sitting. Its all about showing consideration for others is all im trying to get at.

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ok csf wanabees take it over.

i'll pull out of talking to the club and making theme days and busting a gut and money on making it work.

i'm done with it, watch it die.;

Don't get down hearted mate some people have got woefully short memories. The EE is meant to be about atmosphere, edge, colour, excitement and belonging. Shame your vision, and that of other dedicated and committed like-minded souls, has been diluted by Librarians and knobs who would no doubt be on there toes like Usain Bolt if the trouble they think they are looking for transpired.

The EE lifts the team and the ground, and allows for an edge that makes home games special again.

I think you'll find you are still a member of the vast majority of EE regulars.

Keep the Faith!!!

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I'm not comparing anything to the West Ham/Millwall fights.

Peanut mentioned "taunting the away fans as you would expect".

I'm just questioning the need to taunt other fans.

The "same banter that goes on at every ground at every match" has a lot to do with why we have to segregate home and away fans.

My brother's family are Cardiff supporters, blokes that I play skittles with are Rovers fans.

We all have a bit of banter but we don't feel the need to shout abuse at each other, make aggressive gesture at each other, or treat each other as the enemy.

We all enjoy football, but just happen to follow different teams.

It would be nice if we could all go to a game together when our rival teams play, as used to happen.

But dont you think taunting the away fans adds to the drama and enjoyment of matchday? When you concede, the other fans give it large, and when you score you give it large, thats part and parcel of the game, or at least it is for me. I enjoy being segragated from the other fans, and singing and supporting the team as one. Just like I love it on away days when your outnumbered as its almost a challenge to outsing the home fans, and abuse them. I see you've questioned where the line is on banter buit I really do think football without this, would be less dramatic. I'm sure we all have friends that are Rovers fans, and on matchday your right, there not enemies, but they are opposition, opposition who you want to beat! And I wish people would stop referring to the West Ham Millwall incident, it was the first major incident for a long time and should not be used as an appropriate comparison for standard games!

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thanks mate but maybe.

I'm fed up with having to pull away from being involved in the atmosphere to go and look at the tossers that

are springing up, and who's asking? the stewards!!!! so in a way i feel the stand is my heart land i've sent too much

time/money on it and not getting in to help out with the direction of songs, and it is starting to show along with elvis,

old spot and eastender (forum old boys) not there it's lost it's conductors, i have no enjoyment in there at the moment

and wondering what the hell i'm doing.

club wants to know whos in there on forza advice

club wants delegated fans to have drum megaphone on forza advice

club chats to forza in theme days

club chats to forza to let us store flags and put flags out letting us in the ground early

lot of money and hard work went in to getting this stand open on for a certain way the stand

would be used on forza advice and debating, all this mind you is with the supporters trust involvement

so when asked to yeah i can say about delegating what the stand is to be.

Can i add what a top job you, and everybody else who's responsible for getting the EE open has done. I've only been using the forum a few months, so i dont know of everyone that played a big part, but I believe it was one of the most positive things to happen down AG for years!

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Sorry but who the **** are you? Ch and others got that stand open, for likeminded folk to get together and support the lads in a proactive manner. The groups you mention have 3 other stands to go in. Now I got no time for people like danc being a cock, but at the same time these people are probably there for the cheap tickets.

If we don't have people like ch, north street, flaxy ect trying to organise the stand it'll be another atyeo.

Sorry but what's with the *******, is that neccesary ? I like you, support BCFC in the way that i choose to.

I think that you and several others have blown this thread out of proportion.This thread started off by the comments about the trouble near the netting with kids and grown men shoving/pushing/fighting (call it what you like) with police and stewards, who both had to call for renforcements running into the east end from all directions,this looks good and sets a good example of why the east end should be open, doesnt it.Also mentioned was why the drummer had to go to the front and stand and bang the drum in peoples faces, is it too much to ask that this do not happen,because the way people have turned it around is that people are against the atmosphere. People are not against the atmosphere they just do not want it in their face.

Yes the above people have done a good job organising different things for the east end and i am all for a good atmosphere,you just have to respect other people watching and supporting BCFC the way that they want to, regardless of how they do it.And no i do not agree with what the kids are doing, that was why i orginally posted as it will get the east end closed down. CH apologies if i offended you but as i said above you and a few others do do i good job with the east end, its just that people seemed to be getting the wrong end of the stick with this thread and thought it was all about the atmosphere, when its not about that its about the kids.

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Sorry but reading your post anyone would think it was your stand,yes you may have helped to get the stand open,but you should not dictate who should and should not go in there and for what reason.I remember going in the east end in the 70s/ 80s when all were welcome and in those days the 'boisterous loud intimidating atmosphere' as you put it was right behind the goal and anyone who did not want to get involved in this used to sit on the outside edges.Now in modern days i have noticed that there are all age groups from toddler to oap that go in the east end and they should have this right to go in there too.I do not think that BCFC would agree with your post.Yes you are right about the kids they are out of order and i totally agree with you.

No im not a killjoy i like to have a sing song and bounce around and absorb the atmosphere but i want to do it when i want to, not when i have someone in front of me shouting and banging a drum.I do not think anyone has moaned about the atmosphere,people have commented how they do not want it their faces as it is not neccesary.

The eastend was always about noise, singing and standing, if you go in the eastend you know what your getting once you step in there, is it a place for the elderly and toddlers, i suspect not. I also think the people who moan about it are in there for one thing - the price of a season ticket.

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I think some of you guys are being pathetic.

YES people go in the east end for the atmosphere.

YES people expect noise etc in there

YES the EE was opened to create an atmosphere.

BUT there is a difference between enjoying the atmosphere and having it rammed down their throats.

Its worked well all this season and last, its simple, the people wanting to LEAD the atmosphere have stayed in the middle and rear parts, those who enjoy being a part of it, but also want to watch the game properly sit near the front!

All we need to do is keep it the way its been, drummers etc dont go right down the front and stand in front of people who are sitting down.

And before anyone asks, yes I join in, Yes I take part, Yes I sit near the back, Yes I have been going in the east end since the first trails several years ago when there was a few hundered of us.

People have the right to do what they want, they can stand and sing all game, or sit near the front and watch the match whilst savouring the atmosphere. LIVE AND LET LIVE, LET THEM GET ON WITH IT.

I was under the impression that those who had worked so hard to get the east end open had done it to improve the matchday experience and support the team. Im sure those sitting near the front are experiencing an improved matchday experience and are supporting the team, so whats the problem?

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I think some of you guys are being pathetic.

YES people go in the east end for the atmosphere.

YES people expect noise etc in there

YES the EE was opened to create an atmosphere.

BUT there is a difference between enjoying the atmosphere and having it rammed down their throats.

Its worked well all this season and last, its simple, the people wanting to LEAD the atmosphere have stayed in the middle and rear parts, those who enjoy being a part of it, but also want to watch the game properly sit near the front!

All we need to do is keep it the way its been, drummers etc dont go right down the front and stand in front of people who are sitting down.

And before anyone asks, yes I join in, Yes I take part, Yes I sit near the back, Yes I have been going in the east end since the first trails several years ago when there was a few hundered of us.

People have the right to do what they want, they can stand and sing all game, or sit near the front and watch the match whilst savouring the atmosphere. LIVE AND LET LIVE, LET THEM GET ON WITH IT.

I was under the impression that those who had worked so hard to get the east end open had done it to improve the matchday experience and support the team. Im sure those sitting near the front are experiencing an improved matchday experience and are supporting the team, so whats the problem?

Peanut :clapping: That is exactly the point i am trying to make and am trying to get over, i never have been good at explaining things.I feel the same as you have posted and i have not got anything against the atmosphere at all.

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I think some of you guys are being pathetic.

YES people go in the east end for the atmosphere.

YES people expect noise etc in there

YES the EE was opened to create an atmosphere.

BUT there is a difference between enjoying the atmosphere and having it rammed down their throats.

Its worked well all this season and last, its simple, the people wanting to LEAD the atmosphere have stayed in the middle and rear parts, those who enjoy being a part of it, but also want to watch the game properly sit near the front!

All we need to do is keep it the way its been, drummers etc dont go right down the front and stand in front of people who are sitting down.

And before anyone asks, yes I join in, Yes I take part, Yes I sit near the back, Yes I have been going in the east end since the first trails several years ago when there was a few hundered of us.

People have the right to do what they want, they can stand and sing all game, or sit near the front and watch the match whilst savouring the atmosphere. LIVE AND LET LIVE, LET THEM GET ON WITH IT.

I was under the impression that those who had worked so hard to get the east end open had done it to improve the matchday experience and support the team. Im sure those sitting near the front are experiencing an improved matchday experience and are supporting the team, so whats the problem?

Just enjoy it

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I do not think it can be self policed,it would turn in too a mass brawl.Look at what happened on saturday when a couple of police tried to calm the netting mob down,everyone joined in against the police and stewards,including middle aged men.So how it can be self policed i do not know.

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CH, would it not be possible for the Club to impose an age restriction on the block by the netting? Keep the kids way from there and it may help.. just an idea, and it would take some work by the stewards to enforce it, but it may be an option to stop the kids ruining everyone else's fun. I am normally at the back of G block, but would happily go over by the netting if the kids were not there (and the singing was slower..) Maybe Forza needs to move to behind the goal..

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Let's not forget Rule Number 5


Stand, sing,bang 10 bell's out of the drum at the back and let the people at the front watch the game how they want.

It aint hard really is it.

I think something has to be sorted with the situation by the net though before it get's too far out of hand. Shouldn't be too hard with CCTV you would've thought.

Keep up the good work CH & Co.

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